Beau Is Afraid Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Beau Is Afraid quiz and we will tell you which Beau Is Afraid character you are. Play it now.

The son of a well-known and successful businesswoman named Mona is Beau Wasserman. He is raised without a father, who Beau’s mother believes went away during an orgasm when Beau was conceived, leaving Beau with a hereditary medical issue. On a cruise with his mother as a teenager, Beau meets and falls in love with a woman named Elaine. As they share a kiss, they make a promise to wait until they are adults before meeting again. Beau is a fictitious character who, as an adult, lives alone in the dangerous city of Corrina, CR. Beau suffers from severe anxiety. For his anxiety, his therapist recommends an experimental medicine, but instructs him to only take it with water. On the anniversary of his father’s passing, he gets ready for a flight to visit his mother, but he misses his alarm because a neighbor’s loud music keeps him up. He frantically packs and then finds that his bag and keys have been taken from his door. Beau tries to explain the matter to his mother over the phone, but she ignores him.
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Beau takes his medication, but when he learns there is a water shortage, he becomes anxious. He avoids a gang of insane homeless people who break into his flat and lock him out as he makes his way to a convenience shop across the street. The following morning, Beau returns to his broken-in apartment after spending the night on a piece of scaffolding outside the structure. When he tries to call his mother, a UPS driver answers and informs him that she was accidentally decapitated. He tries to take a bath while still in shock, only to find a burglar hidden in the ceiling. Beau flees his flat in a state of nackiness as the intruder tumbles to the ground outside. Following a brief altercation with a policeman, Beau is struck by a food truck. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Beau Is Afraid quiz. Two days later, Beau awakens in the home of Roger and Grace, a married couple. They take care of Jeeves, a troubled veteran who served with their son’s unit before the latter was killed in action. Toni, the couple’s angst-ridden adolescent daughter, hates Beau right away. Later, Beau calls Dr. Cohen, Mona’s lawyer, who reprimands him and tells him that, contrary to Jewish tradition, which calls for burying the dead as soon as possible, Mona’s final request was to wait until he was present. Beau must take it easy until he feels better, but Roger assures him he will take him as soon as possible to his mother’s estate. Grace advises Beau not to “incriminate” himself and implies to him gently throughout Beau’s stay in their home that he is being monitored. Toni brings Beau to her brother’s old room on the day he is released and makes an effort to coerce him into painting the walls a different color. When Beau declines, she brutally reprimands him before purposefully taking her own life by ingesting a can of paint. Beau is standing over Toni’s body as Grace enters and savagely accuses him of causing her death. Grace sends Jeeves to pursue Beau as he runs out into the woods.

Beau Is Afraid Quiz

Beau, who is lost in the woods, comes into a troupe of itinerant theater performers known as “The Orphans of the Forest.” He accepts their invitation to the play’s rehearsal and is enthralled by it, visualizing himself as the main character who spends his entire life trying to find his family after they are split up by a flood. When a man approaches Beau, he says that he knew his still-living father. Beau runs farther into the woods as Jeeves ambushes the group, killing a number of the actors in the process. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Beau Is Afraid quiz. Beau continues his journey to the estate by hitchhiking only to discover that he had just missed his mother’s funeral. The sound of a woman entering the house late for the ceremony awakens him from his snooze on the couch. When he realizes it’s Elaine, they get back in touch. They enter Mona’s bedroom and engage in sexual activity there. Beau is frightened that he will pass away at the finale, thus his survival is a relief. Elaine, however, passed away at the climax, her body frozen and immobile. Then, Mona emerges from the shadows to say that she was not only alive but also watching the entire time. After sharing their sessions with her for years, she humiliates Beau by revealing that his therapist works for her. She leads him to the attic when he demands to hear the truth about his father. There, Beau discovers that his father is actually a huge penis-shaped monster in addition to having a secret twin brother. Jeeves enters the house at that precise moment, but the penis monster kills him. Beau becomes infuriated and strangles his mother when she humiliates him once more.

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In disbelief, Beau leaves the mansion and goes to a beach where he finds a motorboat that he takes into the water. He finds himself in a packed arena after exiting a cave when the boat’s motor starts to stall. There, he is put on trial by a still-alive Mona and Dr. Cohen acting as prosecutors from a podium. A cheap defense lawyer who defended Beau is shortly assassinated by one of Mona’s goons as they play footage of each time Beau insulted his mother on a jumbotron. Beau attempts to survive alone but finds that his feet are now stuck to the boat. He makes an effort to convince his mother to listen, but when she doesn’t, he ultimately concedes defeat. When the boat’s motor blows up, Beau is drowned and the boat capsizes. As the crowd exits the arena with Dr. Cohen and Mona, who is sobbing uncontrollably, the credits silently roll.Also, you must try to play this Beau Is Afraid quiz.

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