Quiz: How Basic Are You? 100% Honest

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Honestly, how fundamental are you? To determine your level of basicness, take this quiz on pop culture, fashion, and social media. Are you a cliche beeotch or a self-assured extra?

What Does “Basic Girl” or “Basic Bro” Mean?

Basic gal and basic guy might indicate different things. “A person who enjoys mainstream music, fashion, and food and seems to have no personality of their own” is the simplest way to describe them. It is implied that if you enjoy professionally produced feminine or masculine items, you are a loser.

Basic behaviors are described by different terminology in other cultures. Australians refer to them as “Haul gals,” while the British call them “Essex girls.”

Editor’s Picks

A Real “Basic Bit** Detector” is provided here.

Twenty questions on your personality and way of life make up the quiz, which measures how basic you are. You can tell how simple, extra, hipster, or terrible you are by the mood you project.

We’ve developed the first basicness test that is insult- and judgment-free. So, no cliched outcomes or silly inquiries.

See What Basic Stage You Are

Pop culture is thus named for a reason—it affects the vast majority of society. As a result, we are all basic to some extent. However, we are unsure of its extent or severity. The quiz is then used in this situation. How well you respond to our rather simple questions could reveal how much of a mainstream fan you are. Additionally, it might show how your actions differ from the stereotypes.

Think of all other options.

Yes, the crucial query is, “How simplistic are you? But the test could also produce other results. You might, for example, be an anti-basic bit** or anti-bro hipster. Or you might be a badass fangirl/fanboy who succeeds in the mainstream.

Here are all of the additional quiz outcomes and what you should know about them.

  • Hipster

What happens if you don’t adopt popular trends? You start to look hipster. The issue is that they continue to act or conduct in a manner that is contrary to the trends.

  • Poor Bit**

A horrible beeotch is “A self-respecting, confident female who has everything together,” according to Simonandschuster.com. Think of Nicki Minaj or Beyonce. These people have taken back the b-word and turned it into a term that is both positive and very nice.

  • Extra

This self-explanatory term describes those who are dramatic in all situations. They dramatize the smallest details and exaggerate their emotions.

How the Test Indicates Your Basicness

Three factors must be taken into account in order to assess a person’s basicness: their symptoms, interests, and behaviors. Here is how the quiz reviews each need to create a trustworthy response.

Symptom evaluation.

When the phrase “basic bit” was first used in 2009, it was a slang term for gossipy girls who were ostentatious, haughty, and airheaded. But throughout the years, the symptoms have evolved. Nowadays, wearing UGG boots, using a lot of hashtags, and enjoying Target shopping make you basic as hell.

To compare your conduct with, we have compiled a long list of basicness signs. The more closely your behavior resembles theirs, the more likely it is that you are a typical beeotch or bro.

a quiz on popular culture.

You’re a basic girl or boy if you don’t know more about pop culture than Kelly Kapoor from The Office. The unmistakable indicator is a celebrity and mainstream gossip obsession. And the test makes an effort to establish that.

Review of social behavior.

Own a “Live, Laugh, Love” sign? Does it hang someplace in your home? Do you use hashtags in your Instagram posts instead of just random words? Do you evaluate people depending on the brand of their clothing? These are a few indications that you might be a really simple bit** or bro. Such behaviors are sought after during the test to reveal how fundamental you are.

The Test is also Valid for Basic Brothers

You boast about how many cocktails you had last night, refer to your friends as “your lads,” and have a basement you nickname the man’s cave. It sounds like you? If so, there is no need to take the test because you are essentially a simple bro.

But since that’s a totally different subject, taking the exam can really show how basic you are.

Is Being Basic a Bad Thing?

No, being basic is not a bad thing because there is nothing wrong with enjoying popular culture, whether it be in the form of mainstream movies, food, or music. Dismissing female cultural signifiers may appear to be a feminist gesture, but Daisy Buchanan argues that it’s rude. We shouldn’t vote for a woman based on what she wants.

People often utilize the stereotype of labeling others as basic to set themselves apart and feel better about their way of life. They can argue that being basic is unacceptable because it would require you to renounce your personal preferences and allow the tastes of others to determine your interests. But those who make that claim deliberately steer clear of popular culture, so their taste is also influenced by what other people enjoy or detest.

Why Most Online Basicness Tests Fail

The majority of online simple quizzes offer unkind results despite appearing innocent on the exterior. They might make explanations like that or say it’s “only for fun.” However, you cannot disparage someone for enjoying mainstream culture or normcore clothing.

One of the few options you now have that is respectful and without prejudice is our quiz. The humor and decorum have been maintained to the best of our editors’ abilities. Therefore, regardless of your interests, beliefs, or lifestyle, you’re sure to adore the outcomes.

A test that reveals your core preferences

I’m taking back “basic” if other people want to recover “bitch,” Daisy Buchanan declared in her well-known piece in the Guardian. If wearing UGG boots, using hashtags, and uploading pictures of yourself in adorable poses makes you happy, then go ahead and do it.

Overthinking how extra or basic you are is pointless BS, so don’t even bother. Despite the fact that our quiz may refer to you as basic, extra, hipster, or something similar, we will make sure to point out your originality and not criticize you for who you are. Not to mention that it’s all for entertainment. So, no ill will exists. Peace.


Sexism and prejudice are not tolerated at QuizExpo. There are no degrading or insulting subjects in the outcomes of the fundamental test. If you believe any questions or results are improper, kindly email us. We’ll deal with the situation as quickly as we can.

For more personality quizzes check this: How Basic Are You.

how basic are you
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