State Capitals Quiz: Are You Smart Enough to Score %90?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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The best test on state capitals is this one. In 2021 and beyond, it will be the most difficult IQ-based US state test you will need. Level of difficulty: HARD.

The Most Difficult IQ Test on State Capitals!

It’s enjoyable to learn all the capital names. But does it establish your prowess in geography? In our opinion, no. The only way to demonstrate your high topographical IQ is to attempt the difficult states and capitals quiz on this page. There were 20 difficult questions about each of the 50 states.

You will be given an Intelligence Quotient score at the completion of the exam, ranging from zero to twenty. To learn what your result implies, look below.

Editor’s Picks

Testing Your Memory of State Capitals

The first five questions in the quiz assess how clear or hazy your memory is. All you have to do at this point is accurately identify the capital of a US state. But do not be fooled by its apparent simplicity in description. We made a cruel effort to make this segment as challenging as we could.

Bee in State Capitals

A virtual spelling bee competition serves as the State Capitals Quiz’s second round. To earn points, you must correctly guess each city’s name in its proper form. However, we want you to be aware that the names of certain cities are far too long. Therefore, obtaining a perfect 5/5 score will not be a simple feat.

Look for the rhymed names!

Most other State Capitals online quizzes merely inquire about the cities’ names. But in this case, everything is very different. You must identify the rhyming city names on the third test stage. Yes, the query relates to geography. However, we also want to assess how intelligent you are.

Analyze your IQ

Nearly 80% of test takers fail at the test’s final section! This is due to the impossibility of answering the questions at this level. For the creation of this section, we consulted some data and facts regarding the US capital cities. And as a result, less than 10% of applicants succeed in passing it.

What Does Your Score on the State Capitals Quiz Mean?

On the test, one point is awarded for each accurate response. Therefore, twenty is a perfect score. Your right answers, however, show how intelligent you are in terms of understanding the US geography. What you need to know about the outcomes is provided below.

0–5 Points: Unsatisfactory

The State Capitals Quiz’s first five questions are all rather straightforward. Therefore, a score of less than five is unacceptable. You can retake the test if you’re not satisfied with the results. But this time, be sure to focus on the specifics. Memorizing location names is not the only requirement for a high geography IQ.

Not bad with 6–10 points.

You properly answered 40–50% of the questions. That is a respectable accomplishment. The State Capitals Quiz has stricter standards, though. Most competitors end up scoring the same as you do. But that has no special significance. (Sorry). Questions like “What is the capital city of New Jersey?” and “How do you spell the name of the capital city of Michigan?” can be found in the first and second stages of the exam. Therefore, you need to retake the questionaire—or buy a map of the US states—if you were unable to correctly answer them.

You Are a Knowledgeable Person in 11–15 Points

You seem to be well knowledgeable about the states and their capitals. And that is a reason for pride. Your geographic and map-related IQ is higher than average. So you can boast about your test results and flaunt them. But remember that you are still one step behind the next set of geniuses, those who scored more than 16 points.

You Are a Mastermind in 16–20 Points

You aced the quiz on state capitals. something that just 15% of participants can accomplish. You have now acquired the virtual badge of being the expert on the US map. You ought to brag to others about your amazing performance on one of the hardest online quizzes.

Why You Should Take the US States Quiz, in Three Reasons

You need to use your geographic talent. And our quiz is made to assist you in doing that. In summary, we believe there are three key justifications for why you must take this US map IQ test. (See underneath.

One: Other Exams Are Boringly Simple

#2: A Novel Method for Learning State Capitals

One of the finest strategies for memorizing information is to use rhymes and wordplay. You can use these methods to properly learn and recall the names using the State Capitals Quiz. There is more information about each city in the questions. Therefore, it is a test that is appropriate for children.

Third: Make a point!

Do others question your state knowledge? Do you want them to look back on their feelings? Well, the best way to achieve that is to take the State Capitals Quiz. Your great performance is enough to silence your critics. To compare the results and see who is really in charge, you can also challenge them to take the quiz.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Color Am I.

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