Quiz: Which Schitt’s Creek Character Are You? 100% Fun

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Take this family-friendly quiz to find out if you’re Johnny, Moira, David, Alexis, Patrick, or someone else from the Schitt’s Creek series.

This Schitt’s Creek quiz has something for everyone!

In Schitt’s Creek, the theme of self-discovery is explored. The test you’re about to take also adheres to this idea. Here, you respond to 20 personality quizzes to find out which character from the program most closely resembles you.

The test resembles our Shameless Character Quiz in many ways. To find your mate, we look into your family connections. But because Schitt’s Creek is such an emotional tale, this one is a little more so.

Editor’s Picks

What the quiz reveals about you is listed below.

Determine which member of the Rose family you are.

Are you more of a leader and a businessperson like Johnny? Do you share David’s phobia of bugs and germs? Or do you tend to be more sarcastic like Alexis and Moira? The test provides solutions to questions of this nature. The findings show which Rose member most closely resembles you and why.

Identify whether you don’t belong in another family.

What if you don’t resemble any members of the Rose family? You might resemble other show characters. To improve the outcomes, we compiled a database of all the primary and supporting characters. You don’t have to be a Rose to fit in, so don’t worry.

Find out more about your potential partner.

The Schitt’s Creek Quiz has a fun additional feature that also matches you with your soul mate. Don’t you want to find out who your potential partner would be if you were a real-life member of the cast? To find you the ideal match, we consider your likes and dislikes as well as your perspectives on dating and relationships.

Get a thorough personality study for free.

Which Schitt’s Creek character am I, is definitely your main concern. But taking the latest personality test gives you the opportunity to learn more about yourself. You match a particular contestant on the show for a reason. We therefore use that to provide a thorough personality analysis of you.

How Can You Tell Which Character From Schitt’s Creek You Are?

Not all fans are eager to take a personality quiz. The good news is that you can also find out which Schitt’s Creek character you are using a different method. Decide which one you represent in real life by reading the brief descriptions that follow.

Be aware that it is not a reliable procedure. We still advise you to take the quiz in its place, though.

Johnny Rose, first

The Rose family member who can be relied upon the most is Johnny. He is an intelligent, sensible, and protective businessman. Even though he appears calm, he actually masks some internal panics. Overall, Johnny is a calm, kind, and loving parent who genuinely cares about his family.

People who pass the Schitt’s Creek Quiz and match him are trustworthy. These people might not find social media and modern technologies enjoyable. However, they make an effort to blend in with many groups and contribute to their community.

#2. Moira

At first, Moira is a spoilt, odd, and egotistical woman. She also exaggerates everything in life and is highly dramatic. But as time goes on, she matures into a loving, understanding mother who sincerely wants the best for her children.

When taking the “Which Schitt’s Creek Character Are You Quiz,” few individuals desire to match Moira. But a large part of that is because to her initially disagreeable personality. If you do match her, you’re a chic, self-assured, and sassy individual.

#3. David

David, one of the most endearing characters in the series, begins as a phobic loner. He doesn’t appear to appreciate receiving visitors. Additionally, he finds it challenging to make new friends. Due to his unique attitude and ideologies, David also struggles to blend in with his family. To get over that, he occasionally lies or acts emotional when he is not.

He struggles with self-love because of his insecurities. His past is therefore riddled with failed, quite destructive partnerships. But despite everything, he still believes in love and eventually finds it.

Which Schitt’s Creek character are you, you might question the audience. “I’m David,” a common response. He is a likable, witty, and genuine person, which explains why. Another factor contributing to his popularity with fans is his friendship with Patrick.

Four. Alexis

Alexis initially comes across as a self-absorbed, haughty girl, much like her mother. However, the plot of the program reveals her kind, compassionate, and responsible side. She grows up to be a dependable sister for her brother as well as a self-reliant young woman who is determined to pursue her aspirations no matter what.

If you took the Schitt’s Creek Personality Test and matched her, you are a driven, goal-oriented individual. Like Alexis, you are concerned about the future and want to create happiness rather than just acquire it. Because you encourage individuals to speak up for themselves, you make a great companion and friend.

Fifth Patrick

Patrick ended up becoming a fan favorite despite only being a supporting figure. He is amorous, cool-headed, collected, and even-keeled. His open and sincere friendship with David has developed into a crucial element of the Schitt’s Creek story. He also won the hearts of the audience by always being there for his girlfriend.

Finding him in the personality test exposes a lot of positive things about you. It suggests that you’re a dependable, kind, and amiable individual. Additionally, it shows how competitive you are.

Others in the Cast

There are more characters in Schitt’s Creek than only the members of the Rose family. And most of them are covered in our personality test. By taking the quiz, you have a far greater chance of meeting your ideal mate. There will be fun, we guarantee.

None of the pictures used in the Schitt’s Creek personality test are owned by QuizExpo. All of the aforementioned images are CBC property.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Happy In My Relationship?

which schitts creek character are you quiz
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