2022 Narcissist Test: Do You Have Narcissistic Disorder?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Do you believe that you suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder? To find out in less than 3 minutes, take this reliable narcissism test. It is founded on DSM-5 recommendations.

The First Narcissist in History Died of Self-Love!

An ancient Greek character named Narcissus had a romantic relationship with his own image in the sea. He eventually lost his life trying to contact his image via drowning. And from there, the word “narcissism” originates. “Grandiose and inflated self-image.”

Find out if you are a really challenging person like Narcissus by taking the test.

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A Practical Narcissist Test Based on the Work of Mark Ettensohn

A psychologist with a practice in California, Mark Ettensohn is also the author of “Guide to Understanding the Narcissist in Your Life.” He described it as a personality disorder, sometimes known as NPD, caused by issues with self-esteem. Our test makes use of his research and methodology to determine whether or not you are a toxically self-centered person.

What the Test Indicates

Dr. Ettensohn’s perspectives on the condition are included in the test results. However, you also learn more about the kind of NPD you are dealing with and other things. (See underneath.

The narcissistic personality trait you possess.

There are five different sorts of narcists in the world, according to psychology professor Dr. Ramani Durvasula: poisonous, classic, susceptible, communal, and benign. You may find out which one best describes you by taking our quiz. For additional details on each category, keep reading.

The seriousness of your illness.

NPD levels can vary from person to person. You might be less toxic or troublesome. The narcissist test so exposes your level of egoism.

The potential for being a victim.

Participants occasionally ask themselves, “Am I narcissistic or a victim?” It is rather typical for emotionally traumatized individuals to experience such confusion. We also make it clear if you are hurt by someone else’s selfish actions or if you are the one doing the harm.

Using the DSM-5 Revisions to Identify Narcissism

The American Psychiatric Association updated its recommendations for NPD symptoms in June 2011. The new guide states that when diagnosing someone with this disease, a number of factors, including empathy degree, should be taken into consideration. The narcissism test helps you determine that. It analyzes whether the following symptoms are present or not.

Identity problems

People with NPD may overuse other people’s descriptions to form their own self-image.

limitations in goal-setting

Goal-setting can be impacted by narcissism, which can make them all about pleasing other people.

Lack of intimacy and empathy

A self-centered individual finds it difficult to relate to or comprehend the emotions of others. Additionally, such people find it challenging to have meaningful relationships with others because doing so can challenge their uncritical self-perception.


Other indications of NPD include grandiosity and a need for continual attention. These characteristics make a person work extra hard to gain attention and persuade others that they are deserving of more.

The Five Types of Narcissists

This article DOES NOT provide a straightforward narcissism test. The outcomes provide information about your potential condition and its psychological subcategory. To correctly classify your self-centric behavior, we used Dr. Ramani’s approach.

#1: Magnificent

The most prevalent type of narcissism is grandiosity. It also goes by the name “traditional version.” That’s because they are constantly extolling their own awesomeness. They also have a tendency to be spoiled brats who think they deserve special treatment simply because.

#2: Positive

These are the narcissists who cause the least harm. They are, in Dr. Ramani’s words, “high school boyfriends/girlfriends who show off and speak about their extraordinaryness all the time.”

#3: Secret

Coverts, sometimes referred to as Vulnerable Narcissistic Personalities, frequently exhibit pass-aggression. They believe that nobody on earth appreciates how intriguing they are. Because of this, they are foolish. As a result, these people frequently conceal their self-centered characteristics. However, you constantly get the impression that their character is flawed.

4. Community

People who fall into this group participate in social events, charitable causes, and neighborhood gatherings purely for social validation. Such people are toxic to their loved ones and cruel, as Dr. Ramani emphasizes. But in order to satisfy their narcissistic side, they fabricate a false social identity that everyone admires and adores.

#5: Cancerous

In the narcissist test, this is the group that you DO NOT want to match. To maintain their false self-image, people with this illness commit heinous crimes like fraud, robbery, cheating, lying, and more. On the surface, they might appear to be a sociopath or a psychopath. They still fall within the NPD spectrum, though.

The Narcissist Test Does a Few Things Right

When you ask, “Am I narcissistic?” most internet tests give you a Yes-No response. That is also not helpful. Additionally, a lot of others really give you misleading information. For instance, due to the incorrect analysis procedure, they can identify NPD victims with the exact same ailment.

Our query, however, is entirely based on psychological research and recognized symptoms. As a result, it captures the following ideas as accurately as feasible.

NPD vs. Self-Confidence

Anyone with strong self-esteem cannot be classified as a narcissist. “Self-confident people do not need to blast their successes from every rooftop or social media platform,” Dr. Ramani asserts in one of her most recent interviews. But not all people are the same. Therefore, it’s possible that you and your companion both appreciate show-offs. And that does not automatically turn you into a toxically selfish person. The good news is that our test can tell the two ideas apart.

toxic NPD versus traditional grandiosity

Damage from a malignant person cannot be compared to that of a typical NPD case. Therefore, you should use titles and labels with caution. Our narcissist test accurately identifies the severity of your issue without misclassifying you.

Being abused versus being abusive

According to a number of psychologists, victims of narcissistic abuse may have been misdiagnosed with the disorder. The reason for this is that abusive people often lead their victims to feel that THEY are the toxic ones. And occasionally the target buys into their rhetoric and fabricates a false self-image to support their charges.

The Motivation for NPD

“For narcissists, feeling important can be as precious as a last mouthful of bread to someone left on a desert island,” says Dr. Mark Ettensohn in his book. It is quite difficult to let others take the spotlight when the narcissistic supply is low. Self-centered individuals struggle because their supply is never fully replenished. As a result, the motivation behind these features is frequently a sense of insecurity and emptiness that needs to be satisfied by the love, adoration, or praise of others.

Before you ask, “Am I Narcissistic?,” read this.

Only a licensed psychologist can reliably make the diagnosis of NDP in you. Even though the narcissism test is reliable, you should still visit a doctor to learn more about your illness and get treatment. Take the test on this page, however, if the question keeps popping up in your head and you’re looking for a quick, accurate response. You will most certainly benefit from the findings.

For more personality quizzes check this: Narcissist Test Personality Disorder.

narcissist test personality disorder
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