Super Troopers 2 Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Super Troopers 2 quiz and we will tell you which Super Troopers 2 character you are. Play it now.

Despite a few bright spots, “Super Troopers 2” is a self-conscious and painfully unfunny sequel to the stoner comedy team Broken Lizard’s most successful film. This bloated, unfocused sequel—which was amusingly crowd-funded by fans before being released by Fox Searchlight—takes all of the charming goofiness of the first film and runs it deep into the ground with gags that either over- or under-think the original appeal of these stock characters.

“Super Troopers 2,” which is now inexplicably set in Southern Canada, makes the breezy frat-guy humor of the first film appear as tight and classically structured as the work of Abbott and Costello and the Marx brothers, who were both based in the region. “Super Troopers 2” can be thought of as a sequel to the first film, which is full of ill-timed routines, winking fan service, and a palpable sense of desperation that Broken Lizard fans will notice had already begun to creep into their joint comedies shortly after “Super Troopers,” particularly in middling-to-bad efforts like “The Slammin’ Salmon” and “Beerfest.”

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Rabbit (Erik Stolhanske), formerly the rookie of the group, has a dream in which he and his buddy cop friends—a group of now inexplicably disgraced Vermont state troopers—are rock stars, and their tour bus has just crashed into a lakeside ditch. Rabbit has a recurring nightmare about this, but he doesn’t say anything about it after the introductory sequence is over. Rather, the film launches into a shambling rehash of the original film’s boilerplate, but satisfying plot: two teams of cops—Broken Lizard’s newly reinstated State Troopers and a trio of Canadian Mounties who can’t stop saying “sorey” and “aboot” and other such slang—compete to see who can bust up a mysterious local drug and gun smuggling ring the fastest. To figure out who the real villain is in “Super Troopers,” you don’t need to have seen the film. In fact, his face is plastered with a dopey “What me worry” smile throughout the entire movie.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Super Troopers 2 quiz.

But it would have been nice if this sloppy rehash of the first film’s plot, power dynamics, and punchlines hadn’t been so cluttered with unnecessary details. “Super Troopers 2” shows that the Broken Lizard crew is still far more focused than the improv-crazy Apatow crew, but it also shows that they are steadily creeping closer to Judd Apatow-esque excess. A number of the rehashed jokes simply do not land and appear to be in the film solely to ensure that Broken Lizard fans get exactly what they want (and in the proportions that they want it in), such as callbacks to some of the first film’s better routines: the bear sexcapade, the “meow”-happy stop-over, the liter of cola stand-off, and so on. Quite a few of these jokes draw attention to themselves without adding anything noteworthy, as if Broken Lizard are both reluctant to commit to their older material and astute enough to recognize that they are defined by these bits for many of their fans. The bear has now been confirmed to be real, the stopover has ended in a car theft, and the liter of Coca-Cola has been multiplied by a factor of ten.

Super Troopers 2 Quiz

New routines that are similar to these old jokes have been successful, such as the following, which was recently added to the film’s stop-over montage: Thorny and Mac (Steve Lemme) pull over two American tourists and cheerfully scream obscenities at them while pretending to be French speakers with a comically limited command of English, according to the plot. The dirty phrase that they boisterously repeat will not be revealed, but it is entertaining to watch them hurl these filthy words around like a filthy volleyball in the air! The Broken Lizard that fans have come to know and love is finally revealed. What took you guys so long? We’ve been waiting for you!
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Super Troopers 2 quiz.

In “Super Troopers 2,” the laid-back camaraderie of the first film is sadly absent in the majority of scenes. As a result, the romantic subplot from the first film, which involved Paul Soter’s Zeppo-like Foster and Marissa Coughlan’s bubbly lover Ursula, has been replaced with the mismatched pairing of clumsy Rabbit and sultry Canadian liaison Genevieve in this sequel (Emmanuelle Chriqui). In addition to the fact that sparks do not fly, this new couple—whose relationship is built on a double-cross that can be seen from a mile away—only serves to make you wish you were watching Broken Lizard’s earlier (and by far best) film. Remember when Coughlan seemed to be so taken with Soter that she would often smile before matching him quip for quip? That was back in the day, right? And do you remember how, when he smiled back, he gave his most knowingly dumb come-on lines a shy, boyish quality that made them even more appealing?

About the quiz

There are a lot of unanswered questions after watching “Super Troopers 2,” including whether we really needed so many scenes with Farva, Kevin Heffernan’s obnoxious fan favorite bully, and why couldn’t they have focused on giving character actor god Brian Cox—who is hilarious as the group’s Margaret Dumont-like school marm boss in “Super Troopers”—better material instead of just more lines. While this sequel isn’t just a continuation of Broken Lizard, it is also a significant step forward, and for no good reason.Also, you must try to play this Super Troopers 2 quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Ferdinand Quiz.

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