Which of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You? 100% Fun Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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A Synopsis of the Seven Deadly Sins

There are seven character flaws called the deadly sins that must be avoided at all costs. It is thought that well-known monk Evagrius of Pontus invented the aforementioned vices. Because of this, none of the biblical versions make reference to the aforementioned immoralities.

Pop Gregory the First deleted eight items from Monk Evagrius’ list of bad sins, including vainglory and melancholy, in the fourth century. The 7 deadly sins as we know them now were created by The Pop by replacing “Envy” with the items that were taken out.

Editor’s Picks

It is important to note that Dante Alighieri’s poem, the Divine Comedy, popularized this idea.

Your Deadliest Sin is Revealed by This Shameful Quiz!

The Seven Sins and How to Know Which One You Are

· Lust

One of the most widespread fatal sins that we all commit is the desire for sex. However, this terrible deed typically alludes to an excessive and unchecked longing for materialistic ideas. Therefore, cravings for wealth, power, or even food might result in such depravity.

· Gluttony

Another one of the Seven Sins that you could do is overindulging and gorging oneself. People that embody this terrible behavior have an unbridled passion for devouring ever-increasing quantities of food.

· Greed

If the 7 Deadly Sins Quiz identifies you as greedy, it suggests you have an obsession with material goods. Since greed is rooted in desiring more of everything, it can lead to overeating and other vices.

· Sloth

Laziness seems like a good character quality. However, if you were alive in the fourth century, you would suffer the consequences of your sloth and laziness. Sloth is the top response on the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz for 23% of participants. Therefore, it is a rather typical evil-like deed these days.

· Wrath

Wrath difficulties can be identified by impulsivity, impatience, and wrath that has been let out.

· Envy

Another sin is being envious of what others have or achieve. It supposedly transforms you into someone who is unkind, evil, and unfriendly. You should avoid it at all costs because of this.

· Pride

Most religions do not tolerate arrogance. The tales claim that Lucifer was sent out of heaven because of his pride.

Exposing Your Demon Name in the Rebellion

Find out which of the Seven Deadly Sins you are in this exercise. However, we can also recognize your polar opposite monster. According to legend, Lucifer tried to establish his empire by declaring war on God. And he succeeded in persuading six additional angels to join his war.

For their rebellious actions, the aforementioned group—also known as the Seven Fallen Angels—was punished. Later, they came to represent the seven vices. The depravities are listed here, along with their corresponding demon.

What Are Your Cardinal Virtues?

The Cardinal Virtue is the opposite of each of the seven sins. Our quiz can pinpoint your good trait’s opposite, revealing what kind of positive mindset you are lacking.

The opposites of the Seven Deadly Sins are listed below.

View the Results Cautiously

Keep in mind that the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz is just for fun and enjoyment. Therefore, don’t be sorry for what happens in the end. The questions were meant to be enjoyable and interesting. However, please let us know if any of the test entries offend or disrespect you in any way.

Notes and Disclaimers at the End

The 7 Vices test was created just for amusement. Additionally, it is a pleasant method to learn more about yourself.

For more personality quizzes check this: Stray Kids Quiz.

which of the seven deadly sins are you
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