The Covenant Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Respond to these rapid questions in our The Covenant quiz and we will tell you which The Covenant character you are. Play it now.

In the town of Ipswich, four high school students known as the Sons of Ipswich—Caleb Danvers, Pogue Parry, Reid Garwin, and Tyler Simms—have magical powers because they are decedents of families of colonial witches. At the age of 13, they experience the emergence of their powers, which intensify until they Ascend at the age of 18. Their powers dramatically grow as they ascend, but doing so also connects them to their life force. An Ascended person’s addiction to their magic grows stronger the more they use it, which can cause early aging and even death. Caleb meets Sarah Wenham, a transfer student from a Boston public high school, while they are both enjoying a campfire. Chase Collins, a freshmen at Spenser Academy, is also introduced to the Sons. When police show up to disperse the party, their meeting is abruptly ended. The lads use their superpowers to get away. Following the discovery of a dead student close to their campus, Sarah and her roommate Kate Tunney become the center of a number of paranormal events. Reid, the most heedless of the warlocks, is the one Caleb suspects, but he vehemently denies the charge.
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Later, Pogue and Caleb witness a “darkling,” a spirit of the dead, and a bad omen. In the meantime, Caleb and Sarah start dating. Caleb notices Chase using magic during a swim contest. Caleb’s study leads him to the conclusion that Chase is descended from a fifth family, which was formerly thought to be extinct. Pogue finds out that a magic caused his lover Kate to go into a coma as the Sons talk about this new information. He rushes to confront Chase out of wrath, who quickly admits him to the hospital. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this The Covenant quiz. When visiting Sarah, Caleb unwittingly steps into Chase’s trap. Chase confesses that because he was adopted, he had no idea where his power came from. He discovered the cost of Ascension after finding his biological father, but it was too late, and now he is dependent on magic. Then his biological father gave him the authority. Chase wants to coerce Caleb and the other Ascended witches to give him their power as well. Chase disregards Caleb’s advice that gaining greater power won’t prevent him from aging to death. Chase threatens Caleb’s friends and family before leaving if he doesn’t get his way. Sarah learns the truth from Caleb, who then takes her to his father, a 44-year-old man with an aging physique due to magic usage. Caleb declines Sarah’s offer to have one of the other three give their power to him so he may battle Chase since it would put the other person’s life in danger.

The Covenant Quiz

The evening of Caleb’s 18th birthday, he departs to confront Chase, leaving Sarah in the care of Reid and Tyler. Chase, though, abducts her with ease. The two come face to face at an old barn. Chase unveils a mesmerized Sarah and issues Caleb with a life-or-death choice. Caleb ascends but is unwilling to cede his authority. Chase is outmatched in their duel. Evelyn, Caleb’s mother, pleads with her husband to save his son at home. After giving his kid control, he passes away. Caleb delivers a final blow to Chase that engulfs him once his father’s power has been absorbed within him. The curses on Sarah, Kate, and Pogue are lifted. Also, you will find out which character are you in this The Covenant quiz. When firefighters arrive on the scene, they let them know that no third person was discovered, which suggests that Chase managed to survive and flee. As they drive away, Caleb casually fixes the cracked windshield while the two are in his car, which makes Sarah uncomfortable.

For more personality quizzes check this: The Covenant Quiz.

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