Quiz: Find Your Word of The Year 100% Accurately

<span class="author-by">by</span> Samantha <span class="author-surname">Stratton</span>

by Samantha Stratton

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You will be asked 20 questions in the word of the year quiz to determine the term that best describes you in 2022. Based on your vision, determine one word that best describes your year.

Explained Word of the Year Quiz

Your word of the year will be revealed by answering a series of questions on the test. It examines your dreams, memories, and experiences to determine the term that most describes your life going forward.

Your word describes the kind of year you may expect and how you’ll approach events. For instance, the term for 2021 was “perseverance,” which alluded to the effort and battle required to combat the pandemic. What phrase or word, in your opinion, best captures your life? To discover out, take the quiz.

Editor’s Picks

Choose a theme for the year 2022.

Finding out the year’s term might have a spiritual connotation for certain people, like receiving a message from their guardian angel or something like. The good news is that you can find the dictionary term that best describes your forthcoming year with the quiz’s assistance. Additionally, it provides a succinct but clear explanation of why we believe a particular word best describes your life.

The Word of the Year is chosen by…

The choice of the word of the year is not made by any one particular group. However, each year Dictionary.com choose a word that is currently popular and captures the essence of the events.

For the events of 2021, the group recommended “Allyship,” stating that “[it] acts as a compelling lens through which to observe the defining events and experiences of [the year].”

Finding Your Own Word (No Quiz Required)

It doesn’t need to be a difficult procedure. Finding a phrase or idiom to help you get through the year should be rather simple. All you need to know is what to think about and where to look. If you’d rather find your own words than take quizzes, here’s a 4-step process.

First, decide on it based on your resolutions and goals.

You want your word to serve as your inspiration and/or compass for the year. Therefore, it’s important to consider your expectations before selecting one. What do you hope will occur? How will you combat the challenges? Do you already feel “BLESSED” or do you need more “STRENGTH”?

#2. Select your word of the year in light of the events of the previous year.

It’s cliche, but you get stronger from what doesn’t kill you. What transpired last year that made you even more resilient, then? Before you decide to take a quiz, these occasions or pivotal moments in your life might also help you choose your word of the year. Did you make it through a year that was incredibly difficult? Then “THRIVE” should be your year’s term. Have you experienced a loss? You might be looking for the word “growth.”

3. Follow the general trend of the universe.

By paying attention to people, you might find your word for the year in yet another method. Every year, specific problems and events give rise to shared worries and visions. You can make use of them to coin your own related phrase and, like all other people, seek advice. An fantastic resource for understanding the state of the world and how one word may sum it up is Google’s Year in Search.

4. Review the history of your browser.

Please bear with me if this seems too nerdy. Your search history contains some insightful information. It might open a window into your goals, aspirations, desires, and ambitions. So, visit your browser history to uncover your word of the year without a quiz. Check to see if there is any connection between the questions and your goals for the coming year.

How to Take the 2022 Word of the Year Quiz

The test covers the most important areas of your life. Identifying the word that best describes your resolutions is the objective of this exercise.

It examines how you see.

You begin the word of the year quiz by responding to questions that are rather philosophical. We’re interested in learning more about your personal beliefs and viewpoints on important issues like money, love, relationships, work, family, etc.

Your speech patterns are examined.

In contrast to the majority of previous word of the year polls, we consider your word options to choose the most appropriate recommendation, one that you would be willing to use in daily talks. You may encounter challenging terminology on certain alternative online assessments that call for a dictionary to understand. But before we unveil your unique word of the year, we evaluate your responses to infer how you speak.

It also takes your recent recollections into account.

Your experiences thus far should influence the coming year because our memories define who we are. To assist refine the results, certain quiz questions focus on your past experiences and the most audacious memories.

Finally, it looks up the appropriate word in our database.

Your answers to the word of the year quiz help us build an accurate profile of you. The program then searches the database of phrases and expressions to identify the one that matches the most frequently.

Additionally, there are Christian Words of the Year.

As you are aware, for some people, the word of the year has a spiritual connotation. For this reason, the quiz offers advice for Christians. It will be simpler for you to seek help because the terms for this section were carefully chosen from the Bible itself.

For more personality quizzes check this: Which Bungou Stray Dogs Character Are You.

your word of the year quiz
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