Which Riverdale Character Are You? Which 1 of 6 Characters?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which character from Riverdale are you? With 20 short personality questions, this Riverdale quiz will show your true personality.

This Quiz Accurately Discovers Your Riverdale Character

Which Riverdale character am I, have fans ever asked? So, this is the method to discover the final response. To create the most authentic Riverdale quiz, we evaluated all of the show’s well-liked parents, instructors, and kids. Now all you have to do is answer 20 amusing personality quiz questions to find out who you are in the Archie universe.

Which Riverdale Character Are You?

The core cast’s personalities serve as the foundation for the Which Riverdale Character Are You quiz. Here is a sneak glimpse at the qualities we look for when matching your personality with the CW’s daring pupils.

Editor’s Picks

You Are Archibald ‘Archie’ Andrews if…

Archie, who is portrayed by KJ Apa, is a strong-willed man who is yet incredibly sensitive. If you are a good-hearted, sincere, and compassionate person who is willing to give his life for his loved ones, Archibald is similar to you in Riverdale.

You Are Forsythe Jughead Jones if…

Cole Sprouse, an actor, did a terrific job of playing a youthful, eager aspiring writer. If you are artistic, have hidden skills, and have the ability to maintain objectivity in the face of extreme difficulty, FJ is your Riverdale match.

You Are Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Cooper if…

One of the key Riverdale cast members who helped Betty stand out was Lili Reinhart. If you are a straight-A student who occasionally gets angry, your character is comparable to the well-known daughter of Cooper’s family. Betty is a sharp individual who has displayed fortitude and courage to speak up throughout the show.

You Are Veronica Ledge if…

Veronica (Camila Mendes) is a well-known Riverdale character who is stylish, endearing, and self-assured. If you possess similar traits to hers, such as being ambitious, forceful, sardonic, and goal-oriented, then your persona is similar to hers.

Take the “Which Riverdale Character Are You” Quiz for a Detailed Result

It’s not as simple as it might seem to find the live-action equivalent of your favorite Archie comic. One of the actors could appeal to you if you think they are your soul match. The CW show, however, features complex characters with lots of unpredictability. Therefore, taking the Which Riverdale Character Are You quiz is the greatest method to identify your ideal Riverdale mate.

Five Facts About Riverdale Characters Not Many Fans Know

Here are some interesting information we wanted to share before you begin the Riverdale High School students test. (Old fans may not find these surprising, but new ones need to hear them.)

The Riverdale actors of the CW shared the following information with Wired in an interview from 2018; take note.

Fact #1: Cole Sprouse’s Star Sign Does Not Match His Archie Universe Role

Cole was asked, “What is your star sign?” and he was silent for a second. Casey Cott, his co-actor, interrupted him and said, “Leo, your star sign is Leo, right?” The sophisticated actor concurred by nodding. Forsythe Jones is an Aquarius in the show.

Fact #2: Madelaine Petsch is an Actual Ginger

Is Madelaine Petsch genuinely ginger? was one of the show’s most popular search terms in 2018. And in her interview with Wired, she gave a super-cool response to the query, saying, “NATURALLY, BABE. “YOU KNOW IT,”

Fact #3: Lili Reinhart is a Singer

If Lili is “legitimately” singing in the musical episodes, fans wanted to know. It turns out that the gifted actor IS a real singer with a voice that may astound you; none of the singing in the program are voiceovers.

Fact #4: Cassy Cott Does Not Have a Snapchat Account

Like Kevin in the play, he is equally adorable and charming. Fans were interested in finding his Snapchat because of this. He let them down by confessing, “I don’t have a Snapchat account,” though. Perhaps next time, ladies.

Fact #5: Vanessa Morgan is NOT a Vegan

Fans have been curious about Toni Topaz’s actor ever since she made an appearance in the second season. But one of the primary queries was whether or not she was a vegan. I’m not a vegan, but I am a pescatarian, Venessa declares.

Things to Know About the Riverdale Quiz

The ultimate Which Riverdale Character Are You quiz is about to begin. And now for some test-related information you should be aware of.

It is NOT all about the main cast!

In the CW series, Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica are the most significant students. However, there are more characters in our Riverdale personality test. As a result, you might match with others like Toni, Kevin, etc.

The test reveals which Riverdale family you belong to.

In the show, there are six important families: Keller, Blossom, Andrews, Coopers, Lodge, and Jones. Based on your personality, the Which Riverdale Character Are You quiz assigns you to one of these families.

It works for all genders.

Which Riverdale girl character am I, wonder some fans. However, the test on this page assumes that all genders don’t require additional questions.

The results reveal your Riverdale boyfriend/girlfriend, too.

Do you want to know which Riverdale character is your significant other? By the time the quiz is over, we inform you that.

Discovering Your Riverdale Character by Star Sign

Finding your soul mate doesn’t require you to take the Which Riverdale Character Are You quiz. Of course, finding your counterpart in that way is the most precise method. However, this is the quickest approach some Riverdale fans utilize to find their ideal partner.


The images featured on the Which Riverdale Character Are You quiz are owned by The CW, Archie Comics, and Warner Bros. Television Distribution.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Riverdale Character Are You.

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