How Tall Will I Be? Let’s Analyze 20 Factors to Calculate It

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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How tall will I be if you are like that? You need this test as a tool. 20 questions must be answered to determine your future height. Are you expecting to be tall or short?

We Know How Tall You Will Be (Sort of)

It is normal for minors and teens to wonder how tall they will get when fully grown up. But the thing is that there are not many reliable ways to figure that out. Here, we have an online tool that estimates your future height based on affecting factors, such as genes, family background, lifestyle, etc.

One of the most accurate tests available online is ours. However, you should be aware that there is no scientific way to predict a person’s future height. To give you the most accurate prediction we could, we used the most recent data and research. (More below on this.)

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How Does Our Accurate Height Calculator Work?

According to 2017 research, genes determine 86% of your height. The other 24% is affected by environmental factors such as lifestyle, food, and bone structure health. This is how our test answers “how tall will I be?” considering all the said influencing elements.


Analyzing all your genes through an online quiz is impossible. But when finding the answer to how tall you will be, we look for clues. So, you are going to face some questions about the appearance and physical features of your family members. That will help us predict if you have proper genetics to be a tall person or not.


Our How Tall Will I Be quiz investigates your lifestyle as well. This is owing to the 24% likelihood that environmental influences may cause changes in height. For instance, people who sleep less than 6 hours a day during their growth age are more likely to be short—because most of our growth happens while sleeping. So, you should answer some questions about your daily routines, habits, and behaviors to help us estimate your future tallness or shortness.


Hormones are another element that makes any estimation challenging. For instance, high estrogen levels in boys cause slower growth and shorter height. We have questions on our test that can indicate whether you have high levels of hormones related to men or women.

Things to Know Before Asking, “How Tall Will I Be?”

Everyone is curious about the kind of body they will have in their 20s or 30s. But it shouldn’t escalate to concern or undue anxiety. Before taking our quiz, you should be aware of the following.

No One Has a 100% Accurate Prediction

Only 800 height-related genes have been identified as of 2021. Even scientists assert that your height is a monogenic issue, which suggests that all of your genes are likely involved. Therefore, it is impossible to predict your exact height. And the reason for this is that there is no way to examine your genetic makeup and determine how it affects your height.

You Keep Growing Until the Age of 26

Hope is a constant. Despite the fact that the How Tall Will I Be quiz suggests you might be short. The most recent statistics show that humans continue to grow until they are 26 years old. So even though you may believe that puberty is over, you may still grow taller.

It Is Not All About Your Parents Height

Do not just base your estimation of your future height on that of your parents. There are also other elements at play. Humans frequently grow shorter or taller than their parents, or vice versa.

Medical Height Calculator Is Not What You Think

The analysis of your bone age is the only reliable medical approach to determine your height. It involves using an X-ray to examine your bone structure and predict how it will change over the next years. However, because it subjects children to needless X-Ray, it is not a practice that is advised for them.

How to Guess How Tall You Will Be Without a Test

Okay, so not everyone believes in online tests that predict their future height. Also, it makes perfect sense. Here are three additional techniques and formulas you can use to manually estimate your child’s height without a measurement.

Method #1: Horace Gray (1948)

Reduce the father’s height by thirteen inches if the goal is a female (first multiply it by 12, then divide it by 13). If the objective is a man, the mother should be one-twelfth taller (first multiply it by 13, then divide it by 12). Lastly, divide the result by two after adding the output and the height of the other parent. The outcome reveals the height of the objective. Remember, though, that Gray’s approach is off by +/-4 inches. Therefore, the person could grow four inches more or less than you predict.

Method #2: Simplified Gray Technique

If you’re wondering, “How tall am I going to be?” This formula is your best option if you want to finish quickly. The heights of both of your parents combined, divided by two. If you’re a female, the result will be 3 inches smaller. Additionally, add three inches if you’re a male. Your estimated height is shown by the number.

Method #3: Determining Child’s Height by Age

The height of a girl who is 18 months old is multiplied by two to determine how tall she might be. When estimating the age of a boy child, wait until he is two years old and use the same procedures.

Some Fact for Those Wondering, “How Tall Will I Be?”

Here are some interesting statistics about human height that you might find interesting before taking the quiz.

  • The average tallness for men in the US is 5’9”.
  • That is while the average number for women is 5’4”.
  • Dutchmen are the tallest guys on our planet (on average).
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking can make you a shorter person.

You’re all set! Answer the question, “How tall will I be when I grow up,” by taking the quiz now.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Should I Do Today.

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