Dating Quiz: What Is Your Dating Personality & Style in 2022?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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With just 20 easy questions, this fascinating dating quiz will show you your dating personality & style. Are you the protector, romanticizer, charmer, or something else?

A Dating Test With Scientific Accuracy Based on Logan Ury’s Book

Logan Ury, the author of How to Not Die Alone, is also Hinge’s director of relationship science. He categorizes people into groups he calls dating personalities because he thinks you can forecast relationship trajectories from that. His approach is used in the dating test to examine your persona and reveal your genuine type.

The results of the exam can also show your preferences for men and women. But understanding your love life better and learning the rationale behind your choices is the main objective.

Editor’s Picks

Learn more about your dating personality.

In an interview with the Greater Good Magazine, Logan Ury stated, “As a relationship coach, I find many people suffer from dating blind spots, patterns of behavior, or ways of thinking that hold them back.” By highlighting the blind spots in your relationships, knowing your type can really help you have better relationships.

Consider that you are a guardian. Without being aware of that, you might choose partners who are needy and distant because they are ideal candidates for being protected. However, once you are aware of your dating type, you may become pickier and avoid developing a parent-child relationship with your spouse.

Examine your dating behavior and how it affects your romantic life.

What is my dating style, you may be asking yourself? The good news is that our quiz will also reveal that. Your style is actually determined by your personality. For instance, a romanticizer would embellish every aspect of courting. Expensive locations, impulsive choices, thinking about their date in an unrealistic way, and living happily ever after. On the other hand, a hesitator can date in the exact opposite manner. The questionnaire enables you to understand your personal style and how it subtly affects your romantic life. It’s not a test of love compatibility where you receive a score. However, it may unquestionably provide insightful information about your choices and experiences.

Receive some expert-level customized dating advice.

The dating quiz’s advantage is that it won’t abandon you with a ton of analytical data on your own. Based on your personality and dating preferences, your results offer detailed instructions and advice on how to improve your dating life. To make sure the test result is useful and practical, we leverage the information offered by relationship coaches like Francesca Hogi and Logan Ury.

How to Determine Your Dating Style

What is your dating personality, is the big query. And the exam directs you in determining the right response. But here are some alternatives if personality tests aren’t your thing. To determine your dating style and type, follow the three-step procedure below.

Analyze the trends in your interactions.

You must look for recurring information. For example, if you usually end up dating guys who treat you poorly, your dating personality might be the martyr—who’s the person who can’t say no to toxic relationships. If you cannot see any patterns and everything is mixed, you might be a charmer. A person who cannot understand the idea of monogamy has too many short-term random relationships and attracts others easily.

When responding to questions like “What’s your dating personality?” it’s important to be aware of your expectations. For instance, a protector has no unreasonable demands. This frequently results in them dating codependent individuals. On the other hand, a maximizer could have excessively high expectations that prevent them from dating anyone at all.

Review your intentions and goals.

Why are you trying to find a love relationship? You must answer that question honestly if you want to understand your dating style. As an illustration, consider a charmer who is purely interested in enjoying himself or herself sexually. A romanticizer, on the other hand, would be thinking, “Will I ever find love?” and avidly search for THE ONE.

The Six Dating Personality Types

One of the following dating personalities describes you most likely.

The Romanticizer is first.

The Maximizer, number 2.

has excessive demands on a relationship and is constantly hunting for better opportunities.

3. The Hesitator

Lacks self-assurance and is never ready to date or commit to a relationship.

Always ends updating those in need and who are dependant.

Five. The Martyr.

unable to turn down a new connection and dates persons of their own choosing.

The Charmer (#6)

opposes monogamy and dates many people for brief periods of time.

What Purpose Does Taking a Dating Quiz Serve?

What is my dating personality? is a good question to ask yourself because it can have a big impact on your romantic life. The majority of people have blind spots that harm their relationships. Finding out what these hidden secrets are and how to properly cope with them is one of the benefits of taking the exam.

It helps you understand your love life better.

The dating quiz might reveal the REASON(S) for most of your prior choices. Why are your ex-partners so similar to one another, or sometimes utterly different? Our ability to analyze your relationships and provide you with insightful knowledge you won’t find anywhere else is made possible by your experiences, perspectives, and ideas about love.

Your dating life may really improve as a result.

The questionnaire can help you see things differently as a dating test for singles and couples. The recommendations can be used to narrow your upcoming dates or think back on the ones that have already passed.

It can be utilized for introspection.

Being aware of your personality type is usually helpful. The dating quiz examines your romantic history in order to discover and assess your genuine self. It can be used to evaluate your ideas, judgments, and choices.


Any people or businesses mentioned in the dating quiz are not connected to QuizExpo. The indicated works and persons served as independent sources of inspiration for the test. For any copyright queries, do get in touch with us.

For more personality quizzes check this: Dating Quiz.

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