45 Years Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our 45 Years quiz and we will tell you which 45 Years character you are. Play it now.

Make no mistake. Even though the central (and almost only) characters in “45 Years” are a childless retired couple named Kate and Geoff, the film is not a genteel tea-and-toast domestic drama. “45 Years” is a film that is not afraid to get real and raw (played by the beyond-superb Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay). An unexpected letter will arrive a week before the couple’s wedding anniversary party, which will soon put a damper on the marital contentment that they are currently experiencing among the verdant pastures of the English countryside.

In point of fact, I haven’t been this shaken up by senior citizens who are married and under duress while they are hanging out in the kitchen since I watched “Amour.” Observing Rampling (she of the withering stare) and Courtenay (he of the soulful gaze), two stalwarts of that wonderful wave of British talent that hit our shores in the ’60s, as they perform a finely calibrated pas de deux is the best thing you can do at the end of the year if you value acting prowess more than “Star Wars.” If you prefer acting prowess over “Star Wars,” you won’t do better

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In light of the information that is contained in that letter, the event that rocks their world is comparable to when Glenn Close’s stalker in “Fatal Attraction” unexpectedly emerges from the water with a knife in hand after what appears to be an attempt at drowning in a bathtub. The news that the ice-encased body of Geoff’s German first love, Katya, who died more than 50 years ago after falling through a crack in a glacier while they were hiking in the Swiss Alps, seems oddly random yet innocuous at first. Katya died after falling through a crack in a glacier while they were hiking in the Swiss Alps.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this 45 Years quiz.

But the director Andrew Haigh makes the astute decision to put his faith in his two leads and allows them to reveal just how this reawakening of long-ago events, of which Kate was previously only mildly aware, is about to change their entire perspective on the present. The cracks in their relationship appear gradually, and for the most part in silence, despite the fact that they are extremely nerve-wracking. This pattern is reminiscent of any gothic tale written in the style of Bront that tries to build tension as a haunting presence (a sleeping beauty, no less) intrudes.

45 Years Quiz

Even though Geoff and Kate try to get back to their regular routines as best they can—Geoff fixes a broken toilet and finds solace in the writings of Kierkegaard, and Kate takes the dog for a walk and works on finishing the arrangements for the party—it is obvious that something has changed. He loses focus and starts smoking again, despite the fact that he had bypass surgery five years ago. This is the event that caused them to have to postpone celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary until now. As her husband starts to sneak off to the local travel agent in order to inquire about the possibility of going to Switzerland to view the body because he has been designated as the next of kin, she starts to become concerned about the situation.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this 45 Years quiz.

One evening, things come to a head when Kate and Geoff make the spur of the moment decision to dance to the oldie “Stagger Lee,” giddily twirling around their living room as if they were courting again. Geoff finds himself overcome with the desire to put Kate to bed. They slowly start to become entwined while he is saying, “I hope I remember what to do,” which is an indication that this is not an everyday occurrence anymore. During the act of coitus, Kate says the three words “Open your eyes,” which are typically spoken by characters in movies when something is wrong. And with that, the discussion is over.

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Or is it? After falling asleep, she is soon awoken by the sounds of Geoff searching through mementos of his time spent with Katya that he has stashed away in the attic. It is clear that Kate is distressed. She is aware that this long-dead adversary has taken possession of their home as well as his mind. This adversary is eternally young. And at some point in the future, she will conduct her own investigation into a history that quite literally looms over them.
Also, you must try to play this 45 Years quiz.

Haigh uses a number of subtle devices to clue us in to what is really happening without resorting to any cheap gimmicks, despite the fact that the story appears to be told in a straightforward manner with very little dialogue. While Kate is out window shopping, she momentarily mulls over the idea of purchasing a watch for her husband as a present but ultimately decides against doing so. It is almost as if she has a premonition that the passage of time no longer has any significance for him. And every time Kate looks in a mirror, it presents her with an opportunity for sobering introspection because her appearance reflects the mental toll. The background is composed of a lot of empty space, which emphasizes the growing distance between them. Even the smallest of details prove to be significant, such as how Geoff’s illness and advanced age cause him to feel the burden of mortality more intensely than Kate does. Another example is how there are no photos documenting their own history together.

However, I admire Haigh’s use of golden oldies the most. These songs, which provide telling yet unobtrusive commentary, include selections that were era-appropriate and were chosen by Kate to be played during their party. When she told her friend about Geoff’s recent behavior while they were driving in the car together, I couldn’t help but laugh. She quickly turned off the radio when Gary Puckett began to sing, “Young girl, get out of my mind.” This made me laugh even more.

These tunes, in particular, prove to be invaluable during what is probably one of the best and most shattering conclusions of any film released in this year; it is a film that I have now watched several times over the course of the past couple of months with increasing admiration for its ultimate effect on the audience. It goes without saying that we want these two people to find happiness once more, and as their friends get together to raise a glass to the health and longevity of their marriage, it is difficult not to hold out hope that everything will turn out okay. Having said that, any romantic couple who selects “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” as their song of choice ought to have listened to the lyrics of the song a little bit more intently.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Meddler Quiz.

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