Ultimate Vampire Diaries Quiz. Just Real Fans Score 18/20

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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How well-versed in the Vampire Diaries are you? Test your knowledge of characters, stories, and seasons of The Vampire Diaries with these difficult and simple trivia questions.

Unbelievably Difficult TVD Quiz No One Can Pass

They had previously won our hearts with their incredible Vampire Diaries Character Match Quiz. But now that the test has become virtually unbeatable, it has kind of turned into a love-hate relationship.

Editor’s Picks

Here is everything you need to know about the trivia quiz on this page that was selected by the editor.

· 20 mind-bending trivia questions.

The Vampire Diaries quiz’s questions steadily become more challenging to respond to. The majority of standard-ish fans would give up at this point.

· Fun facts about the Vampire Diaries.

The TVD quiz includes interesting show-related information with each question.

· A precise scoring system.

The test allows you to earn up to 20 points. Your outcomes would also reveal if you are a novice or a seasoned admirer. (More below on this.)

Cast of The Vampire Diaries completed this trivia test (Sort of)

During a 2014 interview, the cast of the show responded to a few quiz questions. Surprisingly, they were unable to answer most of them correctly. A high test score so indicates that you are more knowledgeable about the show than its creators. How awesome is that?

How Do You Interpret Your Score?

0-5 points: newbie fan

The Vampire Diaries Quiz demands passion and bravery to take. Your responses, however, indicate that it could be a bit early for you to choose such tasks. A score of around five on the test suggests that you are either a new fan or have never given much thought to the show’s specifics.

6-10 points: Vampire watcher

On the TVD quiz, getting up to 10 right answers is not too awful. It implies that you are or were a die-hard fan of the program. However, it also makes it clear that you have never been a fan. So perhaps next time.

11-15 points: Almost a Vamp

Less than 60% of players reach the Vampire Diaries quiz’s maximum score of fifteen. Therefore, you performed a great job. However, that is insufficient to place you among the best tire enthusiasts.

16-20 points: A True Vamp Sire

The fanbase is happy with you. Only 20% of participants receive a score as high as yours. You are therefore a unique TVD fan. The test’s final five questions are very hard to correctly answer. But it appears that you were the one who did it. Congratulations!

Warm-Up for The Vampire Diaries Trivia Quiz

We made every effort to make this test as difficult as we could. (Thanks, group! Therefore, you should definitely warm up before taking on the challenging questions. You may see some similar items that you might see on the quiz below.

Note: You have no chance of earning more than fifteen points if the following questions appear to be unanswerable.

A: Stefan and Damon turned into vampires in what year?

A: 1864. Only Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder were able to accurately respond to this question.

Who did Elena invite to the prom?

A: That query was a ruse. She attended proms with both Damon and Stefan. Therefore, she technically took no one.

Do you want to see more of these difficult inquiries? It is easy. Try out the Vampire Diaries test.

TVD Cast Fun Facts for 2021

The teen drama on The CW has over 171 episodes. To surprise the fans, you may therefore think of countless pieces of trivia and fin fact information. The happenings in Mystic Falls are exciting, but some of the cast members’ real-life activities are even more fascinating. Here are a few examples.

Paul Wesley

Everyone used to swoon over Stefan because he was such a gentleman. But did you know that prior to getting married to his current spouse, she dated two TVD cast members? Actually, Paul married and then divorced Dr. Meredith Fell (Torrey DeVitto), whom he had dated in the past. Additionally, he was romantically linked to Phoebe Tonkin, the other star of the program (aka Hayley Marshal in the series).

Ian Somerhalder

Damon demonstrated that, like the world of Mystic Falls, he is a fan of vampires. Nikki Reed, who played the vampire Rosalie Hale in the Twilight Saga, was married to Ian.

Candice Accola-King

Did you know that Vicki Donovan and Caroline worked together to create a podcast? Yes, the program is named Candice and Kayla and it centers on the daily lives of women in their 30s. Another vocalist that has performed with Mylie Cyrus is Candice King.

You’ve finished up and are prepared.

Take the Vampire Diaries quiz to get even more entertaining information about the popular CW program. And don’t stress over your scores. They merely serve to enhance the fun. You may always go back and attempt it again, or you can show your friends what you got to make them envious.


All the photos used in the TVD quiz on this page are the property of The CW.

For more personality quizzes check this: Stray Kids Quiz.

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