The Green Mile Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our The Green Mile quiz and we will tell you which The Green Mile character you are. Play it now.

As a death row administrator at Cold Mountain Penitentiary in 1932, Paul Edgecombe begins his story. It has taken him seventy-eight years to learn to discern patterns of feeling among offenders. It has the power to dampen their exuberance, even though they often make fun of the chair, calling it “Old Sparky” or “the Big Juicy.” Soon after the guys sat in the chair, their ankles tethered to the chair’s frame, they become aware of their impending doom and realize that they are about to die.

Six cells make up the E block, where death row convicts await their fate. Women and men of all races share the six cells. Paul tells the story of a prisoner he remembers well from his time in jail. Her death sentence was reduced to life in prison the day before her execution. Beverly McCall killed her violent and unfaithful husband—a barber—with one of his own razors.

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Three-and-one-half years later, when Paul reads McCall’s death notice in the newspaper, he discovers the librarian had spent the last decade or so of her life in a quiet town. Paul can see by her glance that she still has the eyes of a murderer, despite her status as a free woman. To clarify his purpose in writing down recollections, he tells this narrative about a time he had strong misgivings about prison supervision. Also, you must try to play this The Green Mile quiz.

The Green Mile quiz

The story is narrated in flashback by Paul Edgecomb, an elderly man in a nursing home. An unnamed prison guard recalls the summer of 1935, while on duty with death row prisoners. The linoleum floor in his domain was green, hence the name “The Green Mile.” Electric chair “Old Sparky” was the star of the cellblock. He sat calmly, waiting for his next victim.

The film must provide him a role worth portraying, and the actor must have both the technical and emotional skills to do it. Hanks’ Paul has level eyes and a calm voice that make him a sympathetic figure in the film. In Duncan’s portrayal, we get a true sense of his efficient staff, the evil natures of Percy and Wharton, and the goodness of Coffey—who is both embodied and acted.

Because Darabont has taken his time, King’s “The Green Mile” has developed into something with depth and space. It would have been a series of episodes without context if it had been cut to two hours. A tale with a beginning, middle, and finish, people with vivid personalities, humor, outrage. And emotional release is all present in the film as Darabont directs. Dickensian.

About the quiz

The film runs for a little over three hours. Despite the sneers of the lit-crit establishment, King is a storyteller likely to survive, just as Dickens did. Which Green Mile character are you?

John is incredibly sympathetic and sensitive to the emotions and feelings of those around him, despite his simple mind and modesty. John cures Hal’s wife Melinda of an incurable brain tumor.

“Disease” is passed from Melinda to Percy, who becomes insane and kills Wharton before going into a catatonic state from which he will never recover. Briar Ridge has Percy’s full support.

Wharton raped and killed the two girls, and John was trying to revive them, confirming Paul’s suspicions.

In the end, John urges Paul not to worry, as he is ready to die anyway, wishing to leave the cruelty of the world, and that Paul should not worry, either. Paul takes part in John’s execution for the last time. Elaine Connelly reads Paul’s story as he nears its conclusion. Just before the mouse dies, he introduces her to Mr. Jingles. People who are healed by John live longer than normal.

For more personality quizzes check this: Whiplash Quiz.

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