Toy Story 3 Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Toy Story 3 quiz and we will tell you which Toy Story 3 character you are. Play it now.

The relationship between a child and his toys was the main theme of the first two “Toy Story” films. Andy has reached college age in Disney/Pixar’s “Toy Story 3,” and the plot essentially leaves the objects on their own. We worry that it might be renamed “Toy Story Triage” in the third act when they find themselves fighting for their lives on a conveyor line to a garbage incinerator. The most dreaded of orders, “Clean out your room,” starts it all. No mother in history has ever realized that a boy’s room already has all of his belongings in the exact location that he requires them, even if he dumped them there ten years prior. Three options are presented to Andy by his mother: (1) attic; (2) donation to a daycare facility; or (3) trash. Andy chooses to bring Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks) to college after giving one of his old toys a closer look.
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The other objects wind up at the daycare center due to a variety of circumstances, which they believe will be to their liking because there will be lots of children there to play with them all day. The loss of Andy’s affections seems to have caused comparatively little mourning; after all, he did confine them to a toy box for years, and toys by their very nature are selfish and crave interaction. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Toy Story 3 quiz. Before a dark side of its toy society manifests itself in the form of an ominously huggable bear called Lotso, day care appears to be a happy decision. (Ned Beatty). However, they also add a few new members to their small group, including a Ken doll with a sizable outfit. Barbie (Jodi Benson) and Ken (Michael Keaton) are both emaciated in my opinion, but nobody in the film is aware of this, so I’m just throwing it out there.

Toy Story 3 Quiz

Tim Allen’s Buzz Lightyear is back, still playing the hapless hero, but after a reboot, he begins speaking Spanish, which causes some amusing situations. The plight of Mrs. Potato cranium (Estelle Harris), whose missing eye continues to see separately from her cranium, was also interesting to me. This poses fascinating physiological issues, such as whether Mr. Potato Head would still be able to hear if he were to lose an ear, or whether he would still be able to eat if he were to lose his mouth. Mister eventually turns into an uncooked taco shell, so these are not abstract issues. Children frequently attach Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head’s body parts incorrectly, like misguided young Frankensteins, so they must be experts in these circumstances. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Toy Story 3 quiz. When the toys finally end up at a garbage disposal facility, man, are they in for a dangerous time. Even an Indiana Jones toy would struggle to survive the rotating blades in the garbage because you have no clue what waste goes through before it ends up in a landfill. Of course, there is a happy conclusion, but I worry that these toys may be traumatized for all time.

About the quiz

This is a happy, slapstick comedy that is happier with action and gags than with characters and feelings. It lacks the almost eerie humanity that infused the earlier “Toy Story” sagas. However, given that people are largely absent from the action in “Toy Story 3,” what else should you expect? I predict it will be a hit with its intended demographic, and it could surpass “How to Train Your Dragon” at the box office. Just don’t even bring up the 3-D with me.Also, you must try to play this Toy Story 3 quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: Toy Story 3 Quiz.

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