100% Fun Quiz: Which Evil Dictator Are You?

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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Which horrible tyrant are you, we know! This personality test compares your traits to some of history’s most infamous villains. Are you Mao, Stalin, Hitler, or someone else?

Don’t You Ever Wonder Which Evil Dictator You Possess?

We all possess a dark core that harbors our most villainous ideas and feelings. But does that make us less than moral? And if so, do we resemble other autocrats? The solution is revealed by a quiz we have.

The 20 questions on this page reveal whether you resemble well-known foes in human history. It’s a spin on the query “Am I a bad person?” There is no getting around it; by the time the test is done, at least one dictator’s personality type has unquestionably matched yours.

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Take a Test to Determine

Being in charge of a dictatorship is an uncommon circumstance. But many people are intrigued to learn which awful tyrant they resemble, at least physically. We therefore developed a psychological exam using the most recent research on a tyrant’s mind. The objective is to establish your profile and identify your personality type so that you may contrast it with that of the most infamous world leaders.

How Does It Function?

The four characteristics of a dictator’s mind, according to American neuroscientist Dr. James Fallon, are: (1) Possessing alleles associated with a high risk of aggression and violence. (2) Impairment of the orbital and ventromedial prefrontal cortex. (3) Abuse-related traumatic events. (4) Environmental factors as well.

The quiz assesses the likelihood that each component will exist as well as how it will impact your personality. That reveals which wicked tyrant you actually are in real life.

Functional Brain Loss Analysis is the first.

Psychotic behaviors can develop later in life as a result of physical harm to specific areas of the brain. While an internet questionnaire cannot examine your brain, it can check for traits that may indicate such functional decline. Our test performs that in order to generate an accurate evaluation.

2. Searching for abuse indicators

It’s crucial to consider your experiences when discovering your evil dictator lookalike. Most historical villains have tragic pasts, and physical or emotional abuse is a common feature among them. So, the quiz wants to know how traumatic your life has been so far before exposing your villain counterpart.

Third: Examining Your Environment

Because it’s not an uncommon ailment, antisocial persons make up a sizable portion of any society. However, whether they will become aggressive or not depends on the surrounding circumstances. So it’s important to look back on your history when tyrants are compared to you.

#4. Genetic Alleles with High Vulnerability

Dr. James Fallon states that “certain sorts of genes are high risk of hostility and violence.” Simply put, the more of these alleles you have, the more likely it is that you will develop into a brutal dictator. Using our online test, we may determine which terrible dictator you are by looking for behavioral indicators of such a situation.

How to Identify Your Type of Dictator

Historical villains are also people like us. Therefore, if you want to figure out which of their personalities is most like yours, you should study them. For instance, Saddam Hussein, the former ruler of Iraq, was renowned for being a sadistic, paranoid, merciless, and god-complex individual. However, some people think of him as a cool, focused, and well-organized individual.

You can only find your match by learning more about the actual characteristics and behaviors of tyrants.

He killed between 1.5 and 2 million people, according to Pol Pot.

Adolf Hitler: 40 million people died as a result of his deeds.

Stalin: About 9 million people were slaughtered by him.

other autocrats throughout human history.

Unfortunately, there have been a lot of bad guys in the world thus far—and they still continue to be around. Therefore, it could be difficult to determine which wicked dictator you are on your own. We advise taking the quiz rather than looking for your counterpart because of this. Based on your qualities, our questionnaire produces the most accurate results.

8 Telltale Signs You’re a Tyrant

  • You think highly of yourself.
  • You have a history of lying.
  • You are crafty and good at scheming.
  • You are uncaring.
  • You don’t experience regret or guilt.
  • You are way too careless.
  • You lack emotional depth.
  • You make a lot of snap decisions.

How Likely Are You to Become a Well-Known Villain Someday?

According to data, 1 in 100 people are probably psychopaths or antisocial. Therefore, there is an extremely high likelihood (1% possibility) that one out of every 100 quiz takers will go on to become a despot. The author of Psychology of Dictatorship, Dr. Fathali Moghaddam, counters that “Genetics is not enough for a person to become a dictator.” According to him, the environmental elements, sometimes referred to as the dictatorship’s launchpad, are the most important aspect.

So even if you have the potential, it’s unlikely that you will one day become a well-known villain. This is due to the rarity of the launching pad for dictatorship.

Evil Dictator Personality Test Accuracy

It’s not an easy task to find out which famous villain you are over a personality test. But to get a trustworthy response for our quiz, we employ the most recent data and analysis. And the accuracy is actually quite reliable since it’s in self-report format.


This quiz is intended to provide the answers to inquiries like, “Which horrible tyrant am I? It’s intended to be both an entertaining and educational personality test. Take the results with a grain of salt, please. It’s also important to clarify that none of the people or organizations mentioned are connected to QuizExpo.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Evil Dictator Are You.

which evil dictator are you
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