Rice Purity Test – Find How Pure Are You

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Rice Purity Test and we will tell you how pure you are. Take this updated quiz to find out.

Whilst our culture is completely out of hand with its preoccupation with the virginity and “purity” (whatever that means), it is not new — especially for women and girls. Like anything else which is wrong in the world, males invented the complete construct of virginity and “purity” as a tool to control the bodies of women and their life. It makes sense as terrible as this is. In areas like the U.S., where straight and white men have dominated everyone for generations, naturally, they want to do whatever their power is to retain – including using the sexual history of others to hold them back.

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(And forbidden women from Heaven to enjoy their sex.) All right, that diatribe gets out of hand, but everything here is here today, the rice cleanliness test. Have you never heard about it? Here are the implications of the rice purity test, as well as the previous cleansing tests in history that have inspired it.

Rice purity test

Take the pure test as BuzzFeed’s original quiz “What is your sex and city character?” except to stigmatize sexuality and contribute to the culture of culpability and shame connected with sex, except to let you feel free to play or battle boredom at work (which only applies to women). Basically, a pureness test means an autonomous test that entails answering a number of questions concerning sexual activities, the use of medicines, and other “taboos” in which you took part. Finally, you get — usually a percentage — a result where 100% is the purest a person can be and 0% is the least. Also, you must try to play this Rice Purity quiz.

100-98: in this day and age you are the purest of the pure. You’re like the reincarnation of Mary or the rebirth of Jesus in the 20th century. It’s an achievement that’s hard to beat in our day of sexual experimentation and freedom!

97 to 94: You are slightly under the whitest scale of purity, yet this is still a success. You may be kissed once or twice or kissed. Do some physical adventures sometimes, but the difference between being safe and being extreme is clearly known. The Oder, maybe you’ve only once done anal and turned it off and wised it up quickly!

About the quiz

93 to 77: The average person falls into this situation. You might have checked out a lot of the list, but practically all of them have been kept away. The combination may vary, but there may be around the same overall maturation experience.

The following 76: Adventurous is like an adventurous person, and the wild adventures have been fairly shared. You would commit such things without thinking more often than others who thought twice, three times, or even four times before crossing the line. Feel free, perhaps?

Ever heard you previously about the Rice Purity Test? This is quite a popular young people’s test but you’re not around Rice University may not have heard of this. The purpose of the test is to check the purity of your students, implying that they are good or bad. Then check our cleanliness test version.

Most of them are concerned with intimacy, decency, illegality, and honesty. Back in 1924, Rice University had been the most noteworthy of all pure tests. The test consists of 100 questions, which show your cleanliness.

For more personality quizzes check this: Loki Quiz.

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