Which Insatiable Character Are You? Insatiable Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Insatiable quiz and we will tell you which Insatiable character are you? Play it now.

The controversial new Netflix show which starts on Friday, is insatiable, at the same time one of the most vicious and poorly made shows I have ever seen.

It spends all its time desperately trying to achieve the status of Ryan Murphy of the third level and falls apart. It’s a glad sadness for Murphy, but none of his crazy camp power; he has his treacle, but none of his actual feeling.

When the trailer of Insatiable came to a violent backlash in July, it was a mass answer to the error of judging a show by its trailer. Watch it, folks recommended, before you judge. I’ve now watched every insatiable episode and I can tell you everything you can imagine from the teaser is nothing. The truth is a lot, a lot worse.

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Insatiable is the tale of Patty (17-year-old Debby Ryan, wearing a very phony fat costume for the pilot for the first few minutes) whose classmates have named her Fatty Patty. Patty has been spending all her time binge-eating to compensate for her loneliness – because Insatiable is sure fat people are losers – until a homeless man hits her in the face.

Which Insatiable character are you?

Here now, you might reasonably question me why the homeless man Patty punched, and if I heard the reply, you’d feel a sunk soul in the depth of this bad idea – the first sign that no matter how badly you have heard that the petitions are insatiable, no matter how bad they’ve concluded they’re, they’re worse. It’s a very bad sign. Also, you will find out which Insatiable character are you in this quiz.

Because Patty assaulted a homeless man because he was trying to steal her candy bar. Protecting sweets to the point of violence is like a “sake-on speed” of ridicule of your obese characters, shortening your disgraced hunger, your discipline, and your uniform drive for prey and children’s connection to foodstuffs largely related to youngsters. It’s only the fastest (and, let me add, the stereotypical most) way to degrade a girl on this particular axis. It’s the padded Maroney Jenna who grumbles on 30 rocks and ‘MY WANT FOOD!’ if that’s to create a personality you’d actually care about thereafter.

Since Patty as a skinny girl is all but the first few minutes of Patty’s story, these early stages depict the very thin actress Debby Ryan as a star in a fat suit. What this means is that its fat body is merely a small girl who is tied in her pillow that she is not used to, which means, like a hot dog vendor at a street corner, that she can look graceless and unformed. In this way, a true obese girl may have an influence on her hips, a comfort in her position, or a center of gravity that she has learned to navigate.

About the quiz

Oh no, no updated storyline synopsis till Episode 3 already. This is the following: Patty met Bob, Patty recruited Bob as his candidate for the beauty pageant, and now Bob is looking for help from another coach — Stella Rose, its old mentor. Much more has taken place (with Patty considering twice killing a homeless man), but character transparency is a huge problem.

There’s a scene in which Stella attempts to wrest Patty through shit about Bob and although Patty feels that Stella loves Bob, she believes that Stella (oh kid, more pedophile vibes). But worse still, the public should assume that Patty is smart. And that an intelligent girl would never be able to fall for such a blatant trick. Stella’s case is less than compelling. Instead of what they would genuinely do if they were true humans. “Insatiable” often treat their characters like advice because they do whatever it takes for greater drama. This is not even the first example of unsatisfactory development—only it’s one of a lot.

“WMBS” felt for a minute that it’s attempting to get it right. Patty passes by her crush on Bob, most of the arc focused on linking to his wife Coralee (Alyssa Milano). But then Coralee pisses away with Patty in the final seconds. While Patty pursues her vengeance – twice as much as Bob loved. The choice not only maintains the long-lasting tale. But also undermines all the efforts made to pass the story over the entire show.

For more personality quizzes check this: Bridgerton Quiz.

which insatiable character are you
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