Schindler’s List Quiz – Which Character are you?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Schindler’s List quiz and we will tell you which Schindler’s List character you are. Play it now.

The film opens with a Jewish prayer. It’s reminiscent of Richard Attenborough’s Oscar-winning Gandhi, in which the first scene shows the Hindu river Ganges, and in the background can be heard a Hindu prayer chant.

A candle burns out at the end of the Jewish prayer, and the video switches from color to black and white, creating the mood for the film’s somber subject.

The German Army destroyed the Polish Army in Europe’s opening act of World War II. Polish Jews have been ordered to move into population centers. German officials are waiting on the platform with typewriters and lists to receive the names of Jews from all throughout the country.

Editor’s Picks

A newcomer has arrived in Kraków: Oskar Schindler. An unsuccessful entrepreneur from Germany Schindler has come to Poland in order to make use of the abundant slave labor force of Jews and Poles in order to manufacture goods for the German Army. The Nazi Party member, Schindler, makes a good impression on the occupying authority, giving presents and bribes to the army and SS officials in charge of southern Poland. It is Julian Scherner, the Kraków SS and Police Leader, who becomes Schindler’s friend. Schindler soon begins to establish himself as a businessman in Kraków.

Schindler’s List quiz

A Nazi party member and factory owner, Oskar Schindler resides in Poland during World War II. Schindler is an odd hero at the beginning of the story, more interested in philandering and money-grabbing than morals. In spite of his selfishness, he slowly evolves when he learns about Nazi treatment of Jews and his Jewish employees’ fate. As a result of his efforts, he is able to save over 1,100 people from concentration camps in Germany. Also, you must try to play this Schindler’s List quiz.

In Poland, Goeth is the head of a death camp. A very nasty and vile guy who delights in torturing and killing his Jewish prisoners. All of the Nazi party’s ways are dear to him, and it shows in horrifying ways.

Schindler’s accountant and moral compass, Itzhak, is a man of integrity. However, he only works for Schindler because he is in desperate need of money at the moment. Before Schindler starts to change, he doesn’t like him.

About the quiz

Due to the fact that Schindler is aware that his workers – Stern included – are at risk of death from the Nazis, he spends his fortune in order to save as many Jews as possible. Schindler now begins to compile his list. In Czechoslovakia, he persuades Goeth to sell him his workers, as well as Helen Hirsch, Goeth’s maid. Inadvertently, Schindler diverts the women to Auschwitz, where he must purchase them again.

Together, men and women work in the factory until the war is over.

He tells his workers they are now free, but that he will be hunted as a war criminal and must leave at midnight when the war ends. Their farewell gift is a ring engraved with the Talmudic phrase, “Whoever saves one life saves the world as a whole.” “I could have sacrificed more,” Schindler sobs, regretting that he didn’t do so.” His wife and he then fled.

a single Russian soldier enters the camp the following morning and tells the Jews they are free. Real-life Holocaust survivors walk across a field as they make their way toward the town in the distance as the scene fades to color. On Schindler’s grave, they form a line, many of them accompanied by the actors playing them. Liam Neeson is the last person at the grave (Oskar Schindler). He lays a rose on the tombstone and leaves it there.

For more personality quizzes check this: Fight Club Quiz.

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