20 Would You Rather Questions to Reveal Your TRUE Character

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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With 20 would you rather questions, this amusing test reveals your personality. Everyone, including children, adults, and couples, can use the questions and outcomes.

Would You Rather Quiz Explained for Dummies

A WRD is a dialogue exercise. The rule is to select one of the two possibilities without considering the prize or penalty. The goal is to make you question your views and ideas by posing absurd problems. The question, “Would you rather kill to live or die to save?” is an example of one of them.

However, an online WRD test often consists of a group of questions with connected answers. You may, for instance, respond to a series of would-you-rather questions to determine if you are naughty or nice. For instance, the questionaire on this page demonstrates how your ethical ideas function.

Editor’s Picks

A Silly Questionary with Absolute Deep Results

This page’s WRD quiz resembles every other online game in appearance. merely on the outside. Results are significant despite questions being similar to those on other tests (but a little more enjoyable). Despite the fact that the selections appear foolish, the decisions you make indicate a lot about your personality.

Our computers examine your seemingly harmless responses to generate a moral assessment. Are you someone who values ethics? Or would you rather base your decision on the circumstances? That can be determined by the questionnaire you are about to complete. Look below.

These Casual Would You Rather Questions Exposes Your Moral System

Utilitarianism and Formalism are two of the most contentious categories of ethics. Regarding your responses to the WRD questions, our test can tell how you believe. The regulations are exactly the same. You must select the choice you believe makes most sense out of two possibilities that are displayed on the screen. The remainder will be handled by the quiz.

Depending on your answers, you could get one of two different outcomes. Each of them has the following meaning.


Observing this outcome indicates that you believe the ends justify the means. So you don’t evaluate people according to their actions. You would prefer to know more about the circumstances and goals. Here is an illustration of how the moral code of a utilitarian might operate.

“Your acquaintance has spent the previous year in a bad relationship. They have made repeated attempts to split up. But every time, they were threatened by their poisonous relationship. However, your pal is currently having a hidden relationship. Do you condemn them for having an unhealthy partner?

According to utilitarianism, some bad behaviors are acceptable in some circumstances. So you wouldn’t criticize your pal for cheating if you were a utilitarian. That is because, despite the fact that it is not anything to be proud of, you think they had the right to do it.


Your right is always right, and your wrong is always wrong, if the Would You Rather Quiz labeled you as one. Formalism holds that the only things that matter are your actions and behaviors. So even though their partner was a poisonous individual, a formalist would still believe that cheating is bad in the scenario given above.

Here is an illustration of a WYR query to identify a formalist. Would you rather do nothing and let all 251 people perish, or would you rather kill a child and save 250 adults? Formalism holds that murder is never acceptable. Therefore, a formalist would choose to witness others’ deaths than their own wrongdoing.

Some Different Ways of Playing a WYR Game

The benefit of discussion games is that you may always alter the rules as you see fit. That also applies to would-you-rather inquiries. There are currently a huge variety of methods to play it or alter its foundation. Here are a few of the most well-liked modifications to the fundamental guidelines.

Celebrity Date

These hypothetical would-you-rather inquiries concern potential encounters with famous persons. Typically, you stick with the celebrity you picked in the prior round for this one. To see who you would go out with in the final round, you must accompany your favorite star there.

On her talk program, Ellen DeGeneres plays this kind of WYR game alongside other famous people. On each round, she presents her guest with two attractive celebrities, asking them to choose one and leave the other behind.

Challenging Questions

Asking others thought-provoking questions is the most informal and enjoyable approach to play would-you-rather games. In your regular life, you would never even consider these things. For instance, “Would you rather save someone’s life and lose $1,000,000 or murder a random person and win $1,000,000?”

Philosophical dilemmas

The WYR game that tests your thinking is another variety. There have always been problems. But some people enjoy using them for amusement. In this situation, you might offer someone a thought-provoking question with two absurd answers just to watch how they respond. Here is an illustration of a would you prefer argument.

Would you rather find the answers to all of life’s important questions and pass away an hour later, or endure an existential crisis that causes your death?

