The Elephant Man Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our The Elephant Man quiz and we will tell you which The Elephant Man character you are. Play it now.

The brutal ringmaster, Mr. Bytes, is keeping John Merrick in a Victorian freak show in London’s East End when Frederick Treves, a physician at the London Hospital, discovers him there. His “owner,” who sees him as intellectually disabled, is compensated by Treves to transport him to the hospital for evaluation. His head is kept covered. When Treves introduces Merrick to his coworkers, he emphasizes how his deformed skull compels him to sleep with his head on his knees because if he lay down, he would suffocate. Bytes beats Merrick so severely when he returns that he needs medical attention, so he calls Treves. Treves returns him to the medical facility. Hospital matron Mrs. Mothershead takes care of Merrick because the other caregivers are too afraid of him. Merrick cannot be housed at the hospital because it does not take “incurables,” according to Mr. Carr Gomm, the hospital’s governor. Treves teaches Merrick a few simple phrases and a passage from the 23rd Psalm to show that he can improve. Carr Gomm recognizes this trick, but Merrick starts reciting the entire Psalm as he turns to leave. Merrick claims to be literate and that the 23rd Psalm is his best, so he has memorized it. Merrick is allowed to remain, and while there, he works on his conversational skills with Treves and constructs a model of the church that he can see outside his window.
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While having tea with Treves and his wife, Merrick is so moved by their generosity that he shows them a photograph of his mother. He thinks he must have been a “disappointment” to his mother, but hopes she would be pleased to see him with his “lovely friends”. The actress Madge Kendal, who presents him a copy of Romeo and Juliet, joins Merrick in welcoming visitors to his rooms. They perform a few lines from the play while Kendal kisses Merrick on the lips. High society takes an immediate interest in Merrick, and Mrs. Mothershead worries that he is still being treated like an oddity. Treves starts to doubt the rightness of his own deeds. Jim, a night porter, begins selling tickets to locals who arrive at night to marvel at the “Elephant Man” in the meantime. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this The Elephant Man quiz. Merrick’s residence is contested at a hospital council meeting, but the hospital’s royal patron, Queen Victoria, issues an order guaranteeing him a permanent address and sends news along with her daughter-in-law Alexandra. Merrick is, however, taken hostage by Bytes during one of Jim’s boisterous late-night performances. Upon hearing about it from a witness, Treves questions Jim about what he did, and Mothershead fires him.

The Elephant Man Quiz

Bytes once more tours Merrick as a circus show. When Merrick, who is weak and dying, falls during a “show” in Belgium, an inebriated Bytes locks him in a cage at night with some apes and abandons him to perish. Merrick is let go by the other freakshow performers. He unintentionally knocks down a young girl while being harassed by several young boys in Liverpool Street station after returning to London. An enraged mob has surrounded, unmasked, and chased Merrick. I’m not an elephant, he sobs. I’m not a creature! I am a living creature! I… am… a… male!” she exclaimed before giving up. Policemen take Treves and Merrick back to the hospital. He begins to feel better, but his chronic obstructive pulmonary illness is killing him. Princess Alexandra is accompanied by Merrick as Treves and Mothershead escort them to a magical pantomime. Following the performance, Kendal enters the stage to dedicate it to him. A proud Merrick then gets a standing ovation from the audience. Also, you will find out which character are you in this The Elephant Man quiz. Merrick completes his cathedral model and thanks Treves for all he has done upon returning to the infirmary. He says, “It is finished,” then collapses on his back in bed and passes away. A apparition of his mother comforts him by quoting “Nothing Will Die” by Lord Tennyson.

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