The Prestige Quiz – Which Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our The Prestige quiz and we will tell you which The Prestige character you are. Play it now.

Bordon’s “Transported Man” trick is revealed at the end of The Prestige, as is Angier’s. As it turns out, Bordon was actually a pair of identical twins. He was using the machine to construct a clone of himself, in stark contrast. Until the following show, the clone would be The Great Danton, then die to make place for the next clone. As a result, both men and the people they loved were devastated by their rivalry. Angier’s last clone, Lord Caldlow, is killed with Cutter’s help by the Bordon twin’s daughter.

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In fact, the twins Bordon and Fallon were identical. This was a secret that the twins concealed all their lives, knowing that one day it would come in handy for their magic presentations. Even though we see him killing his own copies, the genuine Angier perished after this first episode by drowning in a glass tank full of water. Every clone that survived did the “Transported Man” trick and perished as a result of its use. These everyday sacrifices were motivated by the look on people’s faces and the sense of distinction they brought.

The Prestige quiz

Bale plays Alfred Borden, a fictional character shared by identical twin brothers (not clones). In the realm of magic shows, they employ this knowledge to get an advantage over their competitors.

Borden aspires to be the greatest magician in the history of art. To begin, he poses as a member of the audience in order to help him do a trick. He’s responsible for tying up the escape artist’s hands. Also, you must try to play this The Prestige quiz.

“The New Transported Man” reveals that Alfred Borden is actually not one man, but two: identical twins called Albert and Frederick who discreetly share the identity of “Alfred Borden” to secure their professional success. He suspects Borden of using a double but dismisses the idea since he thinks it is too easy to do so.

As Borden’s success grows, so does Angier’s desire to match it. In his notebook, he refers to these shells as “the prestige”.

Both Borden and Angier have had great success with their new acts in recent years. As Angier’s device was about to go up in flames, he broke into the backstage area and turned it off, thinking the generator was about to catch fire and set the theatre ablaze. “Prestige” Angier and the replicated Angier escape this occurrence as different individuals, but the original Angier feels progressively feeble while the duplicate appears to be lacking in physical ability.

About the quiz

Angier and Borden split up after Julia’s terrible death in an onstage accident, which Angier blames on Borden. Acts of retribution cause physical harm to each other as a result. It’s Borden’s Transported Man act that puts him on top of the heap. As a result, Angier is able to obtain his rival’s workbook and diary. In Colorado Springs, he expects to find a new direction for his work with Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla (David Bowie). From his laboratory, this wizard generates electricity for the entire city.

Are you paying close attention to what’s happening? Christopher Nolan, the writer, and the director is a magician who allows us to get up close and personal with these two magicians. Olivia plays a vital part in their lives (Scarlett Johansson). Angier sends her to spy on Borden, but she falls in love with him.

A mystery guy titled Lord Caldlow sends an agent to Borden’s cell. Mr. Borden refuses to sell Lord Caldlow’s most successful illusion, “the transporting man”. He recalls Angier’s death as he reads Angier’s diary.

Borden and Angier once worked together with Cutter as young magicians, but that was a long time ago. Julia Angier, Angier’s wife, worked alongside them as well. As part of a spectacle, Borden knotted Julia a bit too tightly before dropping her into a tank of water that would kill Angier later in life. Julia drowns on stage in front of her spouse because she is unable to untie herself. As Angier regards Borden as callous to Julia’s death, he becomes obsessed with vengeance.

For more personality quizzes check this: Once Upon A Time In The West Quiz.

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