Quiz: What Kind of Physical Touch Would Destroy You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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We are perfectly aware of the kind of physical contact that would kill you. Find the touch you’re yearning right now by taking this quiz on intimacy, romance, and erotica.

What Exactly Does It Mean to Be Destroyed by a Physical Touch Mean?

If taken literally, it can allude to a fatal bodily assault. However, figuratively speaking, a touch that destroys you is one that you have been longing for and couldn’t bear if it actually happened.

The Physical Touch Quiz Explained

This self-assessment test provides insight into issues like “What kind of physical touch would kill me?”

Editor’s Picks

It evaluates your desires, fantasies, and sexuality to get precise findings, much like the love tester quiz.

Analyze your level of touch aversion.

Are you pretending to love your blanket while cuddling it? If yes, you’re absolutely touch-craved; don’t even bother to take the quiz.

But it is only a cursory examination. Don’t you want to know how much of a touch you desire? The test reveals how much you require attention, love, or even, er, ahem.

View recommended movies depending on your bodily cravings.

Assume you learned what form of physical contact would kill you. Now what? What is the strategy?

Are you going to hunt for someone to grovel to for a certain kind of love? If so, congratulations. But after taking the test, you should watch one of the recommended movies if you’re a lonely Incel.

A list of tremendously relatable movies and TV series that might make your day better—or possibly make you feel even more alone—is among the findings.

Please be aware that some of the films have a R rating. So, you know, if you’re underage, don’t watch them.

Find out whether you fall on the nice or naughty side of the spectrum.

Both good and bad physical contact have the potential to ruin you. Which one do you crave? But you can’t lie on the test.

We can tell if you like to “hold my hand, baby” or “use your fingers!” So, there’s no need in attempting to conceal your desires.

How Did #PhysicalTouch Become So Popular?

Users on TikTok submitted the findings of a test that determined how touch-starved they are and what kind of physical affection they desire as part of a green screen challenge that served as the catalyst for the entire phenomenon.

The concept was that you required a particular kind of connection, one that would positively emotionally devastate you.

The #Physicaltouch challenge became extremely popular throughout the pandemic and lockdown, which is awesome. As a result, a lot of people could identify with the findings because of social isolation and the no-physical-touch factor.

Unexpectedly Weird Things That Could Happen After the Quiz

A simple query like “Which type of touch would make me feel better?” may come to mind. However, the test has other ideas. Your opinions on affection, love, and intimacy might alter as a result of some of the findings. Therefore, plan accordingly.

You might learn something new about your sexuality.

The quiz challenges you to confront any erotic or fantastic tendencies you may have. As a result, when you read the results, you can learn about some previously unknown aspects of your sexual interests.

Your dearest friend could become your lover.

What if the physical contact that might kill you comes from a friend instead? After the exam, there are rumors that you might ask yourself, “Am I in love with my best friend?”

Your romantic life might be in doubt.

What if you’re already in a committed relationship but are still unsure of the kind of physical contact that would make you shiver? Does that imply you are a possessive individual? Does that imply that your partnership isn’t making you happy? We’ll see.

The findings contain some enlightening information that could alter how you perceive your current romantic situation.

You might become well-known.

About that, yes. Several #physicaltouch green screen TikToks have thousands of views, likes, and comments. Therefore, celebrity may be unavoidable after revealing your greatest aspirations to the world.

However, not every participant has the courage to share their fantasies of physical contact since, well, some of the findings are debatable.

No Joke, People Really Need to Touch Each Other

The image below shows search trends for “I need to be touched.” People are literally asking Google for help. (Talk about feeling lonely, eh?)

But that’s not all; a new study found that some kinds of physical contact, particularly those from close family and friends, might enhance your health. More frequent physical contact with a romantic partner, family, friends, and neighbors was linked to a lower risk of higher chronic inflammation after five years, according to science.

So, right, everything is amusing and stupid until you realize that loneliness will kill you. Just kidding, my lonely friend; everything will be alright.

Are you prepared to meet your physical destroyer?

Do you need a sweet hug right now? Do you wish to share a romantic moment by holding hands? Or do you have any inappropriate ideas and lewd impulses going through your head? The test exposes everything.

The test asks about backrubs, massages, caressing, holding, hugging, holding hands, kissing on the lips, and kissing on the face, among other common physical arousal behaviors. That’s not all, though. You might find more semi-odd, almost fetish-like cravings in your results.

How touch-starved you are will determine everything. Good luck with that, then.


The purpose of the test is to determine the type of physical contact you prefer. But because it uses comedy to liven up the outcomes, we encourage you to treat it lightly. If you believe any of the questions, choices, or outcomes are insulting or improper, kindly get in touch with us. We’ll deal with the situation as quickly as we can.

what kind of physical touch would destroy you
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