Hotel Transylvania 2 Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Hotel Transylvania 2 quiz and we will tell you which Hotel Transylvania 2 character you are. Play it now.

A straightforward explanation can be given for the production of “Hotel Transylvania 2.” The animated comedy from 2012 about a resort that caters to famous monsters brought in a total of $358,375,603 at box offices around the world.

Even though I have been a fan of animated films for a very long time, I believe that the current trend of producing sequels to every successful animated film is demeaning to a medium that depends on the audience’s use of their imaginations and is aimed at young people who are particularly impressionable. Teach your kids to want better things, not just more of the same but in a worse form, and they’ll be better off in life. There is, however, an exception made by the “Toy Story” series. But if the only reason for making “Cars 2” is to sell more tie-in merchandise, what’s the point?

This time around, Adam Sandler and Robert Smigel, who also appears in the film, collaborate on the writing. The fact that Smigel was the father of Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog pretty much earns him a lifetime pass from me, even though this subpar sequel barely comes close to being as humorous as any standard “Munsters” television episode. On the other hand, for Sandler, this is simply business as usual, which is not very funny.

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You might be afraid to ask, but what exactly happens in this story? The daughter of Dracula, Mavis, played by Selena Gomez, marries the human man she has been dating, Jonathan, played by Andy Samberg. Following the wedding, the hotel welcomes its first guests in the form of Mavis’s future in-laws (Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman, pocketing a paycheck). She gives birth to a son named Dennis, who has a chrysanthemum bush of red curls when he is an adult. Denisovich is a nickname that Papa Drac, who is always meddling, likes to give him.
But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Hotel Transylvania 2 quiz.

The remainder of this weak soap opera about a mixed marriage depends on whether Dennis will turn out to be a chip off the old bat (his grandfather hopes he is just “a late fanger”) and whether Mavis will decide to move her brood to sunny California, even though she doesn’t know the difference between “Santa Claus” and “Santa Cruz.” Both of these plot points are uncertain at this point in the story. In order to move things along more quickly, Dracula decides to bring his grandson along with several of his other ghoulish friends on a road trip to the same vampire summer camp that he went to in order to receive his training. These friends include Kevin James as Frankenstein, played by Steve Buscemi, and David Spade as the Invisible Man.

If you’re getting the impression that this is all rather boring, you’re right.

Hotel Transylvania 2 Quiz

According to the reactions of the younger people in the audience, all of this hullabaloo failed to produce nonstop hilarity because the director Genndy Tartakovsky once again relied on manic slapstick gags, which almost never elicit anything more than the briefest of chuckles. The children appeared to take the greatest delight in a nearly speechless green tub of jiggly goo known as Blobby. Blobby has the ability to urinate in multiple streams and can stuff random objects, such as squirrels, into his stomach.
Also, you will find out which character are you in this Hotel Transylvania 2 quiz.

I kept myself occupied by making an effort to find some silver lining in the cloudy situation, despite the fact that I had to suffer through the most inane Count Chocula reference that has ever been made. In the midst of all the horror schtick, Gomez’s youthful delivery is a welcome change. I enjoy it when Buscemi’s deadpan delivery comes from the mouth of an animal that isn’t able to control its animal instincts. Jon Lovitz, who had previously portrayed Quasimodo, did a riff on “The Phantom of the Opera” as a kind of Greek chorus, which didn’t bother me in the least.

A sweet wolf girl named Winnie, who develops feelings for Dennis and delivers a rather pointed pro-female statement, is portrayed and voiced by Sandler’s daughter, Sadie. This is another positive aspect of the film. That is before she goes back to licking the face of her potential boyfriend.

About the quiz

I also got my hopes up when Mel Brooks’ recognizable kvetching poured forth from Vlad, Dracula’s Nosferatu-style father, who is less than thrilled to have a human in the family. I thought this might be a sign that Mel Brooks was going to make an appearance. This person is the king of spoofs and knows exactly how to get laughs out of old Hollywood cliches. However, since he arrives so late, there is nothing he can do to improve the situation at this point.
Also, you must try to play this Hotel Transylvania 2 quiz.

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the conclusion—which features a musical number, which is the most predictable way to wrap up any animated movie ever made—leaves the door wide open for the unavoidable “Hotel Transylvania 3.” Personally, I have already left the building.

For more personality quizzes check this: Spectre Quiz.

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