What Color Is My Aura? This Quiz Reveals 1 Of 9 Colors

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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How Dark Is My Aura? If you’re looking for your energy source, you might try asking this question. You can learn your color using this dependable personality test.

What hue does my aura have?

Your aura is made up of several layers of energy that surround you, each of which has a center inside your body. In other terms, an aura is the invisible energy that surround every living thing. What’s fascinating about auras is that each one has a distinctive color that corresponds to a person’s personality.

All individuals are interested in learning more about their auras because it is such an intriguing subject. For instance, you might have heard through your friends that the hue of my aura is orange. What does that imply? You might be wondering what hue your aura is. Your perspective on life and your personality will influence how you respond to this question. You should therefore educate yourself further on this subject and connect it to your personality characteristics. Online tests are a different method of finding the answer to this query. You can simply locate trustworthy aura tests on the internet.

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What does aura represent?

Your physical body is located in the centre of an aura, which is made up of seven auric levels similar to onion layers. the following seven auric levels or planes:

Physical plane: This layer protects the physical well-being of our body and protects it from the environment.

Emotional plane: This layer is all about your feelings, and it might change color depending on how you’re feeling.

The third layer of energy outside of your body is called the mental layer, and it is typically linked to reason and logic.

Astral body: Also known as the layer of Love, this layer is joined to your spirit.

Etheric Body: Your psyche is housed in this layer, which also aids in mental communication with others.

The sixth layer of your body, the celestial plane, is connected to your dreams and imagination. It is said that creative persons have strong celestial layers.

The last and deepest layer of your body, known as the causal plane, is in charge of coordinating and balancing the other layers. This layer is highly powerful for those who do successfully in life, and as a result, other auras have attained equilibrium.

How many chakras are there?

The fundamental energy centers in the body known as Chakras are located on each of these Auric layers (planes). These chakras emit energy when they are open, enabling us to use that energy to the fullest. There are seven chakras, each of which is located in a certain area of our bodies and connected to the auric layer. These are the seven chakras:

The Root Chakra, which is situated at the base of the spine, is the initial energy center in the body. When this chakra is open, we are self-assured and can stand upright without assistance. This root regulates strength, self-assurance, and digestive health.

The second chakra, the sacral chakra, governs our sexual desire, vitality, and creativity. It is positioned in the lower belly. We won’t get tired while this is open.

The third layer of the solar chakra, which is found in the abdomen, is in charge of regulating how we feel about the world.

The heart chakra is located above our hearts, as its name suggests, and when it is open, it is simple to love others.

The throat region houses the throat chakra, which, when open, allows us to speak freely and comfortably with others.

The third-eye chakra, which situated between the eyes on the forehead, is ultimately linked to our psyche and thinking. It is frequently referred to as the soul’s eye.

Crown Chakra: The top of the head is home to the seventh and last chakra, which is wholly associated with spirituality. Very few individuals have access to it, but if they do, they can achieve a high level of consciousness.

Know what we mean when we talk about the hue of auras? Each of the aforementioned chakras has a color that corresponds to it in the aura. For instance, when we refer to someone as having a “abstract tan aura,” we are referring to someone who is outgoing, pleasant, and has a light tan aura. The sensitive tan aura hue, on the other hand, is a combination of light blue bands, and these people are reserved, sensitive, and helpful. As was previously established, our Aura hue is used to represent each of our chakras. For illustration:

The root chakra is symbolized by the color red. People with red auras typically have a strong sense of self and are in the correct place in their lives and careers. They are courageous individuals who want a great deal of life experience and who have no qualms about experiencing things that make them physically or emotionally tense. Red signifies that you are confident in your identity, sense of place, and line of work.

The sacral center is represented by the color orange. Orange people are frequently exceedingly imaginative, vivacious, and emotional. They place a high priority on friendship and social interactions and seek happiness in all circumstances. They enjoy working in teams and find solitude to be very isolating.

The Solar Plexus energy center, which governs self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem, is represented by the color yellow. They confidently encourage and uplift their companions because they are warm and radiant like the sun. Yellow is the color of the aura, and it naturally draws people to you because of your inner enthusiasm.

The Heart Chakra, which governs inner peace, joy, and love, is represented by the color green. These folks are drawn to nature and animals because they love all living things. Due to their attention to both their own and the interests of those they care about, those with green are those who have achieved balance in their lives.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Star Wars Character Are You.

what color is my aura
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