What Denomination Am I? 2021 Accurate Christian Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Are you trying to find out what denomination I belong to? This quiz accurately identifies your areas of religious diversity. What religion, if any, do you practice?

How Do I Know Which Denomination I Am?

Division is where the word “denomination” comes from. Furthermore, it establishes which Christian subgroup you are a part of. The Church of the East, Oriental and Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Restorationism are the main divisions. There are, however, a large number of other, smaller groups who differ globally.

You can determine which group you belong to by looking at your particular Christian views or by taking a test. Of course, if you belong to a particular church, you are already aware of your differences. However, a closer look reveals whether your beliefs and principles align with your faith.

Editor’s Picks

Note: If you’re unsure of your religious affiliation, take the “What Religion Am I Quiz.”

A Test to Determine Your Religion

Understanding and contrasting all the different branches of Christianity is difficult. Therefore, some people may wonder, “What denomination am I?” To determine which division best fits you, we developed a quiz that evaluates your beliefs, behaviors, and values. To achieve that, we look at the following.

· Beliefs and views

Christians began to be split up into smaller sects when some believers had different interpretations of the bible’s texts and church doctrine. Therefore, how you interpret Christian rites, verses from the Bible, and other elements will serve as your primary point of differentiation from others.

· Religious background

“What denomination am I?” you inquire. It’s possible that your existing church has the solution. In the titles of their buildings, places of worship both domestically and abroad express their subdivision. If it is unclear to you, you can also ask the priest what denomination they are a part of.

The Test Is Valid Among Non-Christians As Well

Other religious individuals occasionally ponder what kind of Christianity they might practice. Therefore, we designed the test in a way that is compatible with all worldviews. But when you are already familiar with the principles of Christianity, you get the most accurate results.

5 Causes of the Emergence of Denominations

Authority, baptizing, sign gifts, nationality/language, and liberalistic movements, according to Dr. Gregory Wills, a professor of church history, are the reasons why we have different religious subdivisions.

#1: Authority Concerns

The prevailing laws and regulations worried the church at the time. According to some parties, the Roman bishop is the only one who has the right to rule and govern. Others, however, offered alternative strategies, such as unified leadership systems. Subgroups were initially formed as a result of such differences.

#2: Views on Baptizing and Salvation

While some Christians thought that baptism could bring about salvation, others held opposing views. Additionally, certain disputes arose as a result of the various denominations’ differing approaches to baptism. And thus, in order to practice their rites as they pleased, some Christians built their own temples of worship.

#3: The Origin and Renewal of Sign Gifts

A number of spiritual leaders began seeking out individuals who have godly abilities like speaking in tongues and healing during the Pentecostal Movement. They asserted that the revival and emergence of the sign gifts coincides with the time of Jesus’ second coming. But not everyone shared their viewpoint, which led to the emergence of another denomination.

#4: Different Nationalities and Languages

People of like races and tongues tended to congregate and perform Christian ceremonies in groups. However, these actions became justification for dividing Christians into various groupings, such as African-American Protestant Churches.

#5: Liberal Movements

Many religious scholars and academics have put up the idea of ration over script at various points in history. It indicates they choose to base their decisions on reason rather than the Bible’s teachings about how Christianity should be taught or practiced. The United Church of Christ and other akin subgroups were founded as a result of such a movement, which also caused another type of schism.

How to Choose the Right Denomination

You might still be pondering your religious affiliation. So, to help with that, here is a table. The main distinctions between the two largest Christian groups are shown here. The more one of them you concur with, the more you fall under that particular subcategory.

Important Information Before Taking the Denomination Test

It can be difficult to identify what kind of Christian you are. No technique is 100% exact, but we developed a valid and precise test. Before beginning the quiz, there are a few things we want you to be aware of.

Similarities are more than differences.

What denomination do I belong to? is useless if you don’t believe in Jesus and his teachings. The purpose of the subgroups shouldn’t be to split apart and separate Christians. So, be skeptical of the results of the Denomination Test. And keep in mind that Christians are considerably more likely to hold similar beliefs than different ones.

Jesus wants us to be united.

One Lord, one faith, and one baptism, according to what the Bible teaches, “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that corresponds to your call.” God desires that we be one and not separated. Therefore, the denomination quiz shouldn’t be used as a means of igniting differences.


All religions and their subgroups are respected at QuizExpo. There is no intention of discriminating against any divisions or organizations with the “Which Denomination Am I Quiz.” If you think any of the questions or information on this page is improper or misleading, kindly let us know.

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