What Is My Animagus? This Quiz Has a 100% Accurate Answer

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Have you ever wondered, “What is my Animagus form?” Find out what animal you are by answering these 20 questions on Harry Potter. contains the most well-known Animagi species.

Which Animagus Do You Have?

You would change into and out of an animal using your Animagus. According to the Harry Potter books, you have no influence over how a spell turns out. You may therefore take the form of a dog, frog, hawk, insect, or any other animal.

The Animagi Quiz is not a Patronus Test, as you should be aware. The former determines what creature you would transform into if you possessed the power, while the latter identifies your guardian animal.

Editor’s Picks

Try this Authentic Harry Potter Animagus Test.

The quiz consists of a series of questions about wizardry that determines what animal your Animagus form might be. Given that it takes into account all of the influencing aspects, including your looks, talents, and qualities, it is a trustworthy method for determining your secondary figure.

Please think about completing our Harry Potter character quiz instead if meeting your beast self doesn’t appeal to you. Currently, it is a hot topic of discussion among Potterheads. (It indicates which witch or wizard from the HP universe has personality traits that are most like yours.)

The information J.K. Rowling provides on this magic in her 2019 e-book, Short Stories from Hogwarts, served as the basis for the test.

Follow the Animagus procedure.

The process of change is drawn out and difficult. You must work on the magic for more than a month in order to maybe see results. To test your willpower, the Animagi Quiz puts you through the same exercise.

Examine your external characteristics.

The quiz verifies your appearance as well. That’s because your human form and your Animagus beast both have similar physical characteristics. Therefore, knowing your appearance aids in exactly predicting the result.

Analyze your wizarding abilities.

If you’re a wizard or a Muggle, please tell us. Your magic abilities have a big impact on the Animagus outcomes. This spell is impossible for novices to correctly cast. And terrible things could result from that. You might, for instance, change into an animal and disappear forever! Or you might develop into a hybrid of a person and an animal.

Find out if anyone else is an animal person!

Our test has a neat feature that tells you which other witches or wizards share your Animagus kind. Our staff conducted extensive research to compile all the well-known (and occasionally obscure) names for the findings.

Obtain a further personality analysis.

The main concern you have is “What is my Animagus?” And this test right here provides the solution. But we provide more to Harry Potter fans than just that. A thorough personality study of the data explains why you would change into a specific animal.

No other Animagus Test performs that for you right now! Consequently, it is a unique experience.

Before Taking the Animagus Test: Important Information

There is a vast HP universe. Additionally, some fans may find it difficult to figure out all the solutions on their own. We have already assisted Potterheads in identifying their houses or Harry Potter wand types. We’re about to show their animal form now. (Yay).

But before you take the quiz, there are a few things we want you to be aware of.

A Transfiguration Quiz is different from this.

Transfiguration is a spell that modifies an item or a person’s appearance. And with a little practice, any witch or wizard could execute it. However, Animagus is an uncommon talent that only a select few possess.

Therefore, the quiz you are about to take has nothing to do with skills that can be transformed.

Your Animagus animal and name are chosen for you.

A witch or wizard cannot foresee what animal they will change into, according to J.K. Rowling. The Animagus Quiz follows the same logic. We tried to make the question as ambiguous as possible while maintaining its accuracy.

The test takes failure risk into account!

The Animagus exam might not pass you. If that happens, you will change into a hybrid of a beast and a person with no means to return to your normal form. Even though the questions don’t have true-false options, we can still tell which witches and wizards are unreliable by how poorly they perform. ¯\ (ツ) /¯

Some Illustrations of Animagi

The most well-known witches and wizards who had the ability to change into animals and back again were Rita Skeeter, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. (They are all registered.)

Additional Animagi examples are shown in the following table along with their animal forms.

Take the Accurate Match Test now.

Make sure to take the test if the important question, “What is my Animagus?” still remains unanswered. With a lot of effort, our editorial team created an entertaining and educational questionary with this one.

By the way, you can post the outcomes to social media right from the website and share them with your friends.

None of the pictures used in the “What Is My Animagus Quiz” are owned by QuizExpo. All the aforementioned films are the property of Warner Bros.

For more personality quizzes check this: Cia Personality Test.

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