Which ACOTAR Character Are You? ACOTAR Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our ACOTAR quiz and we will tell you which ACOTAR character are you? Play it now.

This book made me anxious to read more about the work of Sarah J. Maas because it was an oeuvre.

It is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and hence I, first of all, loved to read different, current adaptations of classics. Surely this one has not been unassailable.

A Court of Thorns and Roses covers Feyre’s story (who is a huntress) and how her life transforms in her shock and misery when she becomes imprisoned in her enemy’s country. Thus begins the relationship of love and hate between Feyre and Tamlin, the two major protagonists.

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I want to discuss the characters first of all. Tamlin reminded me of The Phantom of the Opera through his enigmatic characteristics and rash traits, making me truly appreciate Tamlin’s character, and therefore making me really like him. And Feyre is also a capable, independently-administered person, but not as extreme as Katniss Everdeen at The Hunger Games. Feyre is shy and innocent, yet not a whole girl in distress. She somehow depicts the usual way a little girl is.

Which ACOTAR character are you?

I’d want to discuss this novel romantic that I believed was more… unsuitable and too forward to be read by a young adult. But to older readers, I would suggest it. I didn’t really enjoy a girl’s current cliche, who loved the enemy, and the enemy was all mysterious and all. But the relation in the novel did make me think about Bella and Edward. I don’t want to compare it to Twilight. But perhaps that’s only my strange way of thinking. Also, you will find out which ACOTAR character are you in this quiz.

Feyre is a 19-year-old jackpot who wants to get food for her family. Feyre, her father, and two older sisters now go hungry with their meat and bread. She spots a deer in the woods, but a huge wolf attacks the deer before it can kill it. Feyre is suspected of being an animal Fae on the basis of the size of the wolf. She shoots and kills the wolf with an ash-arrow fuelled by her hatred of the Fae and takes the deer home.

Soon, another wolf-shaped Fae comes to Feyre’s house and demands a living wage as demanded by the human and fae-realm agreements. Feyre resolves not to be slain but to travel along with the wolf into Prythian, the Fae kingdom in the north, and between their kingdoms on the other side of a wall.

Feyre is worried that the scourge will spread across the wall and ultimately affect her family in the human sphere. She also concerns that she is going to hunger without her as a man who provides her family with food, but Tamlin tells her he has provided for her.

About the quiz

Feyre hunts to feed her family, but she just wants to hang out and paint. The heart of an artist hides under her huntress exterior. This first chapter actually reads much like the Hunger Games, yet it seems unfair to complain because another woman hunts.

We encounter the awful family of Feyre. They formerly were rich, lost all their money, and all depend on Feyre to fetch them shit, never thank her, are only polite to her if she’s got something they want, and is rough AF if she asks them to like firewood chops.

It wasn’t Elain’s being nasty. She wasn’t like Nesta, who was born on her face with a smirk. Elain just occasionally… didn’t grasp anything. It wasn’t meanness that prevented her from offering help; it just never dawned on her that she could dirty her hands.

All of them detest their dad, who refuses to find work due to his limp/busty leg. When he wasn’t able to pay off his obligations, creditors beat him up. Why is this continuing to happen in books that we read? I feel like Abby and Mia are behind me, “Why did you give us such a hard time when my dad met the same narrative device that made us SO TOUGH?”

For more personality quizzes check this: Criminal Minds Quiz.

which acotar character are you
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