What Should I Do Today? Free Quiz With +30 Amazing Ideas

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Are you frantically trying to figure out what to do today? This quiz can help you come up with some wonderful and unusual ideas for today. It helps you out.

Take a Quiz to Tell You What to Do Today—Because!

Naturally, we were bored with the quarantine and lock-down situation. As a result, finding new things to do has practically become a daily activity. The most effective tool for that is the What Should I Do Today quiz. Based on your disposition, schedule, interests, and marital status, it produces random interesting suggestions. (More below on this.)

Please take note that if you are experiencing existential feelings, it would be best to take our What Should I Do With My Life quiz instead. Instead of only making plans for today, it teaches you how to prepare for the future.

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What to Do Generator Explained

The exam consists of 20 hilarious yet important questions that will allow us to come up with creative concepts that truly fit your personality. However, it takes more than that to find something to do. As a result, we made an effort to divide the test into four main categories: mood, relationship status, context, and hobbies.


If we had to estimate how you were feeling, we would probably say, “Bored?” You actually looked up “what should I do today” to explain why (or something like that). But hold on—that does not adequately account for everyone’s mood. You provide us with information about how you are feeling right now throughout the first part of the quiz. And that will assist us in coming up with concepts that won’t let you down.

Relationship Status

Despite the pandemic, it matters whether you are single, married, in a quarantine with a stranger, or simply hanging out with your friends. In order for you, your partner, family, or friends to not feel alone, the second part of the test enables us to provide an answer to the question “what should I do today?”

Current Situation

The world is not as predictable as it was two years ago, let’s face it. While some states allow people to congregate nearby, others demand that you receive a vaccination first. Our quiz’s third question asks you on the state of the world where you currently reside. Additionally, it won’t only be about laws and regulations. More is required than that!


Okay, that sounds fairly general. After asking you what you enjoy doing, we instruct you to carry out that behavior. Hey, though, that’s not how our quiz operates. Yes, we are interested in learning about your interests. However, that will only aid in our understanding of your personality. So please, believe in us.

Why You Always be Like, “What Should I Do Today?”

When it comes to abstract ideas, boredom is one of the oldest concepts. Some claim that, despite all the difficulties they faced on a daily basis, even ancient people grappled with it. Therefore, why do we become bored and question, “What should I do today?” Here are a few potential explanations.

Reason #1: You Have Lots of Unplanned Free Time

You might believe that all you require to escape your dull life is leisure time. But in reality, taking too many vacation days is one of the main causes of existential crises in people. It is a fact, and you will probably despise us for bringing it up.

Those without a set schedule quickly grow bored and lament their lack of fun.

Reason #2: You Actually Have NO Free Time

You can also groan at the first reason’s opposite. How should I spend my day? Tasks tend to surround busy people constantly, like, all the time. And when they don’t like their jobs, things only get worse.

Reason #3: It Is the Way Your Brain Works

Let’s apply science. The number of dopamine receptors varies among the people reading this post. So, to put it simply, you need a lot of stimulation to feel a little giddy and fired up. Some of you have it even worse because you lack dopamine, which makes it difficult for you to enjoy little things.

It is something that influences how you feel pleasure, for those who are unfamiliar. No “doppies,” therefore, no fun. If you ask me, “What should I do today?” all the time, Perhaps this occurs because your body is unable to make enough dopamine (even when you have a plan in place). Sad tale.

Reason #4: You Have Been Quarantined. Yeah.

You frequently witness people pondering what to do while in quarantine. or what to do if you’re stranded at home? This is due to the fact that the quarantine situation left us with a ton of free time and a variety of uninteresting options for how to use it.

So, a friendly reminder that it is okay to feel tired, jaded, and irked (if that is a thing). Being locked down was never going to be easy. And we are proud of you for making it this far.

Is It Bad to Get Bored and Ask, What Should I Do Today?

In no way. No matter what they do or how old they are, everyone gets bored. Scientists also claim that the first evidence of people struggling with boredom has been found in the remains of the ancient city of Pompeii. So, occasionally experiencing this is pretty common for our species.

How to Use Boredom as a Tool to Tell You What to Do

When you are disinterested, your brain’s activity decreases by 5%. However, that is merely the very beginning. Certain brain regions, according to studies, perform better in that very same setting. In other words, you can learn to use boredom as a creative outlet and discover the solution to the question, “What should I do today?”

Things that your brain is better at when it’s boring.

Recalling Autobiographical Memories

Use it as a source of inspiration when writing a journey. When bored, people are more receptive to nostalgia. So, are you unsure of what to do today? Create a brief autobiography or jot down a few sentences about your favorite moments. The specifics that you remember at such a difficult time will surprise you.

Conceiving the Thoughts and Feelings of Others

Maybe you should take an interest in the lives of your loved ones today. Yes, you heard it right. When you’re bored, one of the things your brain does is consider what other people are thinking and feeling. So take advantage of the chance to talk in depth with someone you care about. It will help you know them even better.

Conjuring Hypothetical Events

It is true. Your brain functions a little more creatively when you’re bored. This is due to the fact that it makes every effort to survive the boring situation and find something interesting. Therefore, if you’re unsure of what to accomplish today, just start fantasizing. If you feel like you are wasting your time, put your ideas down on paper and create a brief science-fiction story from them.

The Ultimate Prompt List of What Should I Do Today

You can still take our quiz to get awesomely cool daytime activity ideas. Here is a list of 29 things to do alone or with a partner while in quarantine in case you are not yet prepared.

For more personality quizzes check this: What Should I Do Today.

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