Quiz: Which DDLC Character Are You? 1 of 4 Accurate Match

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Are you interested in learning which DDLC character you are? You can find out if you are Monika, Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, or even the protagonist by taking this spooky personality test.

A Doki Doki Literature Club Personality Test

Twenty psychological questions make up the test, which will reveal which Literature Clube member you are.

You must progress through multiple stages of mildly frightful events, much as the FNAF Character Quiz, in order to find your mate. The intention is to assist fans who inquire, for example, “Which DDLC female am I?” But the outcomes also contain some other intriguing data.

Editor’s Picks

Your DDLC Match is Here.

Four girls are introduced in the game as the story’s supporting cast. A boy who plays the role of you in the game is the protagonist. Which of the aforementioned personalities is most like you? Find out with our quiz.

Discover the contents of your soundtrack.

The story and ambiance are significantly influenced by the DDLC songs. We accounted for them in the quiz’s scores because of this. Which Doki Doki Literature Club! soundtrack best captures your personality will be revealed. (We examined every track to compile the most accurate list we could.)

Free DDLC Psychoanalysis is provided.

Which DDLC character are you, exactly? is the key query here. But don’t you want to know the reasoning behind your choice of match? The quiz’s advantage is that it provides thorough responses. The findings illuminate why you and the girl have certain traits.

The DDLC Personality Quiz’s Three Stages

To see the results, you must finish all the steps and answer the test’s 20 questions. The quiz has three different kinds of questions. You can find all the information about each here.

Composing a poetry.

You have to write your first poem for the DDLC Quiz’s first phase. To pass this section, you must finish the lines and identify the rhyming terms. Even though it is the easiest component of the test, it provides a wealth of vital information about your general personality and attributes.

Finishing the dialogs.

The test’s second section consists of a number of unfinished talks. You aid our analysis of your personality by completing the blanks. The primary characters will converse with one another. Moreover, this part does not contain any trivia-style questions. The line can be finished however you like.

Making difficult choices.

The Doki Doki Literature Club Quiz’s last section has difficult options. You run against decisions that are difficult to make. Again, there is no right or wrong answer in this situation. You can make any decision you desire. However, the overall outcome is impacted by the effects of your choices.

Which DDLC Character Are You, and How Do You Know?

Getting to know the girls and the boy in the game is one approach to locate your match. Find out which of the main personalities you most closely resemble by reading the descriptions that follow.

Note: This approach is unreliable. Additionally, most of the time, fans are unable to identify their own DDLC character. Therefore, we advise taking the entire test instead.

Protagonist, first

He is regarded as a failure who enjoys playing video games and watching anime. Due to the narrative’s emphasis on the girls, the protagonist’s character is a little hazy. However, based on what has been made clear, he is a perceptive and intelligent person. He is open-minded and dislikes making judgments. Additionally, the protagonist is dependable and faithful, making every effort to honor his word.

No. 2: Sayori

She is a bubbly, enthusiastic young woman who loves to write. Sayori can focus on anything for a brief period of time before losing interest. Despite being upbeat, adorable, and colorful, she is depressed. Because Sayori doesn’t love herself, she feels the need to satisfy everyone.

Which DDLC character are you, I hear you ask? “I’m Sayori,” most fans would like to say. She is a gorgeous girl, so that explains it.

Natsuki, third

Natsuki, despite her tomboyish tendencies, has a sweet and charming attitude. She often presents herself as stern and unyielding. She could come off as a haughty, grumpy, and direct girl as a result. But deep down, Natsuki is a nice and compassionate person.

#4: Yuri

She is characterized as a quiet, giving, and courteous girl by the official DDLC fanbase. Yuri is really sorry and insecure. She struggles to handle informal conversations and small talk since she is socially shy. She is intelligent and talented despite all of it.

Fifth: Monika

Monika is a responsible, collected, and trustworthy individual who serves as the president of the Doki Doki Literature Club, or at least that’s how she starts. Others recognize her as the most popular student and the most athletically talented person. However, Monika develops into a cunning and obsessive girl during the narrative, turning her into a game’s “half-villain.”

When asked “which DDLC character are you,” many fans would respond, “I’m Monika,” despite the fact that she is a contentious young lady. That is because she suffers with issues that are universal and has good intentions when acting.

How Unsettling Is the DDLC Test?

We attempted to keep everything as creepy as we could, considering that the game is a psychological horror. But since the questions don’t contain explicit material or anything particularly spooky, there is no age limit needed. The test still has a sinister vibe to it. Therefore, if you don’t like these types of environments, you’re better off without it.

None of the pictures in the “Which DDLC Character Are You Quiz” are owned by QuizExpo. All of the above images are the property of Team Salvato Serenity Forge.

For more personality quizzes check this: How Old Is My Soul.

which ddlc character are you quiz
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