Am I Toxic? This Free Quiz Reveals It 100% Accurately

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Test your toxicity with this 20-question quiz to see if you fit that description. According to studies, 8 out of 10 people have toxic friends. Do you count among them?

A Psychologically Approved Toxicity Test

Researchers from the Universities of Copenhagen, Ulm, and Koblenz-Landau discovered that hazardous individuals share nine characteristics. We developed a quiz on toxicity based on the results of the aforementioned investigation.

It is intended for people who are unsure of their toxicity. However, the test can determine whether the problematic person in your life is you or someone else.

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Determining if You Are Toxic Based on the D-Factor

A study by the Universities of Copenhagen, Ulm, and Koblenz-Landau found that practically all manipulative people have an active Dark Core (aka the D-Factor). This page’s quiz reveals whether or not you possess these characteristics.

9 Factors That Show You Are Toxic

You are probably a toxic person if one or more of the following characteristics best describes your personality. The indications of an active Dark Core are the nine elements listed below.


You are a bad person if you believe that you are more important than other people. Egotism or Narcissism is one of the primary red flags that you might be a poisonous friend, partner, parent, or citizen.


Ask yourself if others matter to you before you ask yourself if you are poisonous. One of the blatant indicators of hurtfulness is influencing others and showing no regard for their morals. You can use our Empath Test to determine your level of empathy.

Moral disengagement

Additionally, manipulative people may persuade themselves that ethical norms do not apply to them. Such individuals might make an effort to mitigate the effects of their choices because they think their motivations are sufficient to excuse them.


You are poisonous if you love yourself so much that nothing else matters. A narrator places the self above all else in life.

Psychological entitlement

Psychological entitlement, according to SAGE, is the idea that one is generally entitled to or deserving of more than others. And it’s one of the warning signs to watch out for when examining your own toxicity.


People who are harmful have little regard for the emotions and experiences of others. Therefore, having some psychopathy may also indicate that you are toxic.


You shouldn’t keep asking yourself “Am I toxic?” since the answer is always “Yes” if you take pleasure in hurting other people. Although there are many levels of sadistic conduct, none of it is acceptable or healthy.


A destructive person prioritizes their own needs and desires over those of others. Because of this, desperate people are frequently referred to be dangerous. Sometimes they only take, never giving anything back.


Toxicity levels that are higher may make persons more damaging, menacing, and hazardous. Being spiteful is an absolute no-no and a major warning sign.

Why Am I Toxic?

Repetition compulsion and emotional abuse are the main causes of your toxic personality. You might sometimes set yourself up to relive an event or its surroundings. It is also known as repetition compulsion. As a result, you might repeatedly say or do things that are hurtful to other people. Your nasty behavior may also be a result of painful events and recollections. Future manipulation in children is more possible if their parents are damaging and abusive.

Different Types of Toxicity

A person can be detrimental on many different levels and in many different ways. Understanding its varieties might help you respond to inquiries like “Am I toxic?” This method makes it simpler for you to comprehend your circumstances and see how they relate to your conduct.


On a parental level, the child is the target of the negative behavior of the mother, the father, or both. Any of these ends of this relationship could be you. In order to determine whether that is the case, it is imperative to assess your relationships within your family.

In a Relationship

Some people wonder, “Am I a toxic boyfriend/girlfriend?” This is due to the fact that certain levels of injury only manifest in romantic relationships. You may be dangerous if you are overly protective, passive-aggressive, or intensely envious of your partner.


Another type is having a harmful companion. When in doubt, one should ask themselves, “Am I a poisonous friend?” The answer may be “yes” if your friends feel uneasy or even stressed around you.


A person’s negative behavior could hurt society in addition to their own family and friends. For instance, a sociopath has antisocial traits that can harm not only their close friends and family but the entire community.

The Quiz Said I’m Toxic; What Now?

Don’t freak out. In the media, you frequently hear that negative people should be fired, etc. But only for those who made a conscious decision to be that way! If you’re aware of your issues and wish to make improvements, follow these steps.

· You need self-awareness.

The Am I Toxic Quiz might be the first step toward greater self-awareness. To be able to address your problems, you should identify what they are. So, pay attention to your emotions, sensations, and thoughts to determine what about your conduct is genuinely troubling you.

· Take care of yourself.

As well-known licensed therapist Kati Morton put it, “If I am not taking care of myself, I am so much more irritated.” She thinks that the lack of attention may be the cause of your seeming irritable, grumpy, and needy. To have a healthy relationship with others, you must take care of yourself and love yourself.

· Be in Therapy.

By seeking out expert assistance, you can stop worrying about whether you’re poisonous. When it comes to letting meanness go, you should turn to a therapist and CBT sessions.

It is absolutely unacceptable to describe people as “harmful” or “manipulative”. You can use the Am I Toxic Test to see whether your actions or behaviors harm those around you without fear of criticism. Take the results with a grain of salt, please.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Toxic Quiz.

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