100% Fun Fairy Tail Quiz. Which Fairy Tail Character Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which character from Fairy Tail are you? Your character, guild, magic, and crush are revealed via this quiz! who among Team Natsu you are. Erza, Lucy, or another person?

The Ultimate Fairy Tail Quiz to Discover Your Character

Lover otaku frequently enquire of fellow fans, “Which Fairy Tail character are you?” And not everyone is aware of how to react. Our quiz evaluates your personality and pairs it with the well-liked Mages from the anime to identify a match. See more below about this.

Explaining the Test

Characters from Fairy Tail are distinct and distinctive. To compare to your personality, we built a database of the top Madashi and Exceeds. We can learn more about your persona in the Earth Land by responding to the questions on this test. Here are some more items you get in the results.

Editor’s Picks

· Personality

Do you ever consider who you would be in the world of Fear Teiru? If so, proceed to the test straight now. We give you a thorough persona analysis that shows both your good and bad sides.

· Occupation

Which Fairy Tail character are you? is not the only question that our test answers. It provides details on your affiliation, profession, and even race. Would you join the guild as an independent, dark, or legal member? Which class, an S-Class Mage or a Dragon Slayer? All of these questions are the kinds that our test correctly answers.

· Boyfriend/Girlfriend

You already found a Fairy Tail boyfriend or girlfriend quiz, so you don’t need to search for one. By looking into your personality and characteristics, we can determine who your real crush is in the Earth Land universe.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fearī Teiru Characters

Do you find yourself mulling over which Fairy Tail character you are? Read the descriptions that follow if that applies. Your anime soulmate or twin, if you will, is usually the one to whom you can relate the most.

#1: Natsu Dragneel

The show’s main character is him. Dragon Slayer Natsu (Natsu Doraguniru) is renowned for being heedless and careless. Because he is constantly attempting to demonstrate his might to others, he can occasionally be problematic.

In the Fairy Tail personality test, Natsu Dragneel matches those who are straightforward thinkers, ambitious, and strong-willed.

#2: Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy (Rashi Htofiria) is a self-assured young woman who is the most attractive girl in the area. She defeats her foes by using intelligence and thinking powers. She also always shows her guildmates kindness and care.

In the quiz “Which Fairy Tail Character Are You?,” a lot of Otaku want to be Lucy. That is as a result of her endearing and seductive charm.

#3: Happy

The adored Exceed in the anime series is called Happy (or just “Happ”). He is amusing, smart, and dependable. Everyone on Team Natsu is aware of his dark side, though. So they make an effort not to bother him.

The outgoing, sociable, and friendly people are the ones who match Happy.

#4: Erza Scarlet

She is a socially awkward, somewhat rigid S-Class mage. Erza (also known as Eruza Sukretto) is renowned as a fearless, powerful, and trustworthy fighter. She does not enjoy acting out her feelings. But her friends think that deep down, she is a lovely and compassionate person.

If Erza is your match in the Fairy Tail personality test, you are a determined, obedient, and organized person.

#5: Wendy Marvell

She is a bashful girl who is courteous. In the anime series, Wendy (Wendi Mberu) is the cutest character. She is perceptive, amiable, and trustworthy. However, she also experiences insecurities about her appearance, her skills, and virtually everything else.

#6: Gray Fullbuster

He is a relaxed and aggressive individual. However, Gray Fullbuster (Gurei Furubasut) is a formidable opponent. Throughout the show, we observe how he develops into a more careful individual. And he eventually rises to become a key figure on Team Natsu.

#7: Carla

She is the severe, grave, and self-assured Exceed counterpart of Erza. Carla prefers to hold her emotions to herself until she is confident in the other person. Her ability to foresee the future and foretell future occurrences is one of her most recognizable traits.

People that are similar to Carla have keen senses and are skilled planners.

Which Fairy Tail Character Are You?

The following table enables you to determine which anime character most closely resembles you.

Take the Quiz for an Accurate Result

Answering the question “Which Fairy Tail Character Are You?” is the test’s central idea. So, if the information above confused you, take it. We can quickly help you discover your inner mage or dragon slayer.


The images featured in the quiz “Which Fairy Tail Character Are You?” are not the property of QuizExpo. ’ quiz. All of the aforementioned films are owned by Dentsu Entertainment (A-1 Pictures, Dentsu Entertainment, and Satelight).

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Twice Member Are You Quiz.

which fairy tail character are you quiz
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