Marvel 2022 Quiz: Which Moon Knight Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which Moon Knight character are you, if you’ve watched the new MCU series? You can find out if you are Steven Grant, Mr. Knight, Jake, etc. by taking this quiz.

Explained Moon Knight Personality Test

You may find out which of the Moon Knight’s personas you have by taking this Marvel quiz.

Marc Spector is the Moon God’s host, at least in the comics and MCU series. Additionally, he has four different personas: Moon Knight himself, Jake Lockley, Mr. Knight, and Steven Grant.

Editor’s Picks

The test determines which candidate most closely resembles you by comparing your traits and the symptoms of dissociative identity disorder. (This is due to the fact that Marc is thought to have DID, a condition that results in numerous personalities.)

Advice: Take our Marvel Character Quiz if you’re seeking for a more extensive match. Not only one series, but the majority of well-known MCU superheroes are there.

Which of the Four Aspects of the Khonshu Are You?

The Moon God, God of Vengeance, and Shepherd of the Lost, Khonshu, and Marc come to an agreement, according to Marvel comics. Marc was given a second chance at life as a result of the deal, and he was transformed into an avatar for the four facets of the Egyptian God.

You can determine which characteristics of yourself are most dominant by taking the Moon Knight Quiz.

Note that it’s not quite clear which aspect corresponds to Marc’s identities, with the exception of the Watcher of Overnight Travelers. But based on what we now know, the following combination is a possibility.

– Pathfinder

Jake Lockley is possibly the Pathfinder alter ego of Khonshu. Jake is a cab driver in New York and is well-versed in the entire city. He is also accustomed to living on the streets and has the ability to interact with criminals to get information.

– Embracer

Which alter-ego the Embracer is is not specified in the comics. However, as “embracer” is a synonym for “embraceor,” it is most likely referring to Steven Grant. He can embracery and is a millionaire playboy.

– Defender

The most genuine and helpful figure among them all is Mr. Knight. He is the one who is compassionate and less aggressive toward the bad guys. Therefore, it won’t be shocking if he represented the Defender side of the Moon God.

– Travelers Who Stay the Night Watchman

We are aware that Watcher of Overnight Travelers manifests as Moon Knight. He is strong and guards against harm, making his adversaries fear God.

What Moon Knight Character Are You? How Do You Know?

You can locate your match by researching Marc’s persona and Khonshu’s attributes. So, even if it’s the greatest option, you don’t absolutely need a questionnaire to figure out who your MCU alter-ego is.

Marc Spector, first

Marc is an ISTJ who is tenacious, tough, and obedient. He is a skilled fighter with the ability to use any weapon, having served as a Marine and CIA spy in the past. In addition, he harbors vengeance against Bushman.

Steven Grant, #2

Steven Grant from the newest MCU episode is an ISFJ personality type. He is quiet and perceptive, diligent and loyal. In contrast, he is portrayed in the comics as a self-assured businessman who is also a well-liked playboy in the city.

Third: Jake Lockley

Jake is an ISTP who has a sensing, thinking, perceiving, and fiercely independent personality. He represents the Moon God’s Pathfinder persona most likely. And other alter-egos depend on his connections and bits of knowledge, like Moon Knight.

Fourth: Mr. Knight

He has a straightforward, reserved, yet exuberant demeanor. Mr. Knight is typically a detective rather than a masked vigilante. And he frequently shows true compassion for those who are in need.

#5. Moon Knight

Moon Knight has an ISTJ personality type, just like Marc Spector. But he is more brutal, audacious, and reckless. He is reported to dress entirely in white to warn his adversaries that he is approaching them. He may be quite violent, viciously attacking the wicked guys, as the comics also depict.

Can I match different characters in the quiz?

Which Moon Knight character you have is revealed through the test. But it accomplishes more than just that. Other characters like Arthur Harrow, Layla El-Faouly, or Bobbi Kennedy may also wind up being a fit for you.

Is the quiz based on the MCU version or the comics?

With the 2022 Moon Knight TV series’ debut on Disney+, we know that Marvel is adopting a new method for character development. Steven Grant, for instance, is portrayed as a nerdy gift shop employee rather than a rich playboy. So, you might be wondering, which version is used in the test?

To establish accurate profiles, our editors referenced both comics and MCU descriptions. However, the outcomes tend to favor the characters’ original forms.


None of the photos from the Moon Knight Character Quiz belong to QuizExpo. All of the aforementioned images are owned by Marvel Entertainment, and no infringement of copyright is intended.

For more personality quizzes check this: Will We Get Back Together Quiz.

which moon knight character are you
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