A Clockwork Orange Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our A Clockwork Orange quiz and we will tell you which A Clockwork Orange character you are. Play it now.

Korova milk bar’s human furniture, where the “milk-plus” was given Alex DeLarge is the head of a gang of “droogs” in a futuristic Britain, including Georgie, Dim, and Pete. They engage in an evening of “ultra-violence” one night after becoming intoxicated on drug-laced “milk-plus,” which involves a fight with a rival gang. They travel to writer Frank Alexander’s country house and trick his wife into letting them in. They beat Alexander to the point of crippling him, and Alex brutally rapes Alexander’s wife while singing “Singin’ in the Rain”. The next day, while truant from school, Alex is approached by PR Deltoid, his probation officer, who is aware of Alex’s activities and warns him.
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Alex’s droogs voice their dissatisfaction with petty crime and call for more equality and high-yield thefts, but Alex asserts his power by attacking them. Later, while his droogs stay outside, Alex invades the home of a wealthy “cat-lady” and bludgeons her with a phallic sculpture. Alex attempts to escape when he hears sirens, but Dim smashes a bottle in his face, stunning him and leaving him to be arrested. Deltoid informs Alex that the lady has died as a result of her injuries, and Alex is found guilty of murder and sentenced to 14 years in prison. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this A Clockwork Orange quiz. Alex enthusiastically accepts an offer to be a test subject for the Minister of the Interior’s new Ludovico technique, an experimental aversion therapy for rehabilitating criminals in two weeks, two years into his sentence. Alex is strapped to a chair, his eyelids are clamped shut, and drugs are injected into him. He is then forced to view sex and violence films, some of which feature music by his favorite composer, Ludwig van Beethoven. Alex becomes nauseated by the films and, afraid that the technique will make him sick when he hears Beethoven, begs for the treatment to be stopped.

A Clockwork Orange Quiz

Two weeks later, the Minister shows Alex’s recovery to a group of government officials. Alex is unable to fight back against an actor who taunts and attacks him, and he becomes sick as a result of his desire for sex with a topless woman. The prison chaplain complains that Alex has been deprived of his freedom; the Minister claims that the Ludovico method will reduce crime and relieve prison overcrowding. Also, you will find out which character are you in this A Clockwork Orange quiz. Alex is released from jail only to discover that the police have sold his belongings to compensate his victims and that his parents have rented out his room. Alex runs into an elderly vagrant he assaulted years ago, and the vagrant and his companions attack him. Alex is rescued by two police officers, only to discover that they are his erstwhile droogs Dim and Georgie. They leave him after driving him to the countryside, beating him and nearly drowning him. Alex only makes it to the front door of a neighboring house before collapsing.

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Alex awakens in the house of Mr Alexander, who is now confined to a wheelchair. Alexander does not recognize Alex from the prior attack, but he has read about him and the Ludovico technique. He views Alex as a political weapon and plans to introduce him to his colleagues. While bathing, Alex starts singing “Singin’ in the Rain,” which makes Alexander realize that Alex was the one who attacked his wife and him. Alexander drugs Alex and locks him in an upstairs bedroom with the assistance of his coworkers. From the level below, he then plays Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony loudly. Alex tries suicide by jumping out the window, unable to bear the sickening pain. Also, you must try to play this A Clockwork Orange quiz. Alex survives the assassination attempt and awakens in the hospital with numerous injuries. During a battery of psychological exams, he discovers that he no longer has aversions to violence and sex. When the Minister comes, he apologizes to Alex. He promises to look after Alex and find him work in exchange for his help with his election campaign and public relations offensive. As a gesture of kindness, the Minister brings in a stereo system that is playing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Alex then considers violence and fantasizes about having sex with a lady in front of an appreciative audience, thinking to himself, “I was cured, all right!”

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