Which Twilight Character Are You? Fun 2021 Twilight Quiz

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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The Twilight Series Character You Are Are you Jacob, Edward, Bella, or someone else? In less than 5 minutes, this Twilight quiz determines your personality type.

The Twilight Quiz You Should Take in 2021

Which Twilight character are you? has been a common question among Twihards since 2008. But now, more than ten years later, we know the solution. Our test is based on real profiles of werewolves, vampires, and even Forks High School students. See more below about this.

How Does the Test Work?

The question, “Which Twilight character are you? “, is what this is all about. In order to match your identity with the franchise’s core cast, the quiz focuses on assessing your personality. By the time the test is over, you will have received more information in addition to that.

Editor’s Picks


What about you does your Twilight Saga character reveal? What does being Edward, Jacob, Bella, or someone else mean? You may learn what it means to be a particular person’s counterpart in Forks city thanks to our quiz, which provides an in-depth personality analysis based on your answers.


Would you prefer to be a werewolf, a vampire, or an ordinary human if you lived in the city of Forks? Following the answer to “Which Twilight character am I?” comes this important question.


In the Twilight Saga, you come across three significant Covens or families: Volturi, Quileute, and Olympic. Based on your personality and characteristics, we can determine which group you fit into.

Which Twilight Character Are You?

There are 27 characters in the entire franchise. Finding which one resonates with them can be difficult for some people because of this. The descriptions that follow can help you determine which Twilight personality most closely like your own. So, depending on their general characteristics and habits, you may decide who your soulmate is.

Note: To get precise and complete results, take our Twilight quiz.

#1: Bella Swan

The stories’ main character is she. Charlie Swan, the chief of police of Forks, is the father of Bella. She calls herself a person who would suffer internally and keep it to themselves. In both books and movies, Bella is a clumsy, reserved, and introverted young woman who despises the cold. But as the novel progresses, she progressively develops a stronger sense of self and stubbornness.

When asked which Twilight character they are, the majority of female fans would love to reply, “I am Bella. And that’s because she’s powerful, courageous, and original.

Bella has unique abilities even before she becomes a vampire. Her main talent is Mental Shield, though. She can defend herself and anyone around her from the mental powers of other vampires or shape-shifters. Edward, who has telepathic abilities, can’t therefore read her thinking.

#2: Edward Cullen

I don’t know what conventional means to me. Edward describes himself in this way. He is a powerful vampire with telepathic powers that allow him to read people’s minds without even having to touch them. People describe him as nice yet quite strange. However, Edward is actually a century-plus old overthinking, overly protective man.

One of the top outcomes from the Twilight quiz is Edward. When asked which Twilight character they are, many male Fanpires can relate to him.

His unusual abilities go beyond telepathy. Edward is the Cullen family member who moves the fastest as well. In addition, he is much stronger than his buddies and fellow students.

#3: Jacob Black

Jacob is a charming, cool, and upbeat werewolf who is an Alpha. But as the novel progresses, he develops into a more considerate, careful, and respectful character. He is a humorous man who enjoys making comments about action movies, fixing motorcycles, and occasionally removing his shirt unexpectedly.

Jacob belongs to the Quileute Tribe, a genuine Native American tribe. He, however, cannot tolerate the smell of vampires. And he frequently acts violently toward them.

Sincere to say, not many Twihards enjoy responding, “I am Jacob,” when asked which Twilight character they identify with. That might be as a result of his negative outlook or his unsettling sentiments for a newborn infant!

The Twilight Saga Characters’ Profiles

Using a profile table is one approach to determine which Twilight vampire or werewolf you are. The list of the franchise’s most well-known main characters may be seen below. You can use it to see which cast member most closely resembles you.


None of the pictures featured in the “Which Twilight Character Are You?” quiz belong to QuizExpo. The aforementioned images are all owned by Summit Entertainment. If you own any and would like them to be taken away, kindly contact us.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Twice Member Are You Quiz.

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