Which Romeo And Juliet Character Are You? Romeo And Juliet Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our Romeo And Juliet quiz and we will tell you which Romeo And Juliet character are you? Play it now.

Verona Beach is the ruthless and downtown town of the Capulets and Montagues, two large organized criminals who are also deadly competitors. There is so much hatred between the two families that even the existing patriarchs of the clan do not know anymore why they hate each other so much. The origins of the conflict are lost, nevertheless, the hostility is powerful and affects the younger clan members deeply.

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When fueling a car, a group of lads from Montague, commanded by Romeo’s cousin Benvolio. Are struck by a gang of Boys of Capulets led by Juliet’s cousin Tybalt. In the aftermath of the fight they shot each other at a petrol station, they cause enormous property damage. During his apprehension Capt. Prince warned each of the clan patriarchs that he would not tolerate any troubles with his scarcely hidden risk of “paid the loss of peace” in the case of another skirmish. The CEO of the Police stops this brawl and culminates in the arrest of both the participants.

Which Romeo And Juliet character are you?

Benvolio goes to the beach to meet Romeo who is slaughtered by Rosaline, a woman with whom he finds himself brooding. They decide to spend the day together. They discover about a spectacular costume gig at the Capulet home that night while taking part in a bit of fancy. Everyone decides it’s amusing to collapse the party. At first, Romeo refused to join, but he decided to sign up when he discovered Rosalin was present. On the way to the Capulet Rift, they encounter their shared buddy Mercutio, the unparalleled party animal who, with some designer drugs, scoring their tickets at the party of the year. Mercutio offers Romeo an ecstasy tablet, and the substance soon takes him back to the toilet to try to restore his senses.

At first, we might anticipate the lovers to demonstrate the unifying power which connects families. If the show were a comedy, Romeo and Juliet would have a public wedding, and everyone would live happily ever after the families would see reason and decide their dispute. But for the lovers to overcome, the feud of Montagues-Capulet is too intense. The world of the game is a place where freedom from all save pure love is an unrealized desire. In the end, the love of characters resolves the feud, but at the cost of living. Also, you will find out which Romeo And Juliet character are you in this quiz.

Romeo and Juliet have their social roles caught in playing. Romeo is a young man, who should hunt women, but Rosaline, who swore to be a virgin, has been picked.

About the quiz

The way Romeo talks about Rosaline shows that he plays a part instead of feeling emotional. In clichés that make his cousin Benvolio laugh at him, he communicates his frustration. Her responsibility as a young woman is to wait obediently for her parents to marry her.

Juliet’s reply is obedient, but unhappy, as her mother announces that Paris will be Juliet’s future spouse. “I’m going to look to like if you like a move,” she says. (1.3). These early scenes reveal the figures of Romeo and Julia and present them with the themes that dominate the rest of the play: love, sex, and marriage.

Romeo now stops the struggle between the two, but in doing Mercutio doesn’t let himself protect himself from the attack of Tybalt and he dies. Tybalt flees and Romeo, on the steps of the cathedral, pursues him to kill him this time. In case of ever returning Romeo will be exiled by the Police Head on pain of death. The Capulet house weeps at Tybalt’s death, and Juliet is afraid that he would marry his father’s friend Paris. She goes to the priest and asks for his assistance to design a way to be together with her and Romeo.

They do not all go nicely with the plan. Romeo doesn’t grasp the message from the priests that Juliet’s death is only fake. He heard, instead, that Juliet was dead and rushed back to Verona, breaking into her grave. He heard of his cousin. Juliet wakes and sees Romeo at that moment but only has a couple of moments before he dies next to him. She takes his weapon and commits suicide, not wanting to live without Romeo.

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which romeo and juliet character are you
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