Respond to these rapid questions in our La Haine quiz and we will tell you which La Haine character you are. Play it now.
Urban riots in a banlieue in the commune of Chanteloup-les-Vignes near Paris are shown in a montage of news footage that begins La Haine. Abdel Ichaha, a local man, was seriously hurt while in police custody and is currently receiving intensive treatment. A police officer drops his revolver during the riots that follow as the neighborhood police station is surrounded. The movie follows the lives of three companions of Abdel, all young men from immigrant families, for about twenty hours straight after the riot. Vinz, a young Jewish man with an aggressive personality who wants to exact revenge on Abdel, despises all police officers uniformly, and secretly impersonates Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver in the bathroom reflection. Hubert is an Afro-French boxer and part-time drug dealer who longs to escape the banlieue for a better life but whose boxing gym was destroyed in the riots. Hubert also declines to provoke the police. Sad, a teenage Muslim from North Africa, acts as a mediator between Vinz and Hubert.Editor’s Picks
La Haine Quiz
They then visit Snoopy, a cocaine addict who owes Sad money, which results in a physical altercation as he allegedly tries to make Vinz play Russian roulette. (the gun is secretly unloaded). When they encounter some cruel plainclothes officers, Saad and Hubert are taken into custody while Vinz runs away. The three miss the final train from Saint-Lazare station and end up spending the night on the streets after being emotionally and physically abused by the police and being imprisoned until late at night. Also, you will find out which character are you in this La Haine quiz. The group stays in a mall after being asked to leave an art gallery and making unsuccessful attempts to hotwire a car, and they discover from a news broadcast that Abdel has passed away. After insulting police officers and skinheads from a balcony, they run into the same group of skinheads, who start brutally beating Saad and Hubert. Under threat of being shot, Vinz disperses the melee and seizes a skinhead. Because of his reluctance to carry out the crime, his plan to have him executed is foiled, and thanks to Hubert’s cunning provocation, he is forced to acknowledge that his heartless gangster persona is not representative of who he really is. Vinz allows the skinhead to run away.About the quiz
The group arrives at their house in the early morning, and Vinz gives Hubert the pistol. A plainclothes officer that Vinz had previously insulted while with his friends on a nearby rooftop is encountered by Vinz and Sa’d. Vinz is grabbed by the officer, who taunts him while holding a loaded gun to his skull. Vinz is fatally shot by the officer’s gun as Hubert rushes to their assistance. A single gunshot is heard, but there is no indication of who fired it or who may have been struck as Hubert and the officer are pointing their guns at each other and Sa’d is closing his eyes. Also, you must try to play this La Haine quiz. A voice-over of Hubert’s slightly modified opening lines (“It’s about a society in free fall…”) emphasizes the fact that everything appears to be going relatively well until Vinz is killed, and from there no one can predict what will happen, a microcosm of French society’s descent through hostility into pointless violence.For more personality quizzes check this: Pather Panchali Quiz.