Stray Kids Quiz. Just a Real STAY Can Score More Than 80%

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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How much are you familiar with the SKZ? You’ll be tested by this IMPOSSIBLE Stray Kids Quiz. Only a genuine STAY may achieve a score of 20. Let’s investigate.

The SKZ Test You Won’t Pass

You may be well-informed about the Korean boy band that made it through the 2017 JYP Survival Show. However, the chances of you accurately responding to every question on this SKZ trivia quiz are rather slim. You become the ultimate STAY if your test score is more than 16.

Unlike personality tests or Stray Kids bias quizzes, this one tests your familiarity with the group. Less than 40% of people can overcome it, which is a funny fact.

Editor’s Picks

The Most Difficult Questions About Songs and Lyrics

Lyrics are often committed to memory by fans. But let’s test your ability to recall the lines under time pressure. Some of the most difficult missed-lyric questions you can discover online are found in our trivia exam.

Of course, finishing the lines would come naturally to the real Stay. However, the query is, “Are you one?” Can you pass the test without using Siri’s assistance?

How well-versed on the Stray Kids are the individuals?

The eight members of SKZ—Bang, Lee, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin—are all adorable and gifted. At least two personal questions about each person are asked in the quiz. So, in order to win the game, you need to know more than just your bias’s favourite dish and tune.

What Does the Results of the SKZ Quiz Mean?

20 is a perfect score. However, the points you receive for each accurate response raise your likelihood of winning the grand prize—the genuine Stay. (This is what the results of your test signify.)

· 0-5: K-Pop Enthusiast

You seem to be knowledgeable about the Stray Kids. However, there are a lot of details that are waiting for you to catch up on. But don’t let your score depress you. You can always become more involved in the fandom and discover fresh information about the boys.

· 6-10: Newbie Fan

You performed well. Even though you won’t actually be the STAY with such a score, the outcome is nevertheless satisfying. It’s clear that you’re new to the fanbase. Additionally, it’s likely that you lacked the necessary time to master the trivia. But it’s okay. Let’s “live with a cheerful mind and enjoy life,” as Changbin suggests.

Note: If you return a few weeks later, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by your significantly higher scores.

· 11-15: SKZ Lover

The Stray Kids Test was nearly won by you. The test’s minimum requirement of 11 right responses is something to be proud of because the questions are challenging. You definitely have what it takes to become a REAL STAY. Just a little braver, though, as Felix puts it. You only need to do that in order to ace the test the following time.

· 16-20: The REAL STAY

You are the guru if your score on the SKZ Quiz was greater than sixteen. Less than 40% of participants and supporters succeed in getting such an outcome. Less than 10% of students actually receive a perfect score. So, you have every reason to be pleased with how you performed. You would undoubtedly make the boys proud.

5 Interesting Facts to Get Warmed Up Before the Test

The band’s members participated in BuzzFeed Celeb’s “Who’s Who?” game a year after its formation. They also responded to inquiries regarding the members’ respective roles and accomplishments. Here is a rundown of the eight attractive boys that we learned the funniest and cutest things about.

Everyone named Hwang when the question of “Who takes the most selfies?” was posed. And he was honest about how much he enjoyed updating his followers on social media.

Yongbuk has been a gamer since he was an adolescent, in case you didn’t know. Felix is said to play video games the majority of the time by the band members, and he frequently invites them to join him.

Chang is continuously considering writing lyrics and creating new music, no matter where he is. He is one of the band’s three primary producers as a result.

Han is most likely the group’s funniest boy. He is, however, also regarded as the group member that forgets things the most. Jisung frequently forgets his choreography and lines, according to the other guys. But despite everything, everyone loves him.

Know is a big fan of his phone. The lads are therefore not shocked to see him messaging his mother or playing video games off to the side.

a sneak peek of the quiz for Stray Kids

You are nearly prepared to begin the test. But before you start your quest, you still need this. You can view examples of questions that are similar to those on the quiz below. It helps you have a general concept of what might be expected of you so that you can plan accordingly.


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For more personality quizzes check this: Stray Kids Quiz.

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