Our Kind Of Traitor Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Our Kind Of Traitor quiz and we will tell you which Our Kind Of Traitor character you are. Play it now.

In the minds of many readers, the novels written by the British author John le Carré are inextricably linked with the conflict known as the Cold War. But he, like many other people who keep up with current events, has known for a long time that the collapse of the Soviet Union did not in any way put an end to Russian, British, and American-accented espionage hijinks. This is something that he shares in common with many other people. His novel “Our Kind of Traitor,” which was published in 2010, makes use of explicit links between high profit gangsterism in the former Soviet Union and government corruption in the West. One of the reasons that the West prefers to keep such things tightly under wraps is because of its self-righteous self-image.

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But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Our Kind Of Traitor quiz.
The film adaptation, which was directed by Susanna White and stars Ewan McGregor, Naomie Harris, Stellan Skarsgard, and Damian Lewis, is a picture that is both attractive and frequently captivating. As is the custom in old gangster movies, the gift is in fact a “marked for death” gesture, and several bleakly depicted murders follow, in the snow, yet. It starts with the depiction of an unusual ceremony, which culminates in the bestowal of a pistol on someone we believe to be a fortunate dealmaker. The scene then shifts to the even hotter climate of Marrakesh, where McGregor’s Perry Makepeace (nice name, John) is attempting, but failing, to get his longtime girlfriend Gail more excited about their upcoming trip (Harris). Their relationship has suffered from the effects of a rift that has developed between them. And while it isn’t revealed for a while just what it was, it seems extremely ill-advised for Perry to accept the invitation of a blustery Russian named Dima (Skarsgard) to go out and party with him when he was once by himself. But go out and party with him he does, and while he is entranced by visions of (possibly) call girls riding horses through the hallways of the site of the revels, he also has sufficient conscience to step in and break up a sexual assault. He does this while he is entranced by visions of (possibly) call girls riding horses through the hallways of the site of the revels. Dima is impressed by Perry’s audacity, or perhaps he should say his stupidity, in this incident: the would-be rapist, a heavily tattooed ape, is a Russian mobster just like Dima. Perry is recruited by Dima to act as a sort of carrier pigeon because Dima believes that he is either trustworthy or foolish enough to be trusted: Perry is to bring a teaser of some incriminating evidence that Dima is willing to part with in exchange for safe haven in Britain for himself and his family in order to bring it to the attention of the British intelligence service. It would appear that he is under the impression that he will soon receive a unique handgun as a present from a certain individual.

Our Kind Of Traitor Quiz

Also, you will find out which character are you in this Our Kind Of Traitor quiz.
Perry gives his assent, but Gail shows some reluctance, and before long, the two of them find themselves embroiled in a plot that is being directed by an agent who also happens to have his own agenda concerning one of the British bigwigs on Dima’s list of the corrupt. Perry ends up being much more involved in the transaction than just a simple messenger. As Gail and Perry get to know Dima and his family, they notice that their relationship is improving, and they begin to feel protective instincts toward Dima’s family. We see Perry, who is a professor of poetics, instructing T.S. Eliot while evoking Dante, who was one of Eliot’s great heroes. Later on in the film, one of the characters discusses how certain types of espionage work can give “people disillusioned with their lives, who have lost their way… a sense of purpose once again.” This, of course, brings to mind the beginning of Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” in which the protagonist, by this point in his life, is wandering around aimlessly in the woods. And the movie comes to a close with a shot that is reminiscent of both “The Waste Land” by T. S. Eliot and the music video for “Owner of a Lonely Heart” by Yes. Even though the movie’s action, which includes train travel to secret rendezvous spots and other pleasing bits of spy movie spycraft, will prove to be a pleasure for the fan of the genre, these touches are a bit heavyhanded, to be honest. Although White’s direction is atmospheric, the level of tension in the movie never builds to a critical point; instead, the overall tone of the film is one of resignation rather than conflict. In spite of the fact that it possesses many respectful and respectable qualities, it also has a certain inertia.

For more personality quizzes check this: Our Kind Of Traitor Quiz.

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