What Race Am I? This Quiz Analyzes 20 Factors to Find It Out

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Are you curious about my race? You may learn how others would perceive your race based on your look, conduct, or even views with the help of this 99% accurate test.

Take a Quiz to Guess Your Race

It is not strange for someone to wonder what race they belong to. Considering that many young individuals have many ancestries, they frequently are unaware of their true nationality. Some cultures find it simpler to determine someone’s race thanks to overt cues like skin tone. However, for individuals who are perplexed and unwilling to spend money on an ancestral DNA test, taking a quiz is the most reasonably priced choice.

Who Was the First Person to Ask, What Race Am I?

In historical terms, your skin color and country had nothing to do with your “race” in the 16th century. Only your household, a certain group membership, or a shared ancestor were mentioned. However, Johnna Friedrich Blumenbach is regarded as the first person to inquire about their race. In 1776, he created the first racial categorization as a German scientist.

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Five different races were recognized by Johanna’s classification: Caucasian, Mongol, Malayan, Ethiopian, and American. It was the first time a specific classification was utilized to categorize people according to their outward appearance and biological characteristics.

How Does a Test Answers, “What Race Am I?”

It is difficult to develop a test that can determine your race with 100% accuracy. The quiz on this page, however, makes the best guess using a variety of hints and data. Results are occasionally not as precise as those from a DNA test. But they help you discover how others might assume your nationality based on non-spoken clues.

It Considers Where You Live

There are various classifications for races around the world. For instance, in most of Europe, Jews are regarded as a race. But in the US, Jews are an ethnic group. In order to correctly respond to the question “what race am I?” we need to know where you live.

It Inspects Your Biological Features

We are aware that phenotypes, or characteristics relating to physical appearance, are frequently used to classify races. Your appearance is therefore one of the key pieces of information we require to determine your nationality. We can make a better approximation using information like skin tone, hair type or color, and other comparable cues.

It Values Your Opinion

People today have the freedom to express their identity. In order to accurately estimate your race or ethnicity, you must have a saying. You should be free to express your connection to a certain group of individuals if you feel that way.

Before You Start: Race vs. Ethnicity

We already developed a test to determine one’s ethnicity. However, many people erroneously believe that the two ideas are equivalent and confuse them. Both concepts are, in theory, social constructs used to categorize individuals. But that does not imply that they are interchangeable.

Ethnicities are classifications based on cultural characteristics that society values. Contrarily, the term “race” is used to classify people who share biological characteristics that society perceives as significant.

Thus, two people of different races could belong to the same ethnic group. For instance, Muslims could be Asian and African-American. Islam is a religion that people of various racial backgrounds can practice.

This Quiz Is Based on the Categorizations of the US Census

To categorize races in the US, the National Population and Housing Census uses five main categories and one subclass. The same set of definitions are used in the What Race Am I quiz to determine your country. You can see below how each category is described using the aforementioned categories.

someone who claims to have European, Middle Eastern, or Northern African roots. The term “White” is derived from a phrase used to describe individuals with Indo-European ancestry.

Racial Group 2: Black (African-American)

people who are of African descent. People who are Afro-Caribbean are included. The countries of their ancestors are largely unknown because the majority of them were brought to the US as slaves.

anyone of Native American ancestry from the 48 contiguous United States or Alaska.

refers to origins in the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, or Eastern Asia.

people with ties to the Pacific Islands, such as Samoa, Hawaii, or Guam.

A person is categorized in this group if they don’t fit any of the aforementioned criteria.

4 Reasons Why You Should Stop Asking, What Race Am I?

When it comes to questions on race, we have chosen to respond. But keep in mind that racial ideas and issues are not accepted in the contemporary world. We now understand that making conclusions about people in a society based on their family history or looks is immoral. So, now you know why you shouldn’t inquire, “What race am I?”

Race Does Not Exist

There are no chromosomes in our DNA that may be used to define or explain our race. The entire concept of racial classifications was created by society to divide up power and privilege.

Racial Beliefs Lead to Implicit Attitude

Implicit Attitudes are judgments of the positive and negative that take place without our conscious awareness or control. The more you interact with ideas like race and ethnicity, the more presumptions you subconsciously form about other people. And that has an impact on how you see the world, perhaps turning you into a racist or semi-racist individual.

No One Has a Clear Definition for Race

Whoever you are, if you ask “What is my race? “No one can provide you with a conclusive response. People who were not White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, for instance, were regarded as Non-White in the early 1900s. Americans, Europeans, and even Middle Easterners are now referred to as White.

Racial Categories Lead to Privilege Issues

You should cease wondering “what my race is” for various reasons, such as privilege and minority pressures. Our privilege test indicates that the majority of minorities experience unfair social and economic situations. This is due to the fact that more power structures employ racial division and control as a strategy.

Some Silly Facts About Race

For those who wonder, “What is my race?” here are some amusing yet depressing statistics.

You Could Not Have Multiple Races Before 2000

You should have had a certain race prior to 2000. Therefore, it would be difficult for you to identify yourself correctly as a half-blood. But as a result of these modifications, you can now select different races when asked about your history in legal documents.

One-Drop Rule Works Only One Way

You are considered a Non-White person if you have even a trace quantity of African American ancestry. But just because you have some White ancestry doesn’t mean you’re a White person! You should keep that ridiculous fact in mind as well when inquiring about your race.

The One-Drop Rule only applies in the United States of America, please note.

All What Race Am I quiz takers are respected by QuizExpo based on their character and demeanor, not their race or ethnicity. This quiz is just a fun way to determine your country of origin without getting your DNA tested. If you think any of the quiz’s questions or results are offensive or disrespectful, kindly let us know.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Death Note Character Are You.

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