Which Serial Killer Are You? 100% Fun Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do you ever consider what kind of serial killer you are? Find out if you share anything in common with Ted Bundy, the Zodiac Killer, BTK, or other criminals by taking this FBI profile test.

The Serial Killer Quiz: What Is It?

A set of psychological tests are used to identify the type of mass murderer you are. The objective is to identify the personality trait that is most comparable between you and well-known murderers.

The serial killer quiz looks for indications of sociopathy, psychopathy, and detachment in order to produce reliable findings. However, the matches are very loosely based on your shared traits, so the outcomes shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

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Why Do People Want to Know Who Their Counterpart Serial Killers Are?

Many individuals like learning about murderers, despite the fact that some people struggle with foniasophobia, the irrational fear of murderers. Nobody is surprised by the enormous popularity of procedural crime TV dramas, in which viewers can’t get enough of the horrifying murder tales.

But why is that? What makes people wonder, “Which serial murderer am I? “?

Crime impacts us all since it can occur haphazardly at any point in our lives, as stated on theTab.com. Our brain is therefore intrigued by it. It wants to know how to get ready for something so terrible. We are driven to crime dramas and inquiries like Which Murderer Am I because of this.

How to Identify Which Serial Killer You Are?

You could take an FBI serial killer test to discover which caught or on-the-loose murderer is similar to you. But if that seems scary, here’s how to complete it independently—without taking a test.

Background: Numerous research have shown that childhood traumas affect an adult’s motivation to commit crimes. So, you must first compare your traumas to theirs to determine which serial murderer you are.

Motivation: Some murderers carry out their crimes for amusement, some do so due to a mental disorder, and many don’t even have a clear reason for doing so. What about you, though? What hypothetically possibly drive you to commit a serial killing? The response can indicate which notorious monster you resemble.

The FBI uses profiling to look for patterns in the tools, weapons, and victims that serial killers select. You could do the same when trying to identify which murderer you are. Read about the established patterns to determine which one you can identify with. (It’d be quite a weird thing to do, though).

How Likely Are You to Actually Be a Serial Killer?

In the US, there are about 25–50 active serial killers at any given moment. In other words, up to 50 of 329.5 million Americans are murderers. Therefore, there is a 0.000007587 to 0.0000151% possibility that you are a mass murder suspect who is still at large.

In contrast, the likelihood of discovering a $100 bill on the ground is one in 333,000,000. Therefore, finding a $100 dollar on the ground is less likely than being a serial killer.

Results Won’t Be to Your Taste

The answer to your innocent query, “What actual serial killer am I?” won’t be gratifying. It’s not a nice comparison, no matter whose vile monster you compare to. So, when you check the quiz results, you’re sure to say, “Yikes!”

Here are a few potential solutions.

The Zodiac Murderer

The Zodiac Killer, a vicious creature, claimed responsibility for the deaths of 37 innocent people. The Zodiac Killer is still at large after admitting to their crimes and even disclosing their name through cryptic texts.

T. E. D.

Taking advantage of his attractiveness, Bundy was a serial killer who killed young women after sexually assaulting them. Before his execution at Florida State Prison in 1989, he admitted to thirty murders.

The Butcher

Ed Gein, also known as the Butcher, was a horrific killer who skinned his victims to make some sort of suit for himself. He served as an inspiration for several Hollywood films, including The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

And worse still.

That’s not it. Even more shocking findings are revealed by the quiz. Therefore, in order to accurately compare your personality to that of well-known serial killers, please answer the following 20 questions.


QuizExpo does not promote any violent or illegal behavior. Additionally, the serial killer personality test ought to be used for both amusement and instruction.

For more personality quizzes check this: Leah Ashe Quiz.

which serial killer are you
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