Taxi Driver Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Taxi Driver quiz and we will tell you which Taxi Driver character you are. Play it now.

Travis Bickle, a 26-year-old honorably discharged US Marine and Vietnam War veteran residing alone in New York City, suffers from PTSD. Travis gets a night shift taxi driver job to help him deal with his chronic insomnia and loneliness. He frequents the 42nd Street porn theaters and maintains a diary in which he consciously tries to include aphorisms like “you’re only as healthy as you feel.” He is disgusted by the crime and municipal decay he sees in Manhattan and fantasizes about getting rid of “the scum off the streets.”
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Travis develops feelings for Betsy, a volunteer for Senator and presidential contender Charles Palantine’s campaign. Travis walks into the campaign office where she works and invites her out for coffee, which she accepts. Betsy admits to Travis that she has a special connection with him and decides to go on another date with him. Travis brings Betsy to a pornographic theater during their date, which disgusts her and causes her to leave. He tries and fails to reunite with her. He storms into the campaign office where she works, berates her, and is told to leave. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this Taxi Driver quiz.

Taxi Driver Quiz

Travis confides in a fellow cab driver nicknamed Wizard about his violent thoughts after experiencing an existential crisis and witnessing various acts of prostitution throughout the city. Wizard, on the other hand, dismisses them and tells him that he will be fine. Travis starts an intense physical training program in an attempt to find an outlet for his rage. Travis purchases four handguns from Easy Andy, a black market gun dealer recommended by another cab driver. Travis trains at home to draw his weapons and modifies one to enable him to conceal and quickly deploy it from his sleeve. He starts attending Palantine’s rallies in order to assess his security. Travis shoots and kills a man who is trying to rob a convenience store owned by a friend of his. Also, you will find out which character are you in this Taxi Driver quiz.

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Travis frequently meets Iris, a child prostitute, on his trips around town. He approaches her and attempts to persuade her to cease prostitution. Travis soon grows a mohawk and attends a public rally where he plots to assassinate Palantine. He is chased away by Secret Service officers after they notice him unzipping his jacket and putting his hand inside. Travis travels to the brothel where Iris works that night and shoots her pimp, Sport. He enters the building and participates in a shootout with Sport and a mafioso who is one of Iris’s clients. Travis is shot multiple times but gets to kill both men. He then brawls with the bouncer, stabbing him through the hand with a dagger hidden in his shoe and finishing with a gunshot to the head. Travis tries suicide but runs out of bullets. He slumps on a sofa, bloodied and injured, next to a sobbing Iris. As officers arrive, a delirious Travis imitates shooting himself in the head with his finger. Also, you must try to play this Taxi Driver quiz. Travis falls into a trance as a result of his injuries. He is hailed by the press as a heroic vigilante and is not prosecuted for the murders; he also receives a note of thanks from Iris’s father. Travis grows his hair out and returns to work, where he meets Betsy as a fare; they interact amicably, with Betsy stating she read about his story in the newspapers. Travis drops her off at home and refuses to accept her money before driving away with a smile. After spotting something in his rearview mirror, he becomes agitated.

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