Quiz: Which YouTuber Are You? 100% Accurate Match

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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What YouTuber are you, by the way? This 20-question quiz that has gone viral correctly describes your YouTube personality. Are you Mr. Beast, Logan Paul, Addison Rae, or PewDiePie?

The Greatest YouTuber Personality Test!

Here are some creators and influencers-focused questions to help you identify a YouTuber who is similar to you. It matches you to the top names in the app with an accuracy rate of 90.9%.

It is not at all like a niche-specific test. Therefore, don’t anticipate it to share any characteristics with our other trending quizzes. By taking part in this one, you can quickly locate your ideal match by comparing your traits to those of the most popular YouTubers in the globe.

Editor’s Picks

Find Out Which Popular YouTuber You Are

You watched your preferred streamer, fashion vlogger, beauty artist, or productivity influencer on YouTube for hundreds (if not thousands) of hours. You’re wondering, “Which YouTuber am I now?” The good news is that you will soon find out because our quiz evaluates your personality to show which well-known creator on the platform most closely resembles you.

Get Cool Extra Information Regarding Your YouTube Career

The exam reveals more than just your YouTube personality. It gives you amusing tidbits of knowledge about your made-up channel. Here is what you discover by answering the quiz.

  • Niche

We examined more than 15 lucrative and well-liked YouTube subgenres, compiling a list of the most prevalent characters in each. Therefore, based on your traits, your findings will also contain the subjects we believe you could go viral in. Take a look at the list of niches below:

Technology, Lifestyle, Fashion, Entertainment, Cooking, Reactions, Fitness, and Video Games. Finance & Investing. Educational Videos.

  • Subs

Another interesting query is how many subscribers you would have if you were a YouTuber. Through assessing your mindset, the quiz can determine the size of your community.

  • Annual/Monthly Views

If you are not able to generate millions of views per month, you are not a successful YouTuber. Therefore, in addition to displaying your online identity, we also inform you of your potential for creative success.

  • YouTuber earnings

If you were, say, Mr. Beast or Shane Dawson, how much money would you make from advertisements? The YouTube character test estimates how much money that specific person could make online. (And hey, all numbers will be accurate.)

  • Awards

We will announce your YouTuber match after revealing your likelihood of winning accolades. Would you be able to win a Kid’s Choice or Streamy? If you don’t take the quiz, you’ll never know that.

Everybody Can Take the YouTube Personality Test

Our YouTuber persona quiz features the greatest stars on the platform, unlike other quizzes. You could think of the most absurd pairings.

Here are some alternative methods if you run out of time to figure out which YouTuber you are.

Suitable age:

To locate your compatible YouTube personality by birthday is a silly (but also entertaining) way. The table below may be useful in doing so.

Character compatibility:

Reading each YouTuber’s personality description and deciding which one you relate to the most is a less foolish alternative.

Jimmy Donaldson is the YouTube giveaway king. He has donated millions of dollars to charities, needy people, and unrelated individuals. If MrBeast is your YouTuber match, you are a crazy thinker who cares about philanthropy.

or the ruler of YouTube. The only individual (and not a business or an Indian record label) with more than 100,000,000 subscribers is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. He is a popular YouTuber who is already in his 30s and still dominates the YT trends. He is hilarious, snarky, and vivid. If you are PewDiePie, you are a master of the emotional response who can turn a potato meme into the most exciting subject ever. Additionally, you are skilled at torturing yourself with ridiculous games.

David was still one of the top YouTube vloggers in 2019–2020 despite all the controversies. He is a smart, laid-back, loud-laughing boy who enjoys parties. He hangs out with his Vlog Squad and records anything interesting that happens to them. You are a Hollywood boy or girl who likes the opulent lifestyle of celebrities and enjoys hanging out with them if your YouTube persona is David.

Logan, the older Paul brother, used to be a contentious YouTuber, at least according to how he introduced himself. Logan, who is now a professional boxer, has consistently trended on YouTube for less than family-friendly reasons. He is a driven, self-assured, and outspoken individual who always speaks his mind.

Which YouTuber are you, if someone were to ask? and you said, “I’m Logan,” introducing yourself as a tough, goal-oriented person. Additionally, it shows that you don’t give a damn about what others think of you or say behind your back.

For the past few years, the D’Amelio family has dominated YT’s entertainment section. Charlie is currently a nominee for the 2021 Streamy Awards. You adore the spotlight and all the attention if your inner YouTuber is one of the D’Amelio sisters.

James, who is the second-most-subscribed makeup video provider, is a well-liked YouTuber. He has a sweet and endearing persona and is honest with his followers about his feelings and ideas. You adore cosmetics if you wanted to respond, “I’m James Charles,” when someone asked which YouTuber you were. Additionally, you have a distinctive and sarcastic personality.

The master of YouTube’s tech reviews is Marques Brownlee. He has been using a rudimentary webcam to record since he was a young child. Here are some things to know if you took the YouTuber character match test and you came up with him: 1) You are (probably) a very nerdy and geeky person. 2) You have a 90% accuracy rate for your analysis, which demonstrates how analytically strong you are; and 3) You are creative.

None of the pictures used in the YouTuber Match Quiz belong to QuizExpo. If you own any and would like them to be taken down, kindly contact us.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Vampire Diaries Character Are You Quiz.

which youtuber are you
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