Quiz: What Podcast Should I Listen To? 2023 Trending List

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Based on your preferred genre, hosts, and personality, this podcast quiz recommends a podcast for you to check out.

Find the Podcast You Should Be Listening to

An online resource to find podcasts is the Podcast Quiz. It asks you 20 brief questions to ascertain your audience type and your preferences for pods.

Try “What Should I Read Next?” for a comparable experience.

Editor’s Picks

Over 100 Popular Pod Suggestions

Not only one, but ten or more podcasts are recommended by the podcast finder tool. Simply put, each result includes a list of the top shows you could like.

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Based on Your Interests—and Personality!

The Podcast Quiz takes into account both your hobbies and personal traits to optimize the results. (This is how it generates a list of suggestions that is precisely personalized.)

5 Ways to Choose the Podcast You Should Listen to

It can be difficult to locate a pod that you can identify with. But it’s undoubtedly conceivable. Here are five useful ways to find your upcoming favorite audio show.

1. Choose by genre.

What subjects are you interested in? Politics, comedy, the arts, sports, and mystery? The show you should watch can depend on your response.

According to recent statistics from Statista, the most popular podcast genres in the US are comedy, news, and true crime.

However, the following table can help you understand the many pop genres.

2. Choose by hosts or guests.

Which kinds of online personas do you enjoy? Which would you want to watch: a professional program with notable or knowledgeable guests, or amusing banter between random people?

Podcasts and TV series share many similarities. Consider selecting the upcoming Netflix program as an example. How much do characters interest you? Apply the same mentality while choosing your podcasts.

If your favorite influencer or celebrity has a podcast, you should listen to it.

3. Choose by popularity.

Listen to the most popular pods if you don’t have time to listen to all of them. Popularity is an irrefutable indicator of a program’s caliber.

The Joe Rogan Experience, Crime Junkie, and The Daily are the top three podcasts in the US, according to statistics from Edison Podcast Metrics.

In the table below, you can find more well-liked programs.

4. Choose by your routine.

94% of Americans listen to podcasts while doing other things. That’s your sign to match your lifestyle with the pod you’re listening to.

Taking into account your schedule is a smart method to locate your favorite podcast. What will you be doing as you watch the program?

For example, news pods are a great option for the commute. On the other side, comedies make mundane tasks like chores entertaining.

Choose your podcasts and accompanying chores carefully.

5. Choose by quizzes.

The Find the One quiz on Spotify is ideal for finding your favorite podcasts. (The PODCAST section of the app’s search bar is where you can locate it.)

Try our podcast finder if you’re not a Spotify user. It is free, efficient, and rapid.

How Americans Discover Good Podcasts

40% of Americans find their podcasts using in-app search features, according to studies on StartupBonsai. 18.3% request recommendations from friends. And 15.2% do the same on social media.

Why It’s Overwhelming to Pick the Right Pod

There are 850,000 podcast shows available, making it challenging to select one. The amount might not seem big when compared to YouTube’s 37 million channels. However, audible shows are becoming more and more prevalent, and podcasting is a booming industry.

Save Time: Let Your Taste Choose Your Favorite Podcast

Are you still debating what podcast to listen to? Press the start button to find out right away.

The best shows are recommended based on an analysis of your likes, dislikes, and personality.

Let’s identify your upcoming favorite pod.


The photos in the Podcast Quiz are not the property of QuizExpo, and no copyright violations are intended.

For more personality quizzes check this: Prisoners Quiz.

what podcast should i listen to
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