Nasty and Naughty Stuff

For the majority of teen parties, this is the top option. Would you rather queries involving sexual taboos and secrets are considered to be naughty or naughty. It appeals to the young as a fun way to spend the evening or spice up things. For instance, “Would you rather kiss your best friend’s mom/dad or watch them do that with your parents?” is an example of a filthy would-you-rather question.

For each of the aforementioned gem types, the following table presents three difficult and intriguing queries.

Games That Are Similar to Would You Rather Questions

Try the following party games as well if the would you rather question sounds like fun to you. The most popular games that are comparable to WYR are listed below.

Smash or Pass

You have to pick between two contestants in each round. While the other receives nothing, you choose the person with whom you are willing to have sexual relations. This game can be played in two different ways. You might pick between two famous persons or two people you know. The former is far safer while the latter might result in some extremely unpleasant situations.

Kiss, Marry, Kill

In contrast to WYR games, KMK gives you three choices for every round. Choosing what to do with each is the objective. Say your friend offers you the names of three famous people. You must choose who you want to marry, who you want to kill, and who you want to kiss. Of course, if you use real people’s names, it becomes much more difficult. However, given the variety of alternatives, utilizing fictional characters or celebrities seems more logical.

This or That

The most basic type of would you prefer questions are “this or that” inquiries. There are no penalties or prizes in the game. Simply choose one of the two choices that someone else presented to you. Usually, the aim is to get to know one another. So, many people use this-or-that game as a safe and fun conversation starter.

2 Ideas Instead of a WYR Quiz

You might not enjoy taking tests. If you like the concept of would-you-rather games, here are two further suggestions.

Watch a horror game movie

In the movie Would You Rather, a friendly chat game develops into a terrifying competition for survival. It came out in 2012. However, if you enjoy that sort of thing, you should still watch the movie.

Install an app

There are many apps available for both iOS and Android that can take the role of internet quizzes. They typically promise no specific outcome. However, they classify inquiries and frequently update their decks. They are thus a suitable option for events like parties and sporadic get-togethers. The program “Would You Rather? – Hardest Choice for Party Game” is among the best examples of its kind. The evaluations are favorable, and it has more than 1 million installations.

FAQs About the Would You Rather Questions on the Test

Are they going to be philosophical?

No, all of the test’s questions are lighthearted, difficult, and enjoyable. However, there are a few deep ones as well.

Is this quiz SFW?

Actually, no. This test contains several would-you-rather questions that are NSFW.

Can a kid answer these Would You Rather questions?

No. Children are not intended for the test. Taken only by adults (18+).

Can I see what others chose after answering each question?

No. The privacy of QuizExpo users is valued. As a result, during the quiz, we don’t save any of your information. This is the reason why you are unable to observe any performance or preference percentages for others.

Is it a proper Would You Rather Quiz for a party?

Absolutely. Would you rather test questions make excellent conversation starters at gatherings.

Did Pandemic Affected Would You Rather Games

Here are some intriguing 2020–2021 facts before you take the WYR exam.

The demand for the game has increased

According to the most recent Google Trends data, “would you rather” searches increased when the pandemic began. That may indicate that during the lockdown and quarantine, more individuals played it.

A whole new genre has shown up

2020 was an odd year because of everything related to COVID-19. It appeared to be a permanent alteration that had an impact on everything. The pandemic prompted the development of a new subgenre for would-you-rather questions called Covid WYR. This is a list of questions that are all concerned with current events and the difficulties of living in isolation.

You might have to decide whether you’d rather gain 30 pounds and put an end to the pandemic, or lose 30 pounds and remain in lockdown for another year.

The most popular WYR question is the silliest

On Either.io, one of the most well-known would-you-rather questions is posted. “Would you rather punch a pilgrim or eat an avocado?” is the question. So far, more than 1,600,000 people have cast votes on it. The good news is that 60% of them choose to eat avocado over other foods.

For more personality quizzes check this: Would You Rather Questions Quiz.

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