Amazing US History Quiz. Are You Smart Enough To Score 80%?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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There are 20 difficult questions in this comprehensive US history quiz. Your knowledge of US trivia and facts may be put to the test. Let’s begin by testing your intelligence.

quiz on US history

Every country’s history is always accompanied by a ton of bizarre and intriguing tales. Even for those of us who aren’t overly engaged in this topic, there are likely many aspects that are interesting to us. This time, a brief US history quiz will teach you some of the most important historical facts.

Almost all Americans have studied the history of their nation in school. Do you, however, recall any of these classes? It’s time to evaluate your level of historical attentiveness! You can receive a score by taking the quiz on US history.

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It is best to start by going back to the moment the American continent was discovered. As is well known, Christopher Columbus was the first person to set foot on Spanish territory in the Americas. And on this occasion, everyone takes the day off work to honor Columbus Day, which is observed annually on October 12.

facts about US history

There are several common myths and lies that have been propagated through true stories throughout American history. You can take the Us history quiz to see if you disagree with this assertion. How much trivial US history knowledge do you possess? Do you believe you are knowledgeable about your nation to the fullest extent possible? I dare you to a quick game of US history trivia if you think you know enough about the topic. To evaluate yourself, respond to the following inquiries.

  • When was it forbidden to celebrate Christmas in America?
  • What year was the discovery of the American continent?
  • Which state is the smallest and the largest?
  • Which city is the oldest?
  • What number of stars does the American flag have?
  • Who entered space first among Americans?

So how did it go? Did you manage to respond to every inquiry? Congratulations for moving on to the next stage if you could! However, if you are unable to respond to the questions, don’t panic. This post will provide you with some useful information that will help you quickly prepare for the US history quiz.

facts about American history

Every nation has amusing facts that may not significant, and many of us probably haven’t ever considered them, but it’s always interesting to know them. Therefore, it is not terrible to look at these 10 pieces of trivia about American history that we have listed for you if you are also interested in this subject.

1- Independence Day is not celebrated on July 4.

It is amusing to note that Congress’ actual vote to end American control over the British Empire took place on July 2.

2. Samuel Clemens, not Mark Twain, is his real name.

3- New York does not even have the original Statue of Liberty.

Yes, you’re right. France presented New Jersey with the statue of liberty as a gift in October 1886.

Four) The Empire State Building has a distinctive Zip Code

5- Oregon residents speak most quickly

According to Marchex, Oregonians have the fastest speaking patterns. Louisiana, Alabama, and Carolina have the slowest speakers.

6- Washington DC was not the US’s original capitol.

It is the second-largest city on the east coast of the United States after New York and is situated in the country’s east. The city was formerly the nation’s capital. Yes, Philadelphia was the nation’s first capitol and is the biggest city in Pennsylvania.

7 – Abraham Lincoln was the tallest head of state in history!

The 16th president of the United States, he stood six feet (193 cm) tall.

8- Atlantic City is home to the longest Broadwalk in the world.

9- Harvard was America’s first college.

10- The happiest state in the US is Utah.

Take the US history quiz to test your knowledge and show off your patriotism while also having fun.

a test on American history

Every period has its key moments that are important to remember. In this situation, a lot of details, such dates or names, are easily forgotten. However, some historical occurrences are so important and essential that people might never forget them. similar to the margins in the most recent American election! Or the tragedy that struck George Floyd and sparked a public uproar. The future? Perhaps in the future, all the peculiar occurrences of 2020 America will be remembered as trivia!

Anyway, if you enjoy quizzes and are curious about American history, take this quiz and see how many questions you can correctly answer. Don’t forget to share your answers with your history class mates who are dozing off. The quiz on US history is about to start; good luck!

For more personality quizzes check this: Best Friend Quiz.

amazing us history quiz
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