Test: Do You Have God Complex? 100% Accurate Result

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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You may find out if you have the psyche of a superior person by taking our God Complex exam. Do you believe that you are superior than everyone else? There is a right response to this quiz.

How does God Complex work?

An individual with a god complex has a false notion that they are almighty, omniscient, and deserving of special treatment. A person with a god complex may also believe they possess unique beauty and can do no wrong.

How to Pass the God Complex Test

It is a psychological self-report questionnaire used to identify Superiority Complex individuals. The Understanding Human Nature: The Psychology of Personality by Alfred Adler serves as the foundation for the test. And the objective is to dispel any exaggerated notions of individual brilliance, privilege, or infallibility.

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What Relationship Has It to the Narcissistic Test?

Both the Superiority Complex test and the Narcissist test can tell whether you have a toxic entitlement complex. The latter, though, is based on the DSM-5 recommendations. But the former is motivated by Adler’s work.

Symptoms of a God Complex

Toxic superiority has minimal observable symptoms, similar to other mental illnesses. In general, someone who exhibits the four warning signs below is likely to play the God card and become overly conceited.


A person with a God Complex thinks they are the most significant human being, just as a narcissist. Despite all the evidence, such a person would never concede their incapability.


One with a God Complex believes they have the right to dictate to others’ choices and lives in general. They feel entitled to dominating people regardless of their standing because of their sense of superiority.

Desire for Affection

Constantly looking for affirmation is another sign. The person needs other people’s approval to function since the Superiority Complex has its roots in inferiority. Like Hyper-Sensitive People, they are unable to take criticism and experience internal turmoil in the presence of unfavorable remarks.

Lack of Compassion

Indicators of emotional numbness are also looked for by the God Complex test. Narcissists are unable to feel another person’s emotions. Therefore, their family members may even experience emotional abuse.

The Test Also Shows COMPLEXES!

Do you have a Superiority Complex? is the key query here. The test also looks at the likelihood of other, comparable circumstances. The twenty psychological questions in the questionnaire reveal the following list of personality disorders.


The opposite of the God Complex is this. This disorder causes a person to think abnormally weak, dependent, and lowly. Narcissism, however, may be used as a coping strategy for such unpleasant feelings. Therefore, even though they may feel inferior on the inside, they could act superior on the outside.


The Christ Complex exam also determines whether you have one. The patient has a condition where they believe they have a duty or are qualified to save others. The rescuer personality disorder may seem harmless, but it actually causes more harm than good. It gives them a sense of superiority over others and encourages narcissistic behavior of various kinds.


Jehovah, also known as illusions of grandeur, is a complex focused on magnolias. When one has this condition, they believe they are better than everyone else in their neighborhood or organization. This test evaluates your self-reflections to see if you possess it.

playing God

You can find out if you have a god complex by taking the God Complex test. Some people believe they have the right to exercise divine attributes, such as determining who lives or what is right or bad. Because the urge to portray a supernatural figure could have its roots in the wrong use of power, it differs slightly from the Superiority Complex.

Consider these Before Taking the Test.

One technique to identify your harmful qualities or self-reflections is to take the God Complex test. It might be challenging to diagnose someone with a personality disorder. So, to help you better comprehend the quiz results, here are a few things to be aware of.

Everyone possesses a small God Complex.

By nature, humans seek superiority. Such a struggle simply serves to motivate a person to complete work in a healthy state. So, there is a certain degree of narcissism in all of us. Just because you do your hardest to execute your work well does not mean that you have a God Complex. Instead of being a perfectionist, the issue is becoming poisonous.

It’s acceptable to strive for superiority, but there’s a catch.

There are times when you concentrate on certain life achievements while ignoring others. If you’re feeling inferior, you can overcompensate by disguising your incompetence with a noteworthy accomplishment (s). Your complex may become unhealthy and harmful at that point.

Being a God is based in suffering.

A strategy for coping with your inferiority is to feel superior to others. Despite appearing to have a lot of love for oneself, narcissists actually suffer from a lack of it. Therefore, having such problems does not indicate grandiosity, on the contrary.

Does the God Complex Test Follow the DSM-5 Recommendations?

The Superiority Complex is not a diagnosable illness, though. Therefore, there are no diagnostic recommendations provided by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Such traits are referred to as narcissistic personality disorder in medicine.


The God Complex Test is not a device for making medical diagnoses. The only person who can identify mental disorders or conditions is a trained expert (such as a psychologist or therapist). Please don’t be alarmed by the results.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which High School Musical Character Are You.

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