Quiz: Which Detroit Become Human Character Are You? v 2022

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Hey, which character from Detroit Become Human are you? This decision-making test shows whether you are Conor, Kara, Markus, Alice, or someone else.

A decision-based quiz to determine your character in Detroit: Become Human

Depending on your in-game decisions, the 2018 video game from Quantic Dream features several different endings. We wanted to maintain that atmosphere and challenge you to make tough choices in our personality test. The test consists of a number of inquiries centered on the main characters and their motivations. The objective is to determine which character from Detroit: Become Human is most like you.

The majority of the quizzes about video games on QuizExpo are made to be both amusing and educational. But this one is unique because it poses serious, ominous, and profound questions. We want you to face your worries and concerns, just like the game’s narrative.

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Here is what you discover by taking the test.

Find out which character from Detroit Become Human you are.

Answering questions like “Which character am I?” is the basic idea behind the questionnaire. For Detroit’s most famous residents, we accurately profiled them in Become Human. And thanks to your responses, we can quickly identify your ideal match.

Determine whether you are a human or an android.

A semi-revolution that is going to occur is the subject of the game. Androids are evolving into humans after developing bad habits and creating organizations. You can choose to match a human or an android character during the DBH quiz. To improve the outcomes, we have also introduced additional variations, such as AI personalities.

Learn if you would be the protagonist or the antagonist.

In Detroit Become Human, not every character is virtuous, and the plot revolves around a perpetual conflict between good and evil. Therefore, we intended for the quiz to be equally tense for you. Your choices could cause you to become like one of the game’s enemies or the opposite.

Get a free personality assessment.

The test seeks to provide an answer to your fundamental query, “Which Detroit Become Human character am I?” But we do more than that here. Your answers come with a thorough personality analysis that explains why you connected with a particular human or android.

How Can You Tell Which Character From Detroit Become Human You Are?

The best method is taking a genuine online quiz like this page. But not every gamer might be up for a 20-question test. The second method is to study character descriptions and try to identify which one you most closely resemble in real life.

It takes much longer and is not an exact method. However, this is your best option if you’re not into online personality tests. Below are a few samples of DBH character descriptions.

#1. Conor

Conor wants to finish the job and concentrate on his assignments because he is a responsible android. He is a trustworthy cop who upholds the rule of law. Conor is a decent person on the inside, but your choices have the potential to change that.

Conor’s personality traits are those of an obedient, dependable, and goal-oriented person.

#2. Kara

Kara is undoubtedly one of the game’s most adored characters. She is a motherly, maternal, and sympathetic young lady who will do anything to protect Alice. Kara maintains her kindness despite the hardships she experiences. But because of her anxieties and concerns, she prefers to flee from danger rather than confront it.

The quiz takers who most closely like Kara are compassionate, giving, and kind. Such people prioritize the demands of others over their own and may eventually develop a compulsion to satisfy others.

Markus, #3

Starting as a polite and reserved character, Markus becomes a revolutionary leader aiming to change the whole world. He is perceptive and smart, and he wants androids to have the same rights as humans. Many Detroit Become Human players would respond, “I’m Markus,” if you were to ask them which character they identified with the most. He plays a big part in the plot and is the focal point of most of the occurrences.

If you scored the same as him on the test, you have a strong moral sense. Your commitment to doing the right thing leads you to warn others when they are acting improperly.

DBH Characters Besides

You just read a summary of the personalities of the video game’s three main heroes. There are other more androids and humans throughout the story, though, who might be your true mate. So, if you want an accurate response to the question “Which Detroit Become Human character are you?,” be sure to take the quiz. We have a great collection of key individuals, and we can quickly locate your match.

The Difficulty of Making a Reliable Detroit Become Human Quiz

Character development is possible in the video game from Quantic Dream. As a result, after you choose your path, none of the protagonists remain the same. As a result, it is difficult to develop a personality match test because each android and human has no set definition.

Because of this, we choose to mimic the gameplay of Detroit Become Human in the quiz and provide you with a variety of options. You have a number of alternatives for each scenario, which ultimately enables us to build an accurate profile and improve the outcomes.

Why Are Gamers Curious About Their Character Identity?

Like all of David Cage’s games, the plot of Detroit Become Human is divisive. Some of your most philosophical perspectives on life, people, and emotions are revealed by your matched character. That is why a lot of gamers inquire, “Which character are you? ” It’s a mirror of your inner thoughts that, absent your compatible in-game personality, would never have surfaced.

The graphics used in the “Which Detroit Become Human Character Are You Quiz” are not the property of QuizExpo. The aforementioned images are all from Quantic Dream and Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Please be aware that the test contains concepts that may not be suitable for users who are 16 or younger. User prudence is therefore urged.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Detroit Become Human Character Are You.

which detroit become human character are you
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