The Equalizer 2 Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our The Equalizer 2 quiz and we will tell you which The Equalizer 2 character you are. Play it now.

In spite of having a nearly 40-year career in feature films, Denzel Washington has never before appeared in a sequel to one of his films, which was until now. Yes, he has directed a number of films in which one has the impression that future installments were being considered at one point, but none of these have come to fruition. Now, with “The Equalizer 2,” he has finally succumbed to the sequel temptation, and the only thing that is more perplexing than the question of why none of his previous films received sequels is the question of why he would bring an end to that streak with something as completely pointless as “The Equalizer.”

Yes, the 2014 film, which was based on the mid-Eighties television show of the same name, was a box-office success, but it was one of those successes that faded so quickly from the public’s consciousness after it left theaters that even those who professed to enjoy it would be hard-pressed to recall anything they had seen or heard about it. Because even the most easily satisfied fans of Washington will be unlikely to find much of anything in this sadistic, stupid, and sloppy sequel, this shouldn’t be a problem for them this time around, which is fortunate for them.

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It was Washington who played Robert McCall in the first film, a seemingly unassuming employee at a big box store who just so happened to be an ex-CIA agent with a specific set of skills that he would employ on anyone who happened to come into contact with him or any of his vague acquaintances. At one point, I recall, the store was robbed, and one of the thieves made off with a coworker’s precious wedding ring, which she had given to him as a wedding gift. Fortunately, thanks to his one-of-a-kind skill set (which, I believe, included obtaining the license plate number of the getaway car), he is able to track down the thief’s residence, visit him in the middle of the night with a hammer borrowed from the store stock, and beat the guy with it before recovering the ring and returning it. Susan Plummer (Melissa Leo), a former agency colleague who is the only person who knows he is still alive, and her husband Brian were his only true friends (Bill Pullman).
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this The Equalizer 2 quiz.

This time around, it appears that McCall has been forced out of the retail industry, as has happened to the majority of people, and is now working as a Lyft driver. The upside is that he can still run into unsavory individuals who he can brutally dispatch in order to make up for their wrongdoing. Susan even assigns him the occasional off-the-books freelance job; in the film’s opening sequence, he is tasked with destroying a group of kidnappers on a train bound for Istanbul, for example. However, he appears to be in a bit of a lull as his current projects—helping an elderly Lyft customer (Orson Bean) recover a painting stolen from his family by the Nazis and mentoring a neighborhood kid, Miles (Ashton Sanders), by encouraging him to paint a mural instead of dealing drugs—do not necessitate much stabbing, shooting, or neck-breaking. When Susan travels to Belgium to investigate the mysterious murder-suicide of a high-ranking agency contact, her life takes an unexpected turn. She meets a tragic end. This personalizes the situation, and McCall is quickly dispatched to the scene to use his extraordinary intuition and impeccable killing skills to track down Susan’s assassins and eliminate them.

The Equalizer 2 Quiz

If the plot of “The Equalizer 2” appears to be dull and inconsequential in the retelling, you can only imagine how much more tedious it is to watch it unfold in front of your eyes on the big screen. This is a joke, a stale collection of uninteresting characters, incomprehensible plotting, and tired revenge-movie clichés that only occasionally interrupt the carnage to introduce an uninspired subplot involving McCall and the kid that appears to have been crammed into the proceedings in order to convince Washington that he was making something that wasn’t just another “Death Wish” clone. There is nothing personal about this project for either Washington or director Antoine Fuqua, whose previous collaborations have included the original “The Equalizer,” “Training Day,” and the remake of “The Magnificent Seven.” Neither Washington nor Fuqua appear willing to do much more than simply go through the motions for their paychecks; this is the furthest thing from personal for them.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this The Equalizer 2 quiz.

The only aspect of “The Equalizer 2” that will stick with you is also the least appetizing aspect of the film: the unrelenting amount of sadistic violence that is on display. Certainly, a film of this nature practically demands a heavy dose of brutality throughout, but this one, like its predecessor, goes so far beyond the pale that it is more nauseating than thrilling. In addition, if my memory serves me correctly, the character tended to get the better of criminals by using his intellect, only resorting to violence as a last resort in the original TV show. This is even more off-putting. It’s possible that Washington could pull off such a role, but that aspect has been largely overlooked in order to fit in a few more neck-stabbings and face-spearings. The scene in which Melissa Leo’s character meets her end is particularly gruesome, made all the more so when you consider that in her previous collaboration with Fuqua, “Olympus Has Fallen,” (2013), she went through another extended scene in which she was subjected to a particularly brutal beating, which I sincerely hope was just a coincidental coincidence. Leo might want to think about not picking up the phone the next time he calls her, regardless of whether or not it is true.

About the quiz

“The Equalizer 2” is a slickly produced piece of largely appalling garbage, but there is a good chance that it will do reasonably well at the box office, thanks almost entirely to the enormous amount of goodwill that Washington has built up with moviegoers over the course of the past few decades. That it was wasted on something so heinous as this is truly tragic to witness. Naturally, there is no doubt that he can and will do better in the future with projects that make better use of his unique abilities. Moviegoers, on the other hand, can do better in the future, particularly if they avoid seeing this particular film at all costs.Also, you must try to play this The Equalizer 2 quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Peter Rabbit Quiz.

